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Use of Various Other Tools

DataKit has built-in many different gadgets, which are convenient for everyone to use everyday. Command-line help for DataKit can be viewed with the following command:

datakit help

Note: The specific help content will be different due to the differences of different platforms.

Data Recording and Replay


Data import is mainly used to add history data, which can be used for demonstration or testing.

Enable Data Recording

In datakit.conf, you can enable data recording. When enabled, Datakit records data to a specified directory:

    enabled  = true
    path = "/path/to/recorder"         # Absolute path, the default path is <Datakit installation directory >/recorder directory
    encoding = "v2"                    # Use protobuf-JSON format (xxx.pbjson), or v1 (xxx.lp, aka line-protocol) can be selected(The former is easier to read, and the data type support is more complete).
    duration = "10m"                   # Recording duration, starting after Datakit is started
    inputs = ["cpu", "mem"]            # Record data for the specified inputs. All inputs are enabled if the list empty
    categories = ["logging", "metric"] # Recording categories. All categories are enabled if the list empty

After restart Datakit, the recording directory structure seems like(here list the metric pbjson examples):

[ 416] /usr/local/datakit/recorder/
├── [  64]  custom_object
├── [  64]  dynamic_dw
├── [  64]  keyevent
├── [  64]  logging
├── [  64]  network
├── [  64]  object
├── [  64]  profiling
├── [  64]  rum
├── [  64]  security
├── [  64]  tracing
└── [1.9K] metric
    ├── [1.2 K] cpu.1698217783322857000.pbjson
    ├── [1.2 K] cpu.1698217793321744000.pbjson
    ├── [1.2 K] cpu.1698217803322683000.pbjson
    ├── [1.2 K] cpu.1698217813322834000.pbjson
    └── [1.2 K] cpu.1698218363360258000.pbjson

12 directories, 59 files
  • After record your data, remember to disable the record config(enable = false), or every restart of Datakit will recording, and may cause unexpected disk usage
  • Input's name are not the name in input's TOML conf([[inputs.some-name]]), it's the name from monitor's Inputs Info panel, the 1st column. And some input's name may like this logging/some-pod-name, we will set it's recording data to /usr/local/datakit/recorder/logging/logging-some-pod-name.1705636073033197000.pbjson, here we replaced the / with -

Data Replay


After Datakit has recorded the data, we can save the data in the directory in Git or some other way (Do not to change the directory naming and structure under recorder/), and then import the data into Guance Cloud with the following command:

$ datakit import -P /usr/local/datakit/recorder -D

> Uploading "/usr/local/datakit/recorder/metric/cpu.1698217783322857000.pbjson"(1 points) on metric...
+1h53m6.137855s ~ 2023-10-25 15:09:43.321559 +0800 CST
> Uploading "/usr/local/datakit/recorder/metric/cpu.1698217793321744000.pbjson"(1 points) on metric...
+1h52m56.137881s ~ 2023-10-25 15:09:53.321533 +0800 CST
> Uploading "/usr/local/datakit/recorder/metric/cpu.1698217803322683000.pbjson"(1 points) on metric...
+1h52m46.137991s ~ 2023-10-25 15:10:03.321423 +0800 CST
Total upload 75 kB bytes ok

Although the recorded data comes with an absolute timestamp (nanosecond), when replay, Datakit automatically offset history data's timestamp to the current time (and preserving the relative time interval between data points) to make it appear as if it were newly collected.

You can run the following command to obtain more help about the import command:

$ datakit help import

usage: datakit import [options]

Import used to play recorded history data to Guance Cloud. Available options:

-D, --dataway strings   dataway list
--log string        log path (default "/dev/null")
-P, --path string       point data path (default "/usr/local/datakit/recorder")

For RUM, if the APP ID not exist in destination workspace, the replay will fail. We have to create a new RUM Application, set it's APP ID the same as recorded data, or replace APP ID in recorded data to the new APP ID in destination workspace.

DataKit Automatic Command Completion

DataKit 1.2. 12 supported this completion, and only two Linux distributions, Ubuntu and CentOS, were tested. Other Windows and Mac are not supported.

In the process of using DataKit command line, because there are many command line parameters, we added command prompt and completion functions here.

Mainstream Linux basically has command completion support. Take Ubuntu and CentOS as examples. If you want to use command completion function, you can install the following additional software packages:

  • Ubuntu:apt install bash-completion
  • CentOS: yum install bash-completion bash-completion-extras

If the software is already installed before the DataKit is installed, the DataKit is automatically installed with command completion. If these packages are updated after the DataKit installation, do the following to install the DataKit Command Completion feature:

datakit tool --setup-completer-script

Examples of completion use:

$ datakit <tab> # Enter \tab to prompt the following command
dql       help      install   monitor   pipeline  run       service   tool

$ datakit dql <tab> # Enter \tab to prompt the following options
--auto-json   --csv         -F,--force    --host        -J,--json     --log         -R,--run      -T,--token    -V,--verbose

All the commands mentioned below can be operated in this way.

Get Auto-completion Script

If your Linux system is not Ubuntu and CentOS, you can get the completion script through the following command, and then add it one by one according to the shell completion method of the corresponding platform.

# Export the completion script to the local file
datakit tool --completer-script >

View DataKit Running

Current monitor viewing has been deprecated (still available and will be deprecated soon), new monitor functionality see here.

You can view the running status of DataKit on the terminal, and its effect is similar to that of the monitor page on the browser side:

DataKit's new monitor usage see here.

Check Whether the Collector is Configured Correctly

After editing the collector's configuration file, there may be some configuration errors (such as the configuration file format error), which can be checked by the following command:

datakit check --config
checked 13 conf, all passing, cost 22.27455ms

View Workspace Information

To facilitate you to view workspace information on the server side, DataKit provides the following commands:

datakit tool --workspace-info
  "token": {
    "ws_uuid": "wksp_2dc431d6693711eb8ff97aeee04b54af",
    "bill_state": "normal",
    "ver_type": "pay",
    "token": "tkn_2dc438b6693711eb8ff97aeee04b54af",
    "db_uuid": "ifdb_c0fss9qc8kg4gj9bjjag",
    "status": 0,
    "creator": "",
    "expire_at": -1,
    "create_at": 0,
    "update_at": 0,
    "delete_at": 0
  "data_usage": {
    "data_metric": 96966,
    "data_logging": 3253,
    "data_tracing": 2868,
    "data_rum": 0,
    "is_over_usage": false

Debug KV file

When configuring the collector's configuration file using a KV (key-value) template, if debugging is required, you can use the following command for debugging:

datakit tool --parse-kv-file conf.d/host/cpu.conf --kv-file data/.kv

  ## Collect interval, default is 10 seconds. (optional)
  interval = '10s'

  ## Collect CPU usage per core, default is false. (optional)
  percpu = false

  ## Setting disable_temperature_collect to false will collect cpu temperature stats for linux. (deprecated)
  # disable_temperature_collect = false

  ## Enable to collect core temperature data.
  enable_temperature = true

  ## Enable gets average load information every five seconds.
  enable_load5s = true

  kv = "cpu_kv_value3"

View DataKit Related Events

During the running of DataKit, some key events will be reported in the form of logs, such as the startup of DataKit and the running errors of collector. You can query through dql at the command line terminal.

datakit dql

dql > L::datakit limit 10;

-----------------[ r1.datakit.s1 ]-----------------
    __docid 'L_c6vvetpaahl15ivd7vng'
   category 'input'
create_time 1639970679664
    date_ns 835000
       host 'demo'
    message 'elasticsearch Get "http://myweb:9200/_nodes/_local/name": dial tcp connect: connection refused'
     source 'datakit'
     status 'warning'
       time 2021-12-20 11:24:34 +0800 CST
-----------------[ r2.datakit.s1 ]-----------------
    __docid 'L_c6vvetpaahl15ivd7vn0'
   category 'input'
create_time 1639970679664
    date_ns 67000
       host 'demo'
    message 'postgresql pq: password authentication failed for user "postgres"'
     source 'datakit'
     status 'warning'
       time 2021-12-20 11:24:32 +0800 CST
-----------------[ r3.datakit.s1 ]-----------------
    __docid 'L_c6tish1aahlf03dqas00'
   category 'default'
create_time 1639657028706
    date_ns 246000
       host 'zhengs-MacBook-Pro.local'
    message 'datakit start ok, ready for collecting metrics.'
     source 'datakit'
     status 'info'
       time 2021-12-20 11:16:58 +0800 CST       


Partial field description - category: default to default, or an alternative value of input, indicating that it is associated with a collector (input) - status: Event level, and the desirable values are info, warning and error

DataKit Update IP Database File

  • You can install/update the IP Geographic Repository directly using the following command (here you can select another IP Address Repository geolite2 by simply replacing iploc with geolite2):
datakit install --ipdb iploc
  • Modify the datakit.conf configuration after updating the IP geo-repository:
  ipdb_type = "iploc"
  • Restart DataKit to take effect

  • Test the IP library for effectiveness

$ datakit tool --ipinfo
      city: Brisbane
  province: Queensland
   country: AU
       isp: unknown

If the installation fails, the output is as follows:

$ datakit tool --ipinfo
       isp: unknown
  • Modify datakit.yaml and open the following highlighted content commented out:
    # ---iploc-start  
    #- name: ENV_IPDB
    #  value: iploc        
    # ---iploc-end      
  • Restart DataKit:
$ kubectl apply -f datakit.yaml

# Make sure the DataKit container starts
$ kubectl get pod -n datakit
  • Enter the container and test whether the IP library is effective
$ datakit tool --ipinfo
      city: Brisbane
  province: Queensland
   country: AU
       isp: unknown

If the installation fails, the output is as follows:

$ datakit tool --ipinfo
       isp: unknown
  • helm deploy add --set iploc.enable
$ helm install datakit datakit/datakit -n datakit \
--set datakit.dataway_url="<YOUR-TOKEN>" \
--set iploc.enable true \

For helm deployment, see here.

  • Enter the container and test whether the IP library is effective
$ datakit tool --ipinfo
      city: Brisbane
  province: Queensland
   country: AU
       isp: unknown

If the installation fails, the output is as follows:

$ datakit tool --ipinfo
       isp: unknown

DataKit Installing Third-party Software

Telegraf Integration

Note: It is recommended that you make sure that DataKit satisfies the desired data collection before using Telegraf. If DataKit is already supported, Telegraf is not recommended for collection, which may lead to data conflicts and cause problems in use.

Installing Telegraf integration

datakit install --telegraf

Start Telegraf

cd /etc/telegraf
cp telegraf.conf.sample telegraf.conf
telegraf --config telegraf.conf

See here for the use of Telegraf.

Security Checker Integration

Installing Security Checker

datakit install --scheck

It will run automatically after successful installation, and Security Checker is used in here.

DataKit eBPF Integration

The DataKit eBPF collector currently only supports linux/amd64 | linux/arm64 platform. See DataKit eBPF collector for instructions on how to use the collector.

datakit install --ebpf

If you are prompted open /usr/local/datakit/externals/datakit-ebpf: text file busy, stop the DataKit service before executing the command.


The install command has been remove in Version-1.5.6.

View Cloud Property Data

If the DataKit is installed on a cloud server (currently supports aliyun/tencent/aws/hwcloud/azure), you can view some of the cloud attribute data with the following commands, such as (marked - to indicate that the field is invalid):

datakit tool --show-cloud-info aws

           cloud_provider: aws
              description: -
     instance_charge_type: -
              instance_id: i-09b37dc1xxxxxxxxx
            instance_name: -
    instance_network_type: -
          instance_status: -
            instance_type: t2.nano
                   region: cn-northwest-1
        security_group_id: launch-wizard-1
                  zone_id: cnnw1-az2

Parse Line Protocols


You can run the following command to parse the line protocol data:

datakit tool --parse-lp /path/to/file
Parse 201 points OK, with 2 measurements and 201 time series

It can be output in JSON:

datakit tool --parse-lp /path/to/file --json
  "measurements": {  # Measurement list
    "testing": {
      "points": 7,
      "time_series": 6
    "testing_module": {
      "points": 195,
      "time_series": 195
  "point": 202,      # Total points
  "time_serial": 201 # Total time series

DataKit Debugging Commands

Debugging Blacklist(Filter){#debug-filter}


To check if data is filtered by Blacklist(Filter), we can test by using following DataKit commands:

$ datakit debug --filter=/usr/local/datakit/data/.pull --data=/path/to/


    ddtrace,http_url=/webproxy/api/online_status,service=web_front f1=1i 1691755988000000000

By 7th rule(cost 1.017708ms) from category "tracing":

    { service = 'web_front' and ( http_url in [ '/webproxy/api/online_status' ] )}
PS > datakit.exe debug --filter 'C:\Program Files\datakit\data\.pull' --data '\path\to\'


    ddtrace,http_url=/webproxy/api/online_status,service=web_front f1=1i 1691755988000000000

By 7th rule(cost 1.017708ms) from category "tracing":

    { service = 'web_front' and ( http_url in [ '/webproxy/api/online_status' ] )}

The output said that, data in file has been matched by the 7th(start from 1) rule from category tracing, the matched data is dropped and will not upload.

Using Glob Rules to Retrieve File Paths


In logging collection, glob rules can be used to configure log paths.

By using the DataKit debugging glob rule, a configuration file must be provided where each line of the file is a glob statement.

Config Example:

$ cat glob-config

Command Example:

$ datakit debug --glob-conf glob-config
============= glob paths ============

========== found the files ==========

Matching Text with Regular Expressions


In log collection, regular expressions can be used to configure multiline log collection.

By using the DataKit debugging regular expression rule, a configuration file must be provided where the first line of the file is the regular expression statement and the remaining contents are the matched text.

Config Example:

$ cat regex-config
2020-10-23 06:41:56,688 INFO 1.0
2020-10-23 06:54:20,164 ERROR /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/flask/ Exception on /0 [GET]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/flask/", line 2447, in wsgi_app
    response = self.full_dispatch_request()
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
2020-10-23 06:41:56,688 INFO 5.0

Command Example:

$ datakit debug --regex-conf regex-config
============= regex rule ============

========== matching results ==========
  Ok:  2020-10-23 06:41:56,688 INFO 1.0
  Ok:  2020-10-23 06:54:20,164 ERROR /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/flask/ Exception on /0 [GET]
Fail:  Traceback (most recent call last):
Fail:    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/flask/", line 2447, in wsgi_app
Fail:      response = self.full_dispatch_request()
Fail:  ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
  Ok:  2020-10-23 06:41:56,688 INFO 5.0


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