

eBPF 采集器,采集主机网络 TCP、UDP 连接信息,Bash 执行日志等。采集器包含以下几个插件:

  • ebpf-net:

    • 数据类别: Network
    • netflow/httpflow/dnsflow 构成,分别用于采集主机 TCP/UDP 连接统计信息,HTTP 请求信息和主机 DNS 解析信息;
  • ebpf-bash:

    • 数据类别: Logging
    • 采集 Bash 的执行日志,包含 Bash 进程号、用户名、执行的命令和时间等;
  • ebpf-conntrack: Version-1.8.0

    • 往网络流数据上添加两个标签 dst_nat_ipdst_nat_port,记录经 DNAT 后的目标 ip 和 port;当内核加载 nf_conntrack 时可选择开启该插件;
  • ebpf-trace: Version-1.17.0 · Experimental

    • 数据类别: Tracing
    • 用于跟踪应用网络请求调用关系,基于 ebpf-nethttpflow 数据和 eBPF 探针实现;
  • bpf-netlog:

    • 数据类别: Logging, Network
    • 该插件实现网络日志 bpf_net_l4_log/bpf_net_l7_log 采集,也可以在内核不支持 eBPF 的情况下替代 ebpf-netnetflow/httpflow 数据采集;



在 Kubernetes 环境下部署时,需要将以下目录挂在到容器中:

  • /sys/kernel/debug
  • 将主机的 / 目录挂载为容器的 /rootfs 目录,并设置环境变量 HOST_ROOT="/rootfs"HOST_PROC="/rootfs/proc"

可参考 datakit.yaml

如果为低于 v1.5.6 版本的 Datakit ,则需手动安装 datakit-ebpf 外部采集器。

Linux 内核版本要求

目前 Linux 3.10 内核的项目生命周期已经结束,建议您升级至 Linux 4.9 及以上 LTS 版内核。

除 CentOS 7.6+ 和 Ubuntu 16.04 以外,其他发行版本推荐 Linux 内核版本高于 4.9,否则可能无法启动 eBPF 采集器。

若 Linux 内核版本低于 4.4 时可能无法开启 ebpf-trace 插件。

如果要启用 ebpf-conntrack ,请确认内核中的符号是否包含 nf_ct_delete__nf_conntrack_hash_insert,可执行以下命令查看:

cat /proc/kallsyms | awk '{print $3}' | grep "^nf_ct_delete$\|^__nf_conntrack_hash_insert$"

或内核是否加载 nf_conntrack 模块:

lsmod | grep nf_conntrack

已启用 SELinux 的系统

对于启用了 SELinux 的系统,无法开启 eBPF 采集器,需要关闭其,执行以下命令进行关闭:

setenforce 0


进入 DataKit 安装目录下的 conf.d/host 目录,复制 ebpf.conf.sample 并命名为 ebpf.conf。示例如下:

  daemon = true
  name = 'ebpf'
  cmd = "/usr/local/datakit/externals/datakit-ebpf"
  args = [
    "--datakit-apiserver", "",
  envs = []

  ## Resource limits.
  ## The collector automatically exits when the limit is exceeded.
  ## Can configure the number of cpu cores, memory size and network bandwidth.
  # cpu_limit = "2.0"
  # mem_limit = "4GiB"
  # net_limit = "100MiB/s"

  ## automatically takes effect when running DataKit in 
  ## Kubernetes daemonset mode
  # kubernetes_url = "https://kubernetes.default:443"
  # bearer_token = "/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token"
  ## or 
  # bearer_token_string = "<your-token-string>"

  ## all supported plugins:
  ## - "ebpf-net"  :
  ##     contains L4-network(netflow), L7-network(httpflow, dnsflow) collection
  ## - "ebpf-bash" :
  ##     log bash
  ## - "ebpf-conntrack":
  ##     add two tags "dst_nat_ip" and "dst_nat_port" to the network flow data
  ## - "ebpf-trace":
  ##     param trace_server must be set simultaneously.
  ## - "bpf-netlog":
  ##     contains L4-network log (bpf_net_l4_log), L7-network log (bpf_net_l7_log), 
  ##              L4-network(netflow), L7-network(httpflow, dnsflow) collection
  enabled_plugins = [

  ## If you enable the ebpf-net plugin, you can configure:
  ##  - "httpflow" (* enabled by default)
  ##  - "httpflow-tls"
  l7net_enabled = [
    # "httpflow-tls"

  ## datakit-ebpf pprof service
  pprof_host = ""
  pprof_port = "6061"

  ## netlog blacklist
  # netlog_blacklist = "ip_saddr=='' || ip_daddr==''"

  ## bpf-netlog plugin collection metric and log
  netlog_metric = true
  netlog_log = false

  ## eBPF trace generation server center address.
  trace_server = ""

  ## trace all processes directly
  trace_all_process = false

  ## trace all processes containing any specified environment variable
  trace_env_list = [

  ## deny tracking any process containing any specified environment variable
  trace_env_blacklist = []

  ## trace all processes containing any specified process names,
  ## can be used with trace_namedenyset
  trace_name_list = []

  ## deny tracking any process containing any specified process names
  trace_name_blacklist = [

    ## The following two processes are hard-coded to never be traced,
    ## and do not need to be set:
    # "datakit",
    # "datakit-ebpf",

  ## conv other trace id to datadog trace id (base 10, 64-bit) 
  conv_to_ddtrace = false

  ## If the system does not enable ipv6, it needs to be changed to true
  ipv6_disabled = false

  ## ephemeral port strart from <ephemeral_port>
  # ephemeral_port = 10001

  # interval = "60s"

    # some_tag = "some_value"
    # more_tag = "some_other_value"

## Parameter description (if marked * is required)
##  --hostname               : Host name, this parameter can change the value of the host tag when the collector uploads data, the priority is: specify this parameter >
##                             ENV_HOSTNAME value in datakit.conf (if it is not empty, this parameter will be added automatically at startup) >
##                             collector Get it yourself (the default).
##  --datakit-apiserver      : DataKit API Server address, default value .
##  --log                    : Log output path, default <DataKitInstallDir>/externals/datakit-ebpf.log.
##  --log-level              : Log level, the default value is 'info'.
##  --service                : The default value is 'ebpf'.

配置好后,重启 DataKit 即可。

Kubernetes 中可以通过 ConfigMap 或者直接默认启用 eBPF 采集器两种方式来开启采集:

  1. ConfigMap 方式参照通用的安装示例
  2. datakit.yaml 中的环境变量 ENV_ENABLE_INPUTS 中追加 ebpf,此时使用默认配置,即仅开启 ebpf-net 网络数据采集
       value: cpu,disk,diskio,mem,swap,system,hostobject,net,host_processes,container,ebpf


通过以下环境变量可以调整 Kubernetes 中 eBPF 采集配置:


  • enabled_plugins:

    • 描述:用于配置开启采集器的内置插件
    • 示例:ebpf-net,ebpf-trace
  • l7net_enabled

    • 描述:开启 http 协议数据采集
    • 示例:httpflow
  • ipv6_disabled

    • 描述:系统是否不支持 IPv6
    • 示例:false
  • ephemeral_port

    • 描述:临时端口开始位置
    • 示例:32768
  • pprof_host

    • 描述:pprof host
    • 示例:
  • pprof_port

    • 描述:pprof port
    • 示例:6061
  • trace_server

    • 描述:开启 ebpftrace 采集器的 DataKit ELinker/ Datakit 的地址
    • 示例:<ip>:<port>
  • trace_all_process

    • 描述:对系统内的所有进程进行跟踪
    • 示例:false
  • trace_name_blacklist

    • 描述:指定进程名的进程将被禁止采集链路数据
    • 示例:
  • trace_env_blacklist

    • 描述:包含任意一个指定环境变量名的进程将被禁止采集链路数据
  • trace_env_list

    • 描述:含有任意指定环境变量的进程的链路数据将被跟踪和上报
  • trace_name_list

    • 描述:进程名在指定集合内的的进程将被跟踪和上报
    • 示例:chrome,firefox
  • conv_to_ddtrace

    • 描述:将所有的应用侧链路 id 转换为 10 进制表示的字符串,兼容用途,非必要不使用
    • 示例:false
  • netlog_blacklist

    • 描述:用于实现在抓包之后的数据包的过滤
    • 示例:ip_saddr=='' \|\| ip_daddr==''
  • netlog_metric

    • 描述:从网络数据包分析采集网络指标
    • 示例:true
  • netlog_log

    • 描述:从网络数据包分析采集网络日志
    • 示例:false
  • cpu_limit

    • 描述:单位时间内 CPU 最大核心数使用限制,到达上限,采集器退出
    • 示例:"2.0"`
  • mem_limit

    • 描述:内存大小使用限制
    • 示例:"4GiB"
  • net_limit

    • 描述:网络带宽(任意网卡)限制
    • 示例:"100MiB/s"

eBPF 链路功能

ebpf-trace 采集分析主机上的进程读写的网络数据,并对进程的内核级线程/用户级线程(如 golang goroutine)进行跟踪,生成链路 eBPF Span 该数据需要被 ebpftrace 采集进行进一步的加工处理。

使用时,需要在多个节点部署了该开启链路数据采集的 eBPF 采集器,则需要将所有 eBPF Span 数据发往同一个开启了 ebpftrace 采集器插件的 DataKit ELinker/DataKit。更多配置细节见 eBPF 链路文档

bpf-netlog 插件的黑名单功能



以下规则过滤 ip 为 且端口为 80 的网络数据。(运算符后允许换行)

(ip_saddr == "" || ip_saddr == "") &&
     (src_port == 80 || dst_port == 80)


规则间使用 ;\n 分隔,满足任意一条规则就进行数据过滤

ip_saddr == "" && (src_port == 80 || dst_port == 80);
ip_saddr == "" && (src_port == 80 || dst_port == 80)

ipnet_contains("", ip_saddr); ipv6



key 名 类型 描述
tcp bool 是否为 TCP 协议
udp bool 是否为 UDP 协议
ipv4 bool 是否为 IPv4 协议
ipv6 bool 是否为 IPv6 协议
src_port int 源端口(以被观测网卡/主机/容器为参考系)
dst_port int 目标端口
ip_saddr str IPv4 网络地址
ip_saddr str 目标 IPv4 网络地址
ip6_saddr str IPv6 网络地址
ip6_daddr str 目标 IPv6 网络地址
k8s_src_pod str pod
k8s_dst_pod str 目标 pod



优先级 Op 名称 结合方向
1 () 圆括号
2 逻辑非,一元运算符
3 != 不等于
3 >= 大于等于
3 > 大于
3 == 等于
3 <= 小于等于
3 < 小于
4 && 逻辑与
4 \|\| 逻辑或


  1. ipnet_contains

    函数签名: fn ipnet_contains(ipnet: str, ipaddr: str) bool

    描述: 判断地址是否在指定的网段内


    ipnet_contains("", ip_saddr)

    如果 ip_saddr 值为 "",则该规则返回 true,该 TCP 连接数据包/ UDP 数据包将被过滤。

  2. has_prefix

    函数签名: fn has_prefix(s: str, prefix: str) bool

    描述: 指定字段是否包含某一前缀


    has_prefix(k8s_src_pod, "datakit-") || has_prefix(k8s_dst_pod, "datakit-")

    如果 pod 名为 datakit-kfez321,该规则返回 true


以下所有数据采集,默认会追加名为 host 的全局 tag(tag 值为 DataKit 所在主机名),也可以在配置中通过 [inputs.ebpf.tags] 指定其它标签:

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...


  • 标签列表
Tag Description
direction Use the source (src_ip:src_port) as a frame of reference to identify the connection initiator. (incoming/outgoing)
dst_domain Destination domain
dst_ip Destination IP address
dst_ip_type Destination IP type. (other/private/multicast)
dst_k8s_deployment_name Destination K8s deployment name
dst_k8s_namespace Destination K8s namespace
dst_k8s_pod_name Destination K8s pod name
dst_k8s_service_name Destination K8s service name
dst_nat_ip For data containing the outging tag, this value is the ip after the DNAT operation
dst_nat_port For data containing the outging tag, this value is the port after the DNAT operation
dst_port Destination port
family Network layer protocol. (IPv4/IPv6)
host System hostname
pid Process identification number
process_name Process name
source Fixed value: netflow.
src_ip Source IP
src_ip_type Source IP type. (other/private/multicast)
src_k8s_deployment_name Source K8s deployment name
src_k8s_namespace Source K8s namespace
src_k8s_pod_name Source K8s pod name
src_k8s_service_name Source K8s service name
src_port Source port
sub_source Some specific connection classifications, such as the sub_source value for Kubernetes network traffic is K8s
transport Transport layer protocol. (udp/tcp)
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
bytes_read The number of bytes read int B
bytes_written The number of bytes written int B
retransmits The number of retransmissions int count
rtt TCP Latency int μs
rtt_var TCP Jitter int μs
tcp_closed The number of TCP connection closed int count
tcp_established The number of TCP connection established int count


  • 标签列表
Tag Description
direction Use the source (src_ip:src_port) as a frame of reference to identify the connection initiator. (incoming/outgoing)
dst_domain Destination domain
dst_ip Destination IP address
dst_ip_type Destination IP type. (other/private/multicast)
dst_k8s_deployment_name Destination K8s deployment name
dst_k8s_namespace Destination K8s namespace
dst_k8s_pod_name Destination K8s pod name
dst_k8s_service_name Destination K8s service name
dst_port Destination port
family Network layer protocol. (IPv4/IPv6)
host System hostname
source Fixed value: dnsflow.
src_ip Source IP
src_ip_type Source IP type. (other/private/multicast)
src_k8s_deployment_name Source K8s deployment name
src_k8s_namespace Source K8s namespace
src_k8s_pod_name Source K8s pod name
src_k8s_service_name Source K8s service name
src_port Source port
sub_source Some specific connection classifications, such as the sub_source value for Kubernetes network traffic is K8s
transport Transport layer protocol. (udp/tcp)
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
count The number of DNS requests in a collection cycle int -
latency Average response time for DNS requests int ns
latency_max Maximum response time for DNS requests int ns
rcode DNS response code: 0 - NoError, 1 - FormErr, 2 - ServFail, 3 - NXDomain, 4 - NotImp, 5 - Refused, ...; A value of -1 means the request timed out int -


  • 标签列表
Tag Description
direction Use the source (src_ip:src_port) as a frame of reference to identify the connection initiator. (incoming/outgoing)
dst_domain Destination domain
dst_ip Destination IP address
dst_ip_type Destination IP type. (other/private/multicast)
dst_k8s_deployment_name Destination K8s deployment name
dst_k8s_namespace Destination K8s namespace
dst_k8s_pod_name Destination K8s pod name
dst_k8s_service_name Destination K8s service name
dst_nat_ip For data containing the outging tag, this value is the ip after the DNAT operation
dst_nat_port For data containing the outging tag, this value is the port after the DNAT operation
dst_port Destination port
family Network layer protocol. (IPv4/IPv6)
host System hostname
pid Process identification number
process_name Process name
source Fixed value: httpflow.
src_ip Source IP
src_ip_type Source IP type. (other/private/multicast)
src_k8s_deployment_name Source K8s deployment name
src_k8s_namespace Source K8s namespace
src_k8s_pod_name Source K8s pod name
src_k8s_service_name Source K8s service name
src_port Source port
sub_source Some specific connection classifications, such as the sub_source value for Kubernetes network traffic is K8s
transport Transport layer protocol. (udp/tcp)
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
bytes_read The number of bytes read int B
bytes_written The number of bytes written int B
count The total number of HTTP requests in a collection cycle int -
http_version 1.1 / 1.0 ... string -
latency TTFB int ns
method GET/POST/... string -
path Request path string -
status_code Http status codes int -
truncated The length of the request path has reached the upper limit of the number of bytes collected, and the request path may be truncated bool -



  • 标签列表
Tag Description
host host name
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
cmd Command string -
message The bash execution record generated by the collector string -
pid Process identification number string -
user The user who executes the bash command string -


  • 标签列表
Tag Description
direction Use the source (src_ip:src_port) as a frame of reference to identify the connection initiator. (incoming/outgoing)
dst_ip The IP address of the foreign network interface
dst_k8s_deployment_name Destination K8s deployment name
dst_k8s_namespace Destination K8s namespace
dst_k8s_pod_name Destination K8s pod name
dst_k8s_service_name Destination K8s service name
dst_port Foreign port
host Host name
host_network Whether the network log data is collected on the host network
inner_traceid Correlate the layer 4 and layer 7 network log data of a TCP connection on the collected network interface
k8s_container_name Kubernetes container name
k8s_namespace Kubernetes namespace
k8s_pod_name Kubernetes pod name
l4_proto Transport protocol
l7_proto Application protocol
netns Network namespace, format: NS(<device id>:<inode number>)
nic_mac MAC address of the collected network interface
nic_name name of the collected network interface
src_ip The IP address of the collected local network interface
src_k8s_deployment_name Source K8s deployment name
src_k8s_namespace Source K8s namespace
src_k8s_pod_name Source K8s pod name
src_k8s_service_name Source K8s service name
src_port Local port
sub_source Some specific connection classifications, such as the sub_source value for Kubernetes network traffic is K8s
virtual_nic Whether the network log data is collected on the virtual network interface
vni_id Virtual Network Identifier
vxlan_packet Whether it is a VXLAN packet
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
chunk_id A connection may be divided into several chunks for upload based on time interval or TCP segment number int -
rx_bytes The number of bytes received by the network interface int B
rx_packets The number of packets received by the network interface int -
rx_retrans The number of retransmitted packets received by the network interface int -
rx_seq_max The maximum value of the TCP sequence number of the data packet received by the network interface, which is a 32-bit unsigned integer int -
rx_seq_min The minimum value of the TCP sequence number of the data packet received by the network interface, which is a 32-bit unsigned integer int -
tcp_syn_retrans The number of retransmitted SYN packets sent by the network interface int -
tx_bytes The number of bytes sent by the network interface int B
tx_packets The number of packets sent by the network interface int -
tx_retrans The number of retransmitted packets sent by the network interface int -
tx_seq_max The maximum value of the TCP sequence number of the data packet sent by the network interface, which is a 32-bit unsigned integer int -
tx_seq_min The minimum value of the TCP sequence number of the data packet sent by the network interface, which is a 32-bit unsigned integer int -


  • 标签列表
Tag Description
direction Use the source (src_ip:src_port) as a frame of reference to identify the connection initiator. (incoming/outgoing)
dst_ip The IP address of the foreign network interface
dst_k8s_deployment_name Destination K8s deployment name
dst_k8s_namespace Destination K8s namespace
dst_k8s_pod_name Destination K8s pod name
dst_k8s_service_name Destination K8s service name
dst_port Foreign port
host Host name
host_network Whether the network log data is collected on the host network
inner_traceid Correlate the layer 4 and layer 7 network log data of a TCP connection on the collected network interface
k8s_container_name Kubernetes container name
k8s_namespace Kubernetes namespace
k8s_pod_name Kubernetes pod name
l4_proto Transport protocol
l7_proto Application protocol
l7_traceid Correlate the layer 7 network log data of a TCP connection on the all collected network interface
netns Network namespace, format: NS(<device id>:<inode number>)
nic_mac MAC address of the collected network interface
nic_name name of the collected network interface
parent_id The span id of the APM span corresponding to this network request
src_ip The IP address of the collected local network interface
src_k8s_deployment_name Source K8s deployment name
src_k8s_namespace Source K8s namespace
src_k8s_pod_name Source K8s pod name
src_k8s_service_name Source K8s service name
src_port Local port
sub_source Some specific connection classifications, such as the sub_source value for Kubernetes network traffic is K8s
trace_id APM trace id
virtual_nic Whether the network log data is collected on the virtual network interface
vni_id Virtual Network Identifier
vxlan_packet Whether it is a VXLAN packet
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
http_method HTTP method string -
http_path HTTP path string -
http_status_code HTTP status code int -
rx_seq The tcp sequence number of the request/response first byte received by the network interface int -
tx_seq The tcp sequence number of the request/response first byte sent by the network interface int -



  • 标签列表
Tag Description
dst_ip Destination IP address
dst_port Destination port
host System hostname
service Service name
src_ip Source IP
src_port Source port
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
app_parent_id Parent span id carried by the application in the request string -
app_trace_id Trace id carried by the application in the request string -
bytes_read Bytes read int B
bytes_written Bytes written int B
duration Duration int μs
ebpf_parent_id eBPF parent span id, generated by the ebpftrace collector string -
ebpf_trace_id eBPF trace id, generated by the ebpftrace collector string -
err_msg Redis error message string -
grpc_status_code gRPC status code string -
http_method HTTP method string -
http_route HTTP route string -
http_status_code HTTP status code string -
mysql_err_msg MySQL error message string -
mysql_status_code MySQL request status code int -
operation Operation string -
parent_id APM parent span id, set by the ebpftrace collector string -
pid Process identification number string -
process_name Process name string -
resource_type Redis resource type string -
source_type Source type, value is ebpf string -
span_id APM span id, generated by the ebpftrace collector string -
span_type Span type string -
start Start time int usec
status Status string -
status_msg Redis status message string -
thread_name Thread name string -
trace_id APM trace id, can choose between existing app trace id and ebpf generation,set by the ebpftrace collector string -


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