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Special Character Escape Query


In the Explorer, certain characters have special meanings. For example, space is used to separate multiple words. Therefore, if the search content contains any of the following characters, special handling is required: space : " \ ( ) [ ] { } !

Since the query syntax for searching and filtering differs, the handling of special characters also varies: - Search: Uses the query_string() query syntax - Filter: Supports multiple operators, including = != wildcard, etc.

The Explorer handles special characters in the following two ways

Method One: Convert Text into a Phrase

  • Enclose the text in double quotes ("), which converts it into a phrase.
  • In this format, the content within double quotes is treated as a single unit for matching searches, and wildcards do not take effect;
  • If the text contains \ or ", this method will not work for retrieval; please use "Method Two" for queries.

For example, searching the field name cmdline with the field value nginx: worker process:

  • Search
"nginx: worker process"   // Successful retrieval, exact match
"nginx * process"   // Failed retrieval, because * inside double quotes is not treated as a wildcard
  • Filter
cmdline:"nginx: worker process"   // Successful retrieval, exact match

cmdline:"nginx: worker*"  // Failed retrieval, because * inside double quotes is not treated as a wildcard

Method Two: Escape Characters

  • Add a backslash (\) before special characters.
  • If the search text itself contains \, the handling differs between search and filter: for search, add three more backslashes (\) before the character to escape it; for filter, only one backslash (\) is needed.

For example, searching the field name cmdline with the field value E:\software_installer\vm\vmware-authd.exe:

  • Search
E\:\\\\software_installer\\\\vm\\\\vmware-authd.exe     // Successful retrieval, exact match
E\:\\\\software_installer*exe     // Successful retrieval, wildcard fuzzy match
  • Filter
cmdline:E\:\\software_installer\\vm\\vmware-authd.exe    // Successful retrieval, exact match

cmdline:E\:\\software_installer*exe    // Successful retrieval, wildcard fuzzy match

DQL Query

When querying data using DQL in the platform, special characters need to be handled, especially for features like chart queries, query tools, metrics analysis, monitors, etc.

Filter (wildcard)

Since the backslash (\) has a special meaning in wildcard syntax, it needs to be escaped. If the search text contains a \, add another \ before it for escape querying.

If using other operators (such as = !=), no escaping is required.

Search (query_string)

In the query_string syntax, both \ and " have special meanings and need to be escaped:

  • \ : Add three backslashes (\) before it to escape.
  • " : Add one backslash (\) before it to escape.


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