After the HOST data collection is completed, it is automatically synchronized to the Guance management console. In the HOST Explorer, you can view all collected HOST data.
The console provides two professional analysis views (select through the view tab in the top-left corner):
HOST Object List: Displays HOST Metrics data from the last 2 days within the current workspace, including HOST name/tags, CPU usage, memory usage, and CPU load, helping users monitor HOST operational status.
HOST Topology Map: Visually presents the dynamic topology structure of the HOST cluster, providing analysis dimensions such as operating system type, DataKit version, cloud vendor, and deployment region, with support for cross-level topology drilling, facilitating HOST relationship analysis.
Manage HOSTS¶
Data Sorting¶
In the HOST object list, you can sort Metric data in ascending or descending order:
Note: Due to data warehousing delays, these Metrics are not updated in real-time. The system calculates the average value every 5 minutes for the last 15 minutes, so there may be some deviation in the final data.
Display Online HOSTS Only¶
Clicking the "Display Online HOSTS Only" button quickly lists HOSTS that have reported data within the last 10 minutes.
- If HOST data reporting breaks for more than 10 minutes, CPU usage, MEM usage, and CPU load will display as
; - If a HOST has not reported data for over 24 hours, it will be removed from the list.
Time Widget¶
In the upper-right corner of the Explorer, you can select HOST data for different time ranges, including:
- Last 2 hours
- Last 6 hours
- Last 1 day
- Last 2 days
HOST Details¶
By clicking on the HOST name in the HOST object list, a side-sliding HOST details page appears where you can view basic information, extended attributes, related information, and bound Views for that HOST.
Mute HOST¶
This feature allows you to temporarily ignore alert notifications for specific HOSTS, reducing distractions and focusing on important tasks, such as known temporary issues or maintenance periods.
- On the HOST details page, click Mute HOST;
- Select the mute duration;
- Click confirm.
After configuration, return to the HOST list, and muted HOSTS will display a mute mark. During the mute period, you will not receive any alert notifications for that HOST, and related alert events will automatically be stored in event management. You can view all muted HOSTS under Monitoring > Mute Management.
For more details, refer to Alert Settings.
To cancel muting, simply click "Cancel Mute" in the HOST details or operate under "Monitoring > Mute Management".
Export Data¶
If you need to export a HOST data record, click the icon in the upper-right corner.
HOST Labels¶
In multi-HOST management environments, you can customize labels for each HOST. Based on property labels, final data classification and filtering queries can be performed.
Click the edit button next to Labels;
Select labels from the dropdown list or directly add by pressing Enter;
After adding, save.
Note: After label configuration, it takes 1-5 minutes to take effect.
Basic Information¶
In the basic information section of the HOST details page, you can add HOST Labels, check integration running conditions, system information, and cloud vendor information.
Integration Running Conditions¶
Integration Running Conditions displays DataKit version information installed on this HOST and the running status of related collectors. There are two running statuses:
Collectors in normal running state are displayed by default as "light blue";
Collectors with errors are displayed by default as "red" and support viewing error information by clicking.
At the same time, collectors with View symbols support monitoring View inspection:
System Information¶
The HOST details page shows system information about the HOST, covering HOST name, operating system, processor, memory, network, disk, connection tracking, and files, among others.
Cloud Vendor Information¶
For cloud HOSTS configured with cloud synchronization, the HOST details page also provides the following information: cloud platform, instance name, instance ID, instance specification, region, availability zone, creation time, network type, payment type, and IP address, among others.
Extended Attributes¶
You can view all attributes related to the HOST. Supports searching and filtering via field name or value to narrow down the scope.
Hover over the corresponding field's value to display its original format.
Associated Analysis¶
Guance supports associated analysis for each infrastructure object. Besides basic HOST information, you can comprehensively understand the HOST’s related Metrics, LOGs, processes, events, CONTAINERS, NETWORKs, security checks, etc., for faster and more comprehensive monitoring of HOST operations.
Bind Built-in Views¶
Besides the system-default Views displayed here, you can also bind user Views.
- Enter the built-in View binding page;
- Check the default associated fields. You can choose to retain or delete fields, or add new
fields; - Select the View;
- After binding, you can view the bound built-in Views in the HOST object details and jump to the corresponding built-in View page by clicking the jump button .
Note: If the current data does not contain the associated fields of the bound View, the View will not be displayed on the details page; otherwise, it will be displayed.
Click the jump button , and you can enter the corresponding built-in View page.