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Install Datakit Operator


Field Description
namespaces, selectors enabled_namespaces and enabled_labelselectors are specific to ddtrace. They are arrays of objects that require specifying namespace and language. The relationship between the arrays is "OR". Currently, only java is supported.
If a Pod matches both enabled_namespaces and enabled_labelselectors, the configuration in enabled_labelselectors takes precedence.

Enable DDTrace Collector

Edit the datakit.yaml file to append DDTrace to the default enabled collectors.

   value: cpu,disk,diskio,mem,swap,system,hostobject,net,host_processes,container,ddtrace

Restart the application:

kubectl apply -f datakit.yaml

Install DataKit Operator

The Datakit Operator can automate the deployment of applications and services, automatically inject the DDTrace SDK, and monitor them when they start.

Click to download the latest datakit-operator.yaml file:

$ kubectl create namespace datakit
$ wget

Update Configuration File

The Datakit Operator configuration is in JSON format and is stored separately as a ConfigMap in Kubernetes, loaded into the container via environment variables.

    "server_listen": "",
    "log_level":     "info",
    "admission_inject": {
        "ddtrace": { 
           "enabled_namespaces":     [],
           "enabled_labelselectors": [],
           "images": {
                "java_agent_image":   ""
            "envs": {
              "DD_JMXFETCH_STATSD_HOST": "datakit-service.datakit.svc",
              "DD_JMXFETCH_STATSD_PORT": "8125",
              "POD_NAME": "{}",
              "POD_NAMESPACE": "{fieldRef:metadata.namespace}",
              "NODE_NAME": "{fieldRef:spec.nodeName}",
              "DD_SERVICE": "{fieldRef:metadata.labels['app']}",
              "DD_TAGS": "pod_name:$(POD_NAME),pod_namespace:$(POD_NAMESPACE),host:$(NODE_NAME)"
        "logfwd": {
            "options": {
                "reuse_exist_volume": "false"
            "images": {
                "logfwd_image": ""

Configuration parameters:

  1. service: Service name;
  2. env: Environment information for the application service;
  3. Customize the DataKit listening address; if not set, it follows the default address;
  4. Collect Profiling data: Enabling this allows you to see more runtime information about the application;
  5. Configure namespaces;
  6. Configure selectors.

Execute Installation Command

kubectl apply -f datakit-operator.yaml

Restart Application

After installation, restart the application Pod.


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