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Aliyun RocketMQ 5

Aliyun RocketMQ 5.0 display metrics including message throughput, latency, reliability, and horizontal scalability.


Install Func

It is recommended to enable the Observability Cloud Integration - Extension - Managed Edition Func: All prerequisites are automatically installed, please proceed with the script installation.

If you want to deploy Func on your own, please refer to Deploy Func on Your Own

Install Script

Note: Please prepare Aliyun Access Key (AK) that meets the requirements in advance (For simplicity, you can directly grant global read-only permission ReadOnlyAccess)

To synchronize monitoring data from Aliyun RocketMQ 5, we will install the corresponding collection script: "Observability Cloud Integration (Aliyun - RocketMQ 5.0)" (ID: guance_aliyun_rocketmq5).

After clicking "Install", enter the corresponding parameters: Aliyun AK, Aliyun account name.

Click "Deploy Startup Script", and the system will automatically create a Startup script collection and configure the corresponding startup script.

In addition, you can see the corresponding automatic trigger configuration in "Management / Auto Trigger Configuration". Click "Execute" to perform immediately without waiting for the regular interval. After a brief moment, you can view the execution task records and corresponding logs.

We have default collections for certain configurations, details are in the "Metrics" section.

Configure Custom Cloud Object Metrics


  1. In "Management / Auto Trigger Configuration", confirm whether the corresponding task has the automatic trigger configuration and check for task records and logs for any abnormalities.
  2. In the Guance platform, under "Infrastructure / Custom", check if there is asset information.
  3. In the Guance platform, under "Metrics", check for corresponding monitoring data.


After configuring Aliyun Cloud Monitor, the default set of metrics are as follows. You can collect more metrics by configuring Aliyun Cloud Monitor Metrics Details

MetricName MetricCategory MetricDescribe Dimensions Statistics Unit MinPeriods
ConsumerLag rocketmq Message Accumulation (Group) userId,instanceId,groupId Sum count 60 s
ConsumerLagLatencyPerGid rocketmq Message Processing Latency (GroupId) userId,instanceId,groupId Maximum milliseconds 60 s
ConsumerLagLatencyPerGidTopic rocketmq Message Processing Latency (GroupId&Topic) userId,instanceId,topic,groupId Maximum milliseconds 60 s
ConsumerLagPerGidTopic rocketmq Message Accumulation (Group&Topic) userId,instanceId,groupId,topic Sum count 60 s
InstanceApiCallTps rocketmq Instance API Call Frequency (Instance) userId,instanceId Sum countSecond 60 s
InstanceInternetFlowoutBandwidth rocketmq 5.0 Series Instance Public Network Downstream Bandwidth userId,instanceId Sum bytes/Second 60 s
InstanceReceiveApiCallTps rocketmq 5.0 Series Instance Consumer API Call TPS Peak userId,instanceId Maximum countSecond 60 s
InstanceSendApiCallTps rocketmq 5.0 Series Instance Producer API Call TPS Peak userId,instanceId Maximum countSecond 60 s
InstanceStorageSize rocketmq 5.0 Series Instance Storage Size userId,instanceId Sum Bytes 60 s
ReadyMessageQueueTime rocketmq Ready Message Queuing Time (Group) userId,instanceId,groupId Maximum milliseconds 60 s
ReadyMessageQueueTimePerGidTopic rocketmq Ready Message Queuing Time (Group&Topic) userId,instanceId,groupId,topic Maximum milliseconds 60 s
ReadyMessages rocketmq Ready Messages (Group) userId,instanceId,groupId Sum count 60 s
ReadyMessagesPerGidTopic rocketmq Ready Messages (Group&Topic) userId,instanceId,groupId,topic Sum count 60 s
ReceiveMessageCountPerGid rocketmq Consumer Received Message Count per Minute (Group) userId,instanceId,groupId Sum count/min 60 s
ReceiveMessageCountPerGidTopic rocketmq Consumer Received Message Count per Minute (Group&Topic) userId,instanceId,topic,groupId Sum count/min 60 s
ReceiveMessageCountPerInstance rocketmq Consumer Received Message Count per Minute (Instance) userId,instanceId Sum count/min 60 s
ReceiveMessageCountPerTopic rocketmq Consumer Received Message Count per Minute (Topic) userId,instanceId,topic Sum count/min 60 s
SendDLQMessageCountPerGid rocketmq Number of Dead Letter Messages Generated per Minute (Group) userId,instanceId,groupId Sum count/min 60 s
SendDLQMessageCountPerGidTopic rocketmq Number of Dead Letter Messages Generated per Minute (Group&Topic) userId,instanceId,groupId,topic Sum count/min 60 s
SendMessageCountPerInstance rocketmq Producer Sent Message Count per Minute (Instance) userId,instanceId Sum count/min 60 s
SendMessageCountPerTopic rocketmq Producer Sent Message Count per Minute (Topic) userId,instanceId,topic Sum count/min 60 s
ThrottledReceiveRequestsPerGid rocketmq Throttled Receive Requests per Minute (GroupId) userId,instanceId,groupId Sum counts/min 60 s
ThrottledReceiveRequestsPerGidTopic rocketmq Throttled Receive Requests per Minute (GroupId&Topic) userId,instanceId,topic,groupId Sum counts/min 60 s
ThrottledReceiveRequestsPerInstance rocketmq Throttled Receive Requests per Minute (Instance) userId,instanceId Sum counts/min 60 s
ThrottledSendRequestsPerInstance rocketmq Throttled Send Requests per Minute (Instance) userId,instanceId Sum counts/min 60 s
ThrottledSendRequestsPerTopic rocketmq Throttled Send Requests per Minute (Topic) userId,instanceId,topic Sum counts/min 60 s


The data structure of Aliyun RocketMQ 5 collected, which can be seen from "Infrastructure - Custom"

```txt { "serviceCode": "rmq", "__namespace": "custom_object", "createTime": "2023-08-21 10:54:25", "expireTime": "2123-08-22 00:00:00", "time": 1692600804692, "topicCount": "1", "userId": "1067807587588864", "__docid": "CO_d3bed3ab447566645796455f37fcb66c", "message": "{\"accountInfo\": {\"username\": \"If02i2f3f4nYtUsA\"}, \"aclInfo\": {\"aclType\": \"default\"}, \"bid\": \"26842\", \"commodityCode\": \"ons_rmqpost_public_cn\", \"createTime\": \"2023-08-21 10:54:25\", \"expireTime\": \"2123-08-22 00:00:00\", \"extConfig\": {\"aclType\": \"default\", \"autoScaling\": false, \"flowOutBandwidth\": 1, \"flowOutType\": \"payByBandwidth\", \"internetSpec\": \"enable\", \"messageRetentionTime\": 72, \"msgProcessSpec\": \"rmq.s1.micro\", \"sendReceiveRatio\": 0.5, \"supportAutoScaling\": false}, \"groupCount\": 1, \"instanceId\": \"rmq-cn-wwo3cwoyn0b\", \"instanceName\": \"rmq-cn-wwo3cwoyn0b\", \"instanceQuotas\": [{\"quotaName\": \"MAX_TPS\", \"totalCount\": 500}, {\"quotaName\": \"SCALING_TPS_MAX\", \"totalCount\": 0}, {\"quotaName\": \"STORAGE_SIZE\", \"usedCount\": 0.109}, {\"quotaName\": \"TOPIC_COUNT\", \"totalCount\": 100, \"usedCount\": 1}, {\"quotaName\": \"CONSUMER_GROUP_COUNT\", \"totalCount\": 1000, \"usedCount\": 1}], \"networkInfo\": {\"endpoints\": [{\"endpointType\": \"TCP_VPC\", \"endpointUrl\": \"\"}, {\"endpointType\": \"TCP_INTERNET\", \"endpointUrl\": \"\"}], \"internetInfo\": {\"flowOutBandwidth\": 1, \"flowOutType\": \"payByBandwidth\", \"internetSpec\": \"enable\"}, \"vpcInfo\": {\"vSwitchId\": \"vsw-bp1qzepqz845moheet831\", \"vpcId\": \"vpc-bp1pftfpllxna4t75e73v\"}}, \"paymentType\": \"PayAsYouGo\", \"productInfo\": {\"autoScaling\": false, \"messageRetentionTime\": 72, \"msgProcessSpec\": \"rmq.s1.micro\", \"sendReceiveRatio\": 0.5, \"supportAutoScaling\": false}, \"regionId\": \"cn-hangzhou\", \"releaseTime\": \"2123-08-29 00:00:00\", \"resourceGroupId\": \"rg-acfmv3ro3xnfwaa\", \"seriesCode\": \"standard\", \"serviceCode\": \"rmq\", \"software\": {\"maintainTime\": \"02:00-06:00\", \"softwareVersion\": \"5.0-rmq-20230818-2\"}, \"startTime\": \"2023-08-21 10:54:24\", \"status\": \"RUNNING\", \"subSeriesCode\": \"single_node\", \"tags\": [{\"key\": \"acs:rm:rgId\", \"value\": \"rg-acfmv3ro3xnfwaa\"}], \"topicCount\": 1, \"updateTime\": \"2023-08-21 10:57:31\", \"userId\": \"1067807587588864\"}", "paymentType": "PayAsYouGo", "regionId": "cn-hangzhou", "startTime": "2023-08-21 10:54:24", "accountInfo": "{\"username\": \"If02i2f3f4nYtUsA\"}", "class": "aliyun_rocketmq", "instanceQuotas": "[{\"quotaName\": \"MAX_TPS\", \"totalCount\": 500}, {\"quotaName\": \"SCALING_TPS_MAX\", \"totalCount\": 0}, {\"quotaName\": \"STORAGE_SIZE\", \"usedCount\": 0.109}, {\"quotaName\": \"TOPIC_COUNT\", \"totalCount\": 100, \"usedCount\": 1}, {\"quotaName\": \"CONSUMER_GROUP_COUNT\", \"totalCount\": 1000, \"usedCount\": 1}]", "releaseTime": "2123-08-29 00:00:00", "create_time": 1692600804719, "groupCount": "1", "networkInfo": "{\"endpoints\": [{\"endpointType\": \"TCP_VPC\", \"endpointUrl\": \"\"}, {\"endpointType\": \"TCP_INTERNET\", \"endpointUrl\": \"\"}], \"internetInfo\": {\"flowOutBandwidth\": 1, \"flowOutType\": \"payByBandwidth\", \"internetSpec\": \"enable\"}, \"vpcInfo\": {\"vSwitchId\": \"vsw-bp1qzepqz845moheet831\", \"vpcId\": \"vpc-bp1pftfpllxna4t75e73v\"}}", "instanceName": "rmq-cn-wwo3cwoyn0b", "resourceGroupId": "rg-acfmv3ro3xnfwaa", "commodityCode": "ons_rmqpost_public_cn", "seriesCode": "standard", "subSeriesCode": "single_node", "status": "RUNNING", "updateTime": "2023-08-21 10:57:31", "account_name": "guance", "bid": "26842", "date": 1692600804000, "name": "rmq-cn-wwo3cwoyn0b", "cloud_provider": "aliyun", "date_ns": 0, "instanceId": "rmq-cn-wwo3cwoyn0b", "productInfo": "{\"autoScaling\": false, \"messageRetentionTime\": 72, \"msgProcessSpec\": \"rmq.s1.micro\", \"sendReceiveRatio\": 0.5, \"supportAutoScaling\": false}" }


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