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Use the「Guance Synchronization」series script package in the script market to synchronize data from cloud monitoring cloud assets to the Guance.


Install Func

Recommend opening 「Integrations - Extension - DataFlux Func (Automata)」: All preconditions are installed automatically, Please continue with the script installation

If you deploy Func yourself,Refer to Self-Deployment of Func

Installation script

Tip:Please prepare AWS AK that meets the requirements in advance(For simplicity's sake,,You can directly grant the global read-only permissionReadOnlyAccess

To synchronize the monitoring data of RDS MySQL cloud resources, we install the corresponding collection script:「Guance Integration(AWS-RDSCollect)」(ID:guance_aws_rds)

Click 【Install】 and enter the corresponding parameters: AWS AK, AWS account name.

tap【Deploy startup Script】,The system automatically creates Startup script sets,And automatically configure the corresponding startup script。

After this function is enabled, you can view the automatic triggering configuration in「Management / Crontab Config」。Click【Run】,you can immediately execute once, without waiting for a regular time。After a while, you can view task execution records and corresponding logs。

We collected some configurations by default, as described in the Metrics column Configure custom cloud object metrics


  1. In「Management / Crontab Config」check whether the automatic triggering configuration exists for the corresponding task,In addition, you can view task records and logs to check whether exceptions exist
  2. On the Guance platform, click 「Infrastructure / Custom」 to check whether asset information exists
  3. On the Guance platform, press 「Metrics」 to check whether monitoring data exists


After configuring Amazon CloudWatch - cloud monitoring, the default set of metrics is as follows. You can collect more metrics by configuring Amazon CloudWatch Metrics Details

The Amazon CloudWatch instance-level metrics for Amazon RDS

The AWS/RDS namespace in Amazon CloudWatch includes the following instance-level metrics.


Amazon RDS console, metrics may be displayed in units different from those sent to Amazon CloudWatch. For example, the RDS console may display a metric in megabytes (MB), while the same metric is sent to Amazon CloudWatch in bytes.

Metric Console name Description Applies to Units
BinLogDiskUsage Binary Log Disk Usage (MB) The amount of disk space occupied by binary logs. If automatic backups are enabled for MySQL and MariaDB instances, including read replicas, binary logs are created. MariaDBMySQL Bytes
BurstBalance Burst Balance (Percent) The percent of General Purpose SSD (gp2) burst-bucket I/O credits available. All Percent
CheckpointLag Checkpoint Lag (Seconds) The amount of time since the most recent checkpoint. Seconds
ConnectionAttempts Connection Attempts (Count) The number of attempts to connect to an instance, whether successful or not. Count
CPUUtilization CPU Utilization (Percent) The percentage of CPU utilization. All Percentage
CPUCreditUsage CPU Credit Usage (Count) (T2 instances) The number of CPU credits spent by the instance for CPU utilization. One CPU credit equals one vCPU running at 100 percent utilization for one minute or an equivalent combination of vCPUs, utilization, and time. For example, you might have one vCPU running at 50 percent utilization for two minutes or two vCPUs running at 25 percent utilization for two minutes.CPU credit metrics are available at a five-minute frequency only. If you specify a period greater than five minutes, use the Sum statistic instead of the Average statistic. Credits (vCPU-minutes)
CPUCreditBalance CPU Credit Balance (Count) (T2 instances) The number of earned CPU credits that an instance has accrued since it was launched or started. For T2 Standard, the CPUCreditBalance also includes the number of launch credits that have been accrued.Credits are accrued in the credit balance after they are earned, and removed from the credit balance when they are spent. The credit balance has a maximum limit, determined by the instance size. After the limit is reached, any new credits that are earned are discarded. For T2 Standard, launch credits don't count towards the limit.The credits in the CPUCreditBalance are available for the instance to spend to burst beyond its baseline CPU utilization.When an instance is running, credits in the CPUCreditBalance don't expire. When the instance stops, the CPUCreditBalance does not persist, and all accrued credits are lost.CPU credit metrics are available at a five-minute frequency only.Launch credits work the same way in Amazon RDS as they do in Amazon EC2. For more information, see Launch credits in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances. Credits (vCPU-minutes)
DatabaseConnections DB Connections (Count) The number of client network connections to the database instance.The number of database sessions can be higher than the metric value because the metric value does not include the following:Sessions that no longer have a network connection but which the database has not cleaned upSessions created by the database engine for its own purposesSessions created by the database engine's parallel execution capabilitiesSessions created by the database engine job schedulerAmazon RDS connections All Count
DiskQueueDepth Queue Depth (Count) The number of outstanding I/Os (read/write requests) waiting to access the disk. All Count
EBSByteBalance% EBS Byte Balance (Percent) The percentage of throughput credits remaining in the burst bucket of your RDS database. This metric is available for basic monitoring only.The metric value is based on the throughput and IOPS of all volumes, including the root volume, rather than on only those volumes containing database files.To find the instance sizes that support this metric, see the instance sizes with an asterisk (*) in the EBS optimized by default table in Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. The Sum statistic is not applicable to this metric. All Percentage
EBSIOBalance% EBS IO Balance (Percent) The percentage of I/O credits remaining in the burst bucket of your RDS database. This metric is available for basic monitoring only.The metric value is based on the throughput and IOPS of all volumes, including the root volume, rather than on only those volumes containing database files.To find the instance sizes that support this metric, see the instance sizes with an asterisk (*) in the EBS optimized by default table in Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. The Sum statistic is not applicable to this metric.This metric is different from BurstBalance. To learn how to use this metric, see Improving application performance and reducing costs with Amazon EBS-Optimized Instance burst capability. All Percentage
FailedSQLServerAgentJobsCount Failed SQL Server Agent Jobs Count (Count/Minute) The number of failed Microsoft SQL Server Agent jobs during the last minute. Microsoft SQL Server Count per minute
FreeableMemory Freeable Memory (MB) The amount of available random access memory.For MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL DB instances, this metric reports the value of the MemAvailable field of /proc/meminfo. All Bytes
FreeStorageSpace Free Storage Space (MB) The amount of available storage space. All Bytes
MaximumUsedTransactionIDs Maximum Used Transaction IDs (Count) The maximum transaction IDs that have been used. PostgreSQL Count
NetworkReceiveThroughput Network Receive Throughput (MB/Second) The incoming (receive) network traffic on the DB instance, including both customer database traffic and Amazon RDS traffic used for monitoring and replication. All Bytes per second
NetworkTransmitThroughput Network Transmit Throughput (MB/Second) The outgoing (transmit) network traffic on the DB instance, including both customer database traffic and Amazon RDS traffic used for monitoring and replication. All Bytes per second
OldestReplicationSlotLag Oldest Replication Slot Lag (MB) The lagging size of the replica lagging the most in terms of write-ahead log (WAL) data received. PostgreSQL Bytes
ReadIOPS Read IOPS (Count/Second) The average number of disk read I/O operations per second. All Count per second
ReadLatency Read Latency (Seconds) The average amount of time taken per disk I/O operation. All Seconds
ReadThroughput Read Throughput (MB/Second) The average number of bytes read from disk per second. All Bytes per second
ReplicaLag Replica Lag (Seconds) For read replica configurations, the amount of time a read replica DB instance lags behind the source DB instance. Applies to MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL read replicas.For Multi-AZ DB clusters, the difference in time between the latest transaction on the writer DB instance and the latest applied transaction on a reader DB instance. Seconds
ReplicationSlotDiskUsage Replica Slot Disk Usage (MB) The disk space used by replication slot files. PostgreSQL Bytes
SwapUsage Swap Usage (MB) The amount of swap space used on the DB instance. MariaDBMySQLOraclePostgreSQL Bytes
TransactionLogsDiskUsage Transaction Logs Disk Usage (MB) The disk space used by transaction logs. PostgreSQL Bytes
TransactionLogsGeneration Transaction Logs Generation (MB/Second) The size of transaction logs generated per second. PostgreSQL Bytes per second
WriteIOPS Write IOPS (Count/Second) The average number of disk write I/O operations per second. All Count per second
WriteLatency Write Latency (Seconds) The average amount of time taken per disk I/O operation. All Seconds
WriteThroughput Write Throughput (MB/Second) The average number of bytes written to disk per second. All Bytes per second

Amazon CloudWatch usage metrics for Amazon RDS

The AWS/Usage namespace in Amazon CloudWatch includes account-level usage metrics for your Amazon RDS service quotas. CloudWatch collects usage metrics automatically for all AWS Regions.

For more information, see CloudWatch usage metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide. For more information about quotas, see Quotas and constraints for Amazon RDS and Requesting a quota increase in the Service Quotas User Guide.

Metric Description Units*
AllocatedStorage The total storage for all DB instances. The sum excludes temporary migration instances. Gigabytes
DBClusterParameterGroups The number of DB cluster parameter groups in your AWS account. The count excludes default parameter groups. Count
DBClusters The number of Amazon Aurora DB clusters in your AWS account. Count
DBInstances The number of DB instances in your AWS account. Count
DBParameterGroups The number of DB parameter groups in your AWS account. The count excludes the default DB parameter groups. Count
DBSecurityGroups The number of security groups in your AWS account. The count excludes the default security group and the default VPC security group. Count
DBSubnetGroups The number of DB subnet groups in your AWS account. The count excludes the default subnet group. Count
ManualClusterSnapshots The number of manually created DB cluster snapshots in your AWS account. The count excludes invalid snapshots. Count
ManualSnapshots The number of manually created DB snapshots in your AWS account. The count excludes invalid snapshots. Count
OptionGroups The number of option groups in your AWS account. The count excludes the default option groups. Count
ReservedDBInstances The number of reserved DB instances in your AWS account. The count excludes retired or declined instances. Count

* Amazon RDS doesn't publish units for usage metrics to CloudWatch. The units only appear in the documentation.


The collected AWS RDS MySQL object data structure can be viewed in "Infrastructure - Custom" under the object data.

  "measurement": "aws_rds",
  "tags": {
    "name"                     : "xxxxx",
    "RegionId"                 : "cn-northwest-1",
    "Engine"                   : "mysql",
    "DBInstanceClass"          : "db.t3.medium",
    "DBInstanceIdentifier"     : "xxxxxx",
    "AvailabilityZone"         : "cn-northwest-1c",
    "SecondaryAvailabilityZone": "cn-northwest-1d"
  "fields": {
    "InstanceCreateTime"  : "2018-03-28T19:54:07.871Z",
    "LatestRestorableTime": "2018-03-28T19:54:07.871Z",
    "Endpoint"            : "{连接地址 JSON data}",
    "AllocatedStorage"    : 100,
    "message"             : "{Instance JSON data}",

Note: Fields in tags, fields are subject to change with subsequent updates.

Tip 1: The value is the instance ID, which serves as a unique identifier. Tip 2: fields.message, fields.Endpoint、 are JSON serialized strings.


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