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DataKit metrics

· Version-1.10.0

This Input used to collect Datakit exported metrics, such as runtime/CPU/memory and various other metrics of each modules.


After Datakit startup, it will expose a lot of Prometheus metrics, and the input dk can scrap these metrics.

Collector Configuration

Go to the conf.d/host directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy dk.conf.sample and name it dk.conf. Examples are as follows:


  # See for all metrics exported by Datakit.
  metric_name_filter = [
    ### Collect all metrics(these may collect 300+ metrics of Datakit)
    ### if you want to collect all, make this rule the first in the list.
    # ".*",

    "datakit_http.*",       # HTTP API
    "datakit_goroutine.*",  # Goroutine

    ### runtime related
    "datakit_.*_alloc_bytes", # Memory

    ### election

    ### Dataway related

    ### Filter

    ### dialtesting

    ### Input feed

  # keep empty to collect all types(count/gauge/summary/...)
  metric_types = []

  # collect frequency
  interval = "30s"

   # tag1 = "val-1"
   # tag2 = "val-2"

After configuration, restart DataKit.

Can be turned on by ConfigMap Injection Collector Configuration or Config ENV_DATAKIT_INPUTS .

Can also be turned on by environment variables, (needs to be added as the default collector in ENV_DEFAULT_ENABLED_INPUTS):


    Collect all metrics, any string

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: -

    Example: true

    Default: -


    Additional metrics, Available metrics list here

    Type: List

    input.conf: -

    Example: ["datakit_io_.*", "datakit_pipeline_.*"]

    Default: -


    Only enable metrics

    Type: List

    input.conf: -

    Example: ["datakit_io_.*", "datakit_pipeline_.*"]

    Default: -


Datakit exported Prometheus metrics, see here for full metric list.


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