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Dameng Database (DM8)

Installation and Configuration


  • Install DM8
  • Install DEM

DEM stands for Dameng Enterprise Manager, a web tool provided by Dameng, written in Java for monitoring the Dameng database.

The directory is $DM_HOME/web, which contains the DEM installation manual (DEM.pdf) and the runtime program dem.war. Follow the manual for deployment.

Exposing Metrics

DEM exposes metrics on port 8090 by default. You can view metric information via a browser at http://clientIP:8090/dem/metrics. If access is not possible, it indicates that the metrics exposure capability has not been enabled. Follow these steps to enable it:

  • Add Database

By default, DEM does not monitor databases after installation; configuration is required to start monitoring.

  1. Click the menu Intelligent O&M -> Resource Monitoring, switch the bottom Tab to Database.
  2. Click Add Single Instance/Cluster, and fill in the details of the database to be monitored.

  3. Configure Prometheus

  4. Click the menu System Management -> System Settings, select prometheus_metric_nodes under the Other Features module.

  5. Check the databases you want to monitor. Click the Confirm button to complete the configuration.

  6. Verification

View metric information via a browser at http://clientIP:8090/dem/metrics. The port is the DEM access port, which may vary; use the actual port number.

DataKit Collector Configuration

Since DEM can directly expose metrics URLs, you can collect metrics using the prom collector.

Adjust the content as follows:

urls = ["http://clientIP:8090/dem/metrics"]
source = "dm"
interval = "10s"

Other configurations can be adjusted as needed

Parameter adjustment notes:

  • urls: Prometheus Metrics URL, enter the exposed Metrics URL of the corresponding component.
  • source: Collector alias, recommended to differentiate.
  • interval: Collection interval.

Restart DataKit

systemctl restart datakit


Metric Description
global_status_sessions Number of sessions
global_status_threads Threads
global_status_tps Transactions per second (TPS)
global_status_qps Queries per second (QPS)
global_status_ddlps DDL operations per second
global_status_ips Insert operations per second
global_status_ups Update operations per second
global_status_dps Delete operations per second
mf_status_memory_mem_used_bytes Used memory size
mf_status_memory_mem_total_bytes Total memory size
mf_status_disk_used_bytes Used disk size
mf_status_disk_total_bytes Total disk size
mf_status_disk_read_speed_bytes Disk read speed
mf_status_disk_write_speed_bytes Write speed
mf_status_network_receive_speed_bytes Receive speed
mf_status_network_transmit_speed_bytes Transmit speed


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