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Greenplum is a high-performance and highly available database system based on the massive parallel processing (MPP) architecture, primarily used for processing and analyzing large-scale datasets. Greenplum is suitable for scenarios such as data warehousing, business intelligence, and big data analysis, especially when dealing with PB level data volumes, it can provide efficient data storage and analysis capabilities. Greenplum's observability includes monitoring database performance, detecting and notifying faults, and visualizing system operating status.

Installation configuration


Greenblum 5 or 6 version, tested version:

  • 6.24.3

Install Exporter

You can download and install from here greenlum exporter,This is a data collector that exposes the greenlum metric as prometheus and supports both GP5 and GP6

  • Taking CentOS as an example, the startup command is as follows:
export GPDB_DATA_SOURCE_URL=postgres://gpadmin:password@
./greenplum_exporter --web.listen-address="" --web.telemetry-path="/metrics" --log.level=error
  • If running Docker, the startup command is as follows:
docker run -d -p 9297:9297 -e GPDB_DATA_SOURCE_URL=postgres://gpadmin:password@ inrgihc/greenplum-exporter:latest 

Note: The environment variable GPDBDATA_SOURCE-URL specifies the connection string to the Greenplum database (please use the gpadmin account to connect to the postgres database), which is prefixed with postgres://and follows the following format:

postgres://[Database connection account, must be gpadmin]:[Account password, i.e. gpadmin password] @ [IP address of database]:[Database port number]/[Database name, must be postgres]?[Parameter Name]=[Parameter Value]&[Parameter Name]=[Parameter Value]

Then access the URL address of the monitoring indicator:

More startup parameters:

usage: greenplum_exporter [<flags>]

  -h, --help                   Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
                               web endpoint
                               Path under which to expose metrics.
      --disableDefaultMetrics  do not report default metric
      (go metrics and process metrics)
      --version                Show application version.
      --log.level="info"       Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
                               Set the log target and format. Example: "logger:syslog?appname=bob&local=7" or "logger:stdout?json=true"

Collector configuration

Host installation

Configure collector

Due to the ability of greenlum exporter to directly expose metrics URLs, data can be collected directly through the Prom collector by configuring the corresponding URLs. Go to theconf.d/prom directory in the DataKit installation directory, copy prom.conf.sample and name it greenplum.conf

cp prom.conf.sample greenplum.conf

Adjust the content of greenblum.conf as follows:

  ## Exporter URLs.
  urls = [""]
  ## Collector alias.
  source = "greenplum"

Adjust other configurations as needed, Parameter adjustment instructions :

  • urls:prom metrics address, fill in the corresponding indicator URL exposed by greenlum here,If DataKit is installed on the greenlum host, the default ishttp://
  • source:Change the data source to greenlum for easy filtering of indicators in the future
  • interval:Collection interval

Restart Datakit

Restart Datakit


GreenPlum Metric set

Metrics Description Unit
cluster_state gp reachable state?: 1 → Available; 0 → Unavailable boolean
cluster_uptime Duration of startup s
cluster_max_connections Maximum number of connections int
cluster_total_connections Current number of connections int
cluster_idle_connections Number of idle connections int
cluster_active_connections Number of activity connections int
cluster_running_connections Number of connections executing query int
cluster_waiting_connections Number of connections waiting for query execution int
node_segment_status The status of the segment int
node_segment_role The role of a segment int
node_segment_mode segment of mode int
node_segment_disk_free_mb_size Remaining size of segment host disk space (MB) MB
cluster_total_connections_per_client Total number of connections per client int
cluster_idle_connections_per_client Number of idle connections per client int
cluster_active_connections_per_client Number of active connections per client int
cluster_total_online_user_count Number of online accounts int
cluster_total_client_count The current number of connected clients int
cluster_total_connections_per_user Total number of connections per account int
cluster_idle_connections_per_user Number of idle connections per account int
cluster_active_connections_per_user Number of active connections per account int
cluster_config_last_load_time_seconds System configuration loading time s
node_database_name_mb_size The storage space size occupied by each database MB
node_database_table_total_count The total number of tables in each database int
exporter_total_scraped The number of indicators successfully scraped int
exporter_total_error Total number of errors int
exporter_scrape_duration_second Duration of data collection s
server_users_name_list Total number of users int
server_users_total_count User Details int
server_locks_table_detail Lock information int
server_database_hit_cache_percent_rate cache hit rate float
server_database_transition_commit_percent_rate Transaction submission rate float
server_database_table_bloat_list Data inflation list int
server_locks_table_detail Lock information int


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