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Host Directory

Host directory collector is used to collect directory files, such as the number of files, all file sizes, etc.


Go to the conf.d/host directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy hostdir.conf.sample and name it hostdir.conf. Examples are as follows:

  interval = "10s"

  # directory to collect
  # Windows example: C:\\Users
  # UNIX-like example: /usr/local/
  dir = "" # required

  # optional, i.e., "*.exe", "*.so"
  exclude_patterns = []

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"

Once configured, restart DataKit.

The collector can now be turned on by ConfigMap injection collector configuration.


For all of the following metric sets, a global tag named host is appended by default (the tag value is the host name of the DataKit), or other tags can be specified in the configuration by [inputs.hostdir.tags]:

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...


  • Tags
Tag Description
file_ownership File ownership.
file_system File system type.
host_directory The start Dir.
mount_point Mount point.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
dir_count The number of Dir. int count
file_count The number of files. int count
file_size The size of files. int B
free Free disk size in bytes. int B
inodes_free Free inode. int count
inodes_total Total inode. int count
inodes_used Used inode(only this dir used). int count
inodes_used_percent Inode used percent(only this dir used in total inode). float percent
total Total disk size in bytes. int B
used_percent Used disk size in percent(only this dir used in total size). float percent


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