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Huawei Cloud RDS SQLServer

Collect Huawei Cloud RDS SQLServer metric data.


Install Func

Recommend opening 「Integrations - Extension - DataFlux Func (Automata)」: All preconditions are installed automatically,Please continue with the script installation

If you deploy Func yourself,Refer to Self-Deployment of Func

Recommend deploying GSE (Game Server Engine) edition translation.

Installation script

Tip:Please prepare a Huawei Cloud AK that meets the requirements in advance (For simplicity, you can directly grant global read-only permission ReadOnlyAccess)

To synchronize the monitoring data of Huawei Cloud RDS SQLServer, we install the corresponding collection script: 「Guance Cloud Integration (Huawei Cloud RDS-SQLServer Collection)」 (ID: guance_ huaweicloud_rds_sqlserver)

Click 【Install】 and enter the corresponding parameters: HUAWEI CLOUD AK, HUAWEI CLOUD account name.

Tap【Deploy startup Script】, the system automatically creates Startup script sets, and automatically configure the corresponding startup script.

After installing the script, find the script 「Guance Cloud Integration (Huawei Cloud RDS-SQLServer data collection)」 in the 「Development」 section of Func. Expand and modify the script, find collector_configs and monitor_configs, and edit the content in region_projects below. Change the region and Project ID to the actual region and Project ID, and then click save and publish.

In addition, in「Management / Automatic Trigger Configuration」 you can see the corresponding automatic trigger configuration. Click 【Execute】 to run it immediately, without waiting for the scheduled time. After a short moment, you can check the execution task records and corresponding logs.


  1. In「Management / Crontab Config」check whether the automatic triggering configuration exists for the corresponding task,In addition, you can view task records and logs to check whether exceptions exist
  2. On the guance cloud platform, click 「Infrastructure / Custom」 to check whether asset information exists
  3. On the guance cloud platform, press 「Metrics」 to check whether monitoring data exists


Configure Huawei Cloud RDS SQLServer metrics to collect more metrics through configuration Huawei Cloud RDS SQLServer Metric Details

The performance monitoring metrics for RDS for SQLServer instances are shown in the following table.

MetricID Metric Name Metric Meaning Value Range Monitoring Period (Raw Metric)
rds001_cpu_util CPU usage rate This metric is used to calculate the CPU usage rate of the measured object, measured in units of ratios. 0-100% 1 minute 5 seconds 1 second
rds002_mem_util Memory usage rate This metric is used to measure the memory utilization of the measured object. 0~100% 1 minute
rds003_iops IOPS This metric is used to calculate the average number of I/O requests processed by the system per unit time for the current instance. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds004_bytes_in Network input throughput This metric is used to calculate the average traffic input from all network adapters of the measurement object per second, measured in bytes per second. ≥ 0 bytes/s 1 minute
rds005_bytes_out Network output throughput This metric is used to calculate the average traffic output per second from all network adapters of the measurement object, measured in bytes per second. ≥ 0 bytes/s 1 minute
rds039_disk_util Disk utilization rate This metric is used to measure the disk utilization of the object being measured. 0~100% 1 minute
rds047_disk_total_size Total disk size This metric is used to calculate the total disk size of the measured object. 40GB~4000GB 1 minute
rds048_disk_used_size Disk usage This metric is used to calculate the disk usage size of the measured object. 0GB~4000GB 1 minute
rds049_disk_read_throughput Hard disk read throughput This metric is used to count the number of bytes read from the disk per second. ≥0bytes/s 1分
rds050_disk_write_throughput Hard disk write throughput This metric is used to count the number of bytes written to the disk per second. ≥0bytes/s 1 minute
rds053_avg_disk_queue_length Average queue length of disk This metric is used to count the number of processes waiting to write measurement objects. ≥0 1 minute
rds054_db_connections_in_use Number of database connections in use The number of user connections to the database. ≥0 counts 1 minute
rds055_transactions_per_sec Average number of transactions per second This metric is used to count the number of transactions started per second in the database. ≥0counts/s 1 minute
rds056_batch_per_sec Average number of batches per second This metric is used to count the number of batches of SQL commands received per second. ≥0counts/s 1 minute
rds057_logins_per_sec Login attempts per second This metric is used to count the total number of logins started per second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds058_logouts_per_sec Log out times per second This metric is used to count the total number of logout operations initiated per second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds059_cache_hit_ratio cache hit rate This metric is used to calculate the percentage of pages found in the buffer cache that do not need to be read from disk. 0~100% 1 minute
rds060_sql_compilations_per_sec Average number of SQL compilations per second This metric is used to count the number of SQL compilations per second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds061_sql_recompilations_per_sec Average number of SQL retranslations per second This metric is used to count the number of times statements are recompiled per second ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds062_full_scans_per_sec Full table scans per second This metric is used to count the unrestricted number of complete scans per second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds063_errors_per_sec Number of user errors per second This metric is used to count the number of user errors per second. ≥0counts/s 1 minute
rds064_latch_waits_per_sec Latch waiting times per second This metric is used to count the number of latch requests that cannot be immediately granted per second. ≥0counts/s 1 minute
rds065_lock_waits_per_sec Lock wait times per second This metric is used to count the number of lock requests that the caller is required to wait for per second. ≥0counts/s 1 minute
rds066_lock_requests_per_sec Lock requests per second This metric is used to count the number of new locks and lock conversions requested by the lock manager per second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds067_timeouts_per_sec Lock timeout times per second This metric is used to count the number of lock requests that timeout per second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds068_avg_lock_wait_time Average lock waiting delay This metric is used to calculate the average waiting time (in milliseconds) for each lock request that causes waiting. ≥0ms 1 minute
rds069_deadlocks_per_sec Deadlock occurrences per second This metric is used to count the number of pages refreshed to disk per second by checkpoints or other operations that refresh all dirty pages. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds070_checkpoint_pages_per_sec Number of page writes per second for checkpoint This metric is used to count the number of pages refreshed to disk per second by checkpoints or other operations that refresh all dirty pages. ≥0counts/s 1 minute
rds077_replication_delay Data synchronization delay This metric is used to calculate the replication latency of primary and backup instances. Since the replication latency of SQL Server instances is at the library level, and each library is synchronizing separately, the instance level replication latency is the value of the library with the highest replication latency (0s for standalone systems). ≥ 0s 1 minute
mssql_mem_grant_pending Number of processes waiting for memory authorization This metric is used to count the total number of processes waiting to receive memory authorization for use, indicating the memory pressure situation. ≥0counts 1 minute
mssql_lazy_write_per_sec Number of lazy writes to cache per second This metric is used to count the number of buffers written by the Lazy writer per second. ≥0counts/s 1 minute
mssql_page_life_expectancy No reference page buffer pool dwell time This metric is used to count the number of seconds a page stays in the buffer pool after it is not referenced. ≥0s 1 minute
mssql_page_reads_per_sec Page reads per second This metric is used to count the number of pages read per second. ≥0counts/s 1 minute
mssql_tempdb_disk_size Temporary tablespace size The current temporary tablespace occupies disk size. ≥ 0MB 1 minute
mssql_worker_threads_usage_rate Work thread utilization rate The ratio of the current total number of actual worker threads to the value of max worker threads. 0~100% 1 minute


The collected Huawei Cloud RDS SQLServer object data structure can be viewed in the 「Infrastructure Customization」section for object data

  "measurement": "huaweicloud_rds_sqlserver",
  "tags": {
    "name"                   : "1d0c91561f4644daxxxxx68304b0520din01",
    "id"                     : "1d0c91561f4644dxxxxxx68304b0520din01",
    "instance_name"          : "rds-xxxx",
    "status"                 : "ACTIVE",
    "port"                   : "3306",
    "type"                   : "Ha",
    "RegionId"               : "cn-south-1",
    "security_group_id"      : "9e5bd45e-0564-445f-xxxx-2c8954e2d99c",
    "switch_strategy"        : "xxx",
    "project_id"             : "c631f046252dxxxxxxxf253c62d48585",
    "time_zone"              : "China Standard Time",
    "enable_ssl"             : "True",
    "charge_info.charge_mode": "postPaid",
    "engine"                 : "SQLServer",
    "engine_version"         : "2022_SE"
  "fields": {
    "created_time"    : "2024-11-03T15:26:45+0000",
    "updated_time"    : "2024-11-05T09:58:26+0000",
    "alias"           : "xxx",
    "private_ips"     : "[\"192.x.x.35\"]",
    "public_ips"      : "[]",
    "datastore"       : "{Instance JSON data}",
    "cpu"             : "4",
    "mem"             : "8",
    "volume"          : "{volume message}",
    "nodes"           : "[{Primary and backup instance information}]",
    "related_instance": "[]",
    "backup_strategy" : "{Backup strategy}",
    "message"         : "{Instance JSON data}"

notice:tagsfieldsThe fields in this section may change with subsequent updates

Tips 1:The value of is the instance ID, which serves as a unique identifier

Tips 2:The following fields are JSON serialized strings

  • fields.message
  • fields.private_ips
  • fields.public_ips
  • fields.volume
  • fields.nodes
  • fields.related_instance
  • fields.backup_strategy

Tips 3:The value of type is "Single","Ha" or "Replica","Enterprise",corresponding to single machine instance, primary/backup instance, read-only instance, and distributed instance (Enterprise Edition), respectively.


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