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Use the「Guance Synchronization」series script package in the script market to synchronize data from cloud monitoring cloud assets to the Guance.


Install Func

Recommend opening 「Integrations - Extension - DataFlux Func (Automata)」: All preconditions are installed automatically, Please continue with the script installation

If you deploy Func yourself,Refer to Self-Deployment of Func

Installation script

Tip:Please prepare HUAWEI CLOUD AK that meets the requirements in advance(For simplicity's sake,,You can directly grant the global read-only permissionReadOnlyAccess

To synchronize the monitoring data of HUAWEI CLOUD RocketMQ cloud resources, we install the corresponding collection script:「Guance Integration(HUAWEI CLOUD- RocketMQ Collect)」(ID:guance_huaweicloud_rocketmq)

Click [Install] and enter the corresponding parameters: HUAWEI CLOUD AK, HUAWEI CLOUD account name.

tap[Deploy startup Script],The system automatically creates Startup script sets,And automatically configure the corresponding startup script.

After this function is enabled, you can view the automatic triggering configuration in「Management / Crontab Config」.Click[Run],you can immediately execute once, without waiting for a regular time.After a while, you can view task execution records and corresponding logs.

If you want to collect logs, you must enable the corresponding log collection script. If you want to collect bills, start the cloud bill collection script.

We collected some configurations by default, as described in the Metrics column Configure custom cloud object metrics


  1. In「Management / Crontab Config」check whether the automatic triggering configuration exists for the corresponding task,In addition, you can view task records and logs to check whether exceptions exist
  2. On the observation cloud platform, click 「Infrastructure / Custom」 to check whether asset information exists
  3. On the observation cloud platform, press 「Metrics」 to check whether monitoring data exists


Configure HUAWEI CLOUD - cloud monitoring. The default metric set is as follows. You can collect more metrics by configuring them HUAWEI CLOUD Monitor Metrics Details

MetricID Metric Name Metric Meaning Value Range Measured Object Monitoring Period (Raw Metric)
nstance_produce_msg Message Production Count Instance Messages Received per Minute, Unit:Count >0 RocketMQ Instance 1minute
instance_consume_msg Message Consumption Count Instance Messages Consumed per Minute, Unit:Count >0 RocketMQ Instance 1minute
current_topics Number of Topics The number of topics in the instance. Unit:Count Note: This metric is supported for instances purchased on or after May 16, 2022. >=0 RocketMQ Instance 1minute
current_queues Number of Queues The number of queues in the instance. Unit:Count Note: This metric is supported for instances purchased on or after May 16, 2022. >=0 RocketMQ Instance 1minute
instance_accumulation Number of Accumulated Messages The total number of accumulated messages for all consumer groups in the instance. Unit:Count Note: This metric is supported for instances purchased on or after May 16, 2022. >=0 RocketMQ Instance 1minute
broker_produce_msg Message Production Count The number of messages received by the node in one minute. Unit:Count >0 RocketMQ Instance node 1minute
broker_consume_msg Message Consumption Count The number of messages consumed from the node in one minute. Unit:Count >0 RocketMQ Instance node 1minute
broker_produce_rate Message Production Rate The number of messages received by the node per second. Unit:Count/s >0 RocketMQ Instance node 1minute
broker_consume_rate Message Consumption Rate The number of messages consumed by the node per second. Unit:Count/s >0 RocketMQ Instance node 1minute
broker_total_bytes_in_rate Incoming Network Traffic The amount of incoming network traffic to the node per second. Unit:Byte/s >0 RocketMQ Instance node 1minute
broker_total_bytes_out_rate Outgoing Network Traffic The amount of outgoing network traffic from the node per second. Unit:Byte/s >0 RocketMQ Instance node 1minute
broker_cpu_core_load Average CPU Load per Core This metric is used to calculate the average load on each core of the node's virtual machine CPU. >0 RocketMQ Instance node 1minute
broker_disk_usage Disk Capacity Usage Rate This metric is used to monitor the disk capacity usage rate of the node's virtual machine. Unit:% 0~100 RocketMQ Instance node 1minute
broker_memory_usage Memory Usage Rate This metric is used to monitor the memory usage rate of the node's virtual machine. Unit:% 0~100 RocketMQ Instance node 1minute
broker_alive Node Alive Status Node's health status Note: This metric is supported for instances purchased on or after May 16, 2022. 1:Survival 0:off-line RocketMQ Instance node 1minute
broker_connections Connection Count Number of connections used by the virtual machine. Unit:Count Note: This metric is supported for instances purchased on or after May 16, 2022. >=0 RocketMQ Instance node 1minute
broker_cpu_usage CPU Usage Rate Virtual machine's CPU usage rate. Unit:% Note: This metric is supported for instances purchased on or after May 16, 2022. >=0 RocketMQ Instance node 1minute
broker_disk_read_rate Disk Read Traffic Disk read operation traffic. Unit:Byte/s Note: This metric is supported for instances purchased on or after May 16, 2022. >=0 RocketMQ Instance node 1minute
broker_disk_write_rate Disk Write Traffic Disk write operation traffic. Unit:Byte/s Note: This metric is supported for instances purchased on or after May 16, 2022. >=0 RocketMQ Instance node 1minute
topic_produce_msg Message Production Count The number of messages received by the topic in one minute. Unit:Count >0 RocketMQ Instance queue 1minute
topic_consume_msg Message Consumption Count The number of messages consumed from the topic in one minute. Unit:Count >0 RocketMQ Instance queue 1minute
topic_produce_rate Message Production Rate The number of messages received per second for the topic. Unit:Count/s >0 RocketMQ Instance queue 1minute
topic_consume_rate Message Consumption Rate The number of messages consumed per second for the topic. Unit:Count/s >0 RocketMQ Instance queue 1minute
topic_bytes_in_rate Production Traffic The production traffic of the current topic. Unit:Byte/s Note: This metric is supported for instances purchased on or after May 16, 2022. >=0 RocketMQ Instance queue 1minute
topic_bytes_out_rate Consumption Traffic The consumption traffic of the current topic. Unit:Byte/s Note: This metric is supported for instances purchased on or after May 16, 2022. >=0 RocketMQ Instance queue 1minute

## Object {#object}

The collected HUAWEI CLOUD ELB object data structure can see the object data from 「Infrastructure-custom-defined」

  "measurement": "huaweicloud_rocketmq",
  "tags": {      
    "RegionId"      : "cn-north-4",
    "charging_mode" : "1",
    "engine"        : "reliability",
    "engine_version": "4.8.0",
    "instance_id"   : "c0b0ea90-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-cba3d38cf2f9",
    "instance_name" : "rocketmq-xxxxx",
    "name"          : "c0b0ea90-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-cba3d38cf2f9",
    "status"        : "RUNNING",
    "type"          : "cluster.small"
  "fields": {
    "created_at"         : "1687158517888",
    "description"        : "",
    "enable_publicip"    : false,
    "maintain_begin"     : "02:00:00",
    "maintain_end"       : "06:00:00",
    "resource_spec_code" : "",
    "specification"      : "rocketmq.4u8g.cluster.small * 1 broker",
    "storage_space"      : 250,
    "total_storage_space": 300,
    "used_storage_space" : 0,
    "message"            : "{Instance JSON data}"
field type description
specification String instance type.
charging_mode String Payment mode, where 1 represents pay-as-you-go (on-demand billing) and 0 represents subscription billing (annual/monthly billing).
created_at String Completion creation time. The format is a timestamp, indicating the total number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT to the specified time.
resource_spec_code String Resource specification or resource size.
maintain_begin String Maintenance time window start time in the format HH🇲🇲ss.
maintain_end String Maintenance time window end time in the format HH🇲🇲ss.

notice:tags,fieldsThe fields in this section may change with subsequent updates

Tips 1:tags.nameThe value is the instance ID for unique identification

Tips 2:

  • fields.message,fields.listeners are JSON-serialized strings.
  • tags.operating_statusrepresents the operating status of the load balancer. It can have the values "ONLINE" and "FROZEN".


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