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Ingress Nginx (Prometheus)

Information about Ingress Nginx (Prometheus) was collected, including average CPU usage, average memory usage, network request/response totals, number of Ingress Config loads, results of the last Ingress Config load, and success rate of Ingress transfer.



  • Install DataKit: Log in Guance Console and click "Integration" - "DataKit" - "Kubernetes"

Note: The sample Ingress version is willdockerhub/ingress-nginx-controller:v1.0.0 (deployment of kubeadmin in a CentOS environment), and the metrics for different versions may differ.

Metric Collection

  • Get the yaml file for deploying Ingress
  • Edit deploy.yaml, set the service type to NodePort, and expose 10254 ports externally. Refer to the following figure:
vi deploy.yaml
  • Open Input

Observing cloud access to Ingress metrics data requires DataKit to turn on the prom plug-in, specify a URL exporter in the prom plug-in configuration, collect Ingress Controller metrics in the Kubernetes cluster, and recommend adding annotations.
Edit the deploy.yaml file, find the Deployment corresponding to the ingress-nginx-controller image, increase annotations.

  datakit/prom.instances: |
      url = "http://$IP:10254/metrics"
      source = "prom-ingress"
      metric_types = ["counter", "gauge"]
      # metric_name_filter = ["cpu"]
      # measurement_prefix = ""
      measurement_name = "prom_ingress"
      interval = "60s"
      tags_ignore = ["build","le","method","release","repository"]
      metric_name_filter = ["nginx_process_cpu_seconds_total","nginx_process_resident_memory_bytes","request_size_sum","response_size_sum","requests","success","config_last_reload_successful"]
      # tags_ignore = ["xxxx"]
        prefix = "nginx_ingress_controller_"
        name = "prom_ingress"
      namespace = "$NAMESPACE"

Parameter Description

  • url: Exporter urls, multiple URLs separated by commas
  • source:Collector Alias
  • metric_types: Metric type, optional values are counter, gauge, histogram, summary
  • measurement_name:Metric Set Name
  • interval: acquisition frequency
  • inputs.prom.measurements: Metric set whose prefix is prefix to name
  • tags_ignore: Ignored tag
  • metric_name_filter:Reserved metric name

  • Deploy Ingress

kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml

Metric Details

If inputs.prom.measurements is configured, the indices collected by the observation cloud need to be prefixed to match the table.
For example, the prefix nginx*ingress_controller is configured below, and the metric set is prom_ingress.

              prefix = "nginx_ingress_controller_"
              name = "prom_ingress"

The nginx_ingress_controller_requests metric on the observation cloud is the prom_ingress metric under the metric set requests metric.

Metrics Describe Data type unit
nginx_ingress_controller_requests The total number of client requests int count
nginx_ingress_controller_nginx_process_connections current number of client connections with state int count
nginx_ingress_controller_success Cumulative number of Ingress controller reload operations int count
nginx_ingress_controller_config_last_reload_successful Whether the last configuration reload attempt was successful int count
nginx_ingress_controller_nginx_process_resident_memory_bytes number of bytes of memory in use float B
nginx_ingress_controller_nginx_process_cpu_seconds_total Cpu usage in seconds float B
nginx_process_resident_memory_bytes number of bytes of memory in use int B
nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_bucket The request processing time in milliseconds int count
nginx_ingress_controller_request_size_sum The request length (including request line, header, and request body) int count
nginx_ingress_controller_response_size_sum The response length (including request line, header, and request body) int count
nginx_ingress_controller_ssl_expire_time_seconds Number of seconds since 1970 to the SSL Certificate expire int count


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