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IPMI metrics show the current, voltage, power consumption, occupancy rate, fan speed, temperature and equipment status of the monitored equipment.

IPMI is the abbreviation of Intelligent Platform Management Interface, which is an industry standard for managing peripheral devices used in enterprise systems based on Intel structure. This standard is formulated by Intel, Hewlett-Packard, NEC, Dell Computer and SuperMicro. Users can use IPMI to monitor the physical health characteristics of the server, such as temperature, voltage, fan working status, power status, etc.

IPMI enables the operation and maintenance system to obtain the operation health indicators of monitored servers and other devices without intrusion, thus ensuring information security.



  • Install the ipmitool Toolkit

DataKit collects IPMI data through the ipmitool tool, so it needs to be installed on the machine. It can be installed by the following command:

# CentOS
yum -y install ipmitool

# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt -y install ipmitool

# macOS
brew install ipmitool # macOS
  • Loading Module
modprobe ipmi_msghandler
modprobe ipmi_devintf

After successful installation, you can see the information output by ipmi server by running the following command:

ipmitool -I lanplus -H <IP 地址> -U <用户名> -P <密码> sdr elist

SEL              | 72h | ns  |  7.1 | No Reading
Intrusion        | 73h | ok  |  7.1 | 
Fan1A RPM        | 30h | ok  |  7.1 | 2160 RPM
Fan2A RPM        | 32h | ok  |  7.1 | 2280 RPM
Fan3A RPM        | 34h | ok  |  7.1 | 2280 RPM
Fan4A RPM        | 36h | ok  |  7.1 | 2400 RPM
Fan5A RPM        | 38h | ok  |  7.1 | 2280 RPM
Fan6A RPM        | 3Ah | ok  |  7.1 | 2160 RPM
Inlet Temp       | 04h | ok  |  7.1 | 23 degrees C
Exhaust Temp     | 01h | ok  |  7.1 | 37 degrees C
Temp             | 0Fh | ok  |  3.2 | 45 degrees C
... more
  1. IP address refers to the IP address of the IPMI port of the server that you remotely manage
  2. Server IPMI Settings -> Enable IPMI on LAN needs to be checked
  3. Server Channel Privilege Level Restrictions operator level requirements and <User Name> keep level consistent
  4. ipmitool toolkit is installed on the machine running DataKit.

Collector Configuration

Go to the conf.d/ipmi directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy ipmi.conf.sample and name it ipmi.conf. Examples are as follows:

  ## If you have so many servers that 10 seconds can't finish the job.
  ## You can start multiple collectors.

  ## (Optional) Collect interval: (defaults to "10s").
  interval = "10s"

  ## Set true to enable election
  election = true

  ## The binPath of ipmitool
  ## (Example) bin_path = "/usr/bin/ipmitool"
  bin_path = "/usr/bin/ipmitool"

  ## (Optional) The envs of LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  ## (Example) envs = [ "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=XXXX:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ]

  ## The ips of ipmi servers
  ## (Example) ipmi_servers = [""]
  ipmi_servers = [""]

  ## The interfaces of ipmi servers: (defaults to []string{"lan"}).
  ## If len(ipmi_users)<len(ipmi_ips), will use ipmi_users[0].
  ## (Example) ipmi_interfaces = ["lanplus"]
  ipmi_interfaces = ["lanplus"]

  ## The users name of ipmi servers: (defaults to []string{}).
  ## If len(ipmi_users)<len(ipmi_ips), will use ipmi_users[0].
  ## (Example) ipmi_users = ["root"]
  ## (Warning!) You'd better use hex_keys, it's more secure.
  ipmi_users = ["root"]

  ## The passwords of ipmi servers: (defaults to []string{}).
  ## If len(ipmi_passwords)<len(ipmi_ips), will use ipmi_passwords[0].
  ## (Example) ipmi_passwords = ["calvin"]
  ## (Warning!) You'd better use hex_keys, it's more secure.
  ipmi_passwords = ["calvin"]

  ## (Optional) Provide the hex key for the IMPI connection: (defaults to []string{}).
  ## If len(hex_keys)<len(ipmi_ips), will use hex_keys[0].
  ## (Example) hex_keys = ["XXXX"]
  # hex_keys = []

  ## (Optional) Schema Version: (defaults to [1]).input.go
  ## If len(metric_versions)<len(ipmi_ips), will use metric_versions[0].
  ## (Example) metric_versions = [2]
  metric_versions = [2]

  ## (Optional) Exec ipmitool timeout: (defaults to "5s").
  timeout = "5s"

  ## (Optional) Ipmi server drop warning delay: (defaults to "300s").
  ## (Example) drop_warning_delay = "300s"
  drop_warning_delay = "300s"

  ## Key words of current.
  ## (Example) regexp_current = ["current"]
  regexp_current = ["current"]

  ## Key words of voltage.
  ## (Example) regexp_voltage = ["voltage"]
  regexp_voltage = ["voltage"]

  ## Key words of power.
  ## (Example) regexp_power = ["pwr","power"]
  regexp_power = ["pwr","power"]

  ## Key words of temp.
  ## (Example) regexp_temp = ["temp"]
  regexp_temp = ["temp"]

  ## Key words of fan speed.
  ## (Example) regexp_fan_speed = ["fan"]
  regexp_fan_speed = ["fan"]

  ## Key words of usage.
  ## (Example) regexp_usage = ["usage"]
  regexp_usage = ["usage"]

  ## Key words of usage.
  ## (Example) regexp_count = []
  # regexp_count = []

  ## Key words of status.
  ## (Example) regexp_status = ["fan"]
  regexp_status = ["fan"]

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"

After configuration, restart DataKit.

Can be turned on by ConfigMap Injection Collector Configuration or Config ENV_DATAKIT_INPUTS .

Can also be turned on by environment variables, (needs to be added as the default collector in ENV_DEFAULT_ENABLED_INPUTS):


    Collect interval

    Type: Duration

    input.conf: interval

    Default: 10s



    Type: Duration

    input.conf: timeout

    Default: 5s


    Ipmi server drop warning delay

    Type: Duration

    input.conf: drop_warning_delay

    Default: 5m


    The binPath of ipmitool

    Type: String

    input.conf: bin_path

    Example: /usr/bin/ipmitool


    The envs of LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: envs



    IPMI servers URL

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: ipmi_servers

    Example: ["",""]


    The interfaces of IPMI servers

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: ipmi_interfaces

    Example: ["lanplus"]


    User name

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: ipmi_users

    Example: ["root"]



    Type: JSON

    input.conf: ipmi_passwords

    Example: ["Calvin"]


    Provide the hex key for the IMPI connection

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: hex_keys

    Example: ["50415353574F5244"]


    Metric versions

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: metric_versions

    Example: [2] or [3]


    Regexp of current

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: regexp_current

    Example: ["current"]


    Regexp of voltage

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: regexp_voltage

    Example: ["voltage"]


    Regexp of power

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: regexp_power

    Example: ["pwr","power"]


    Regexp of temperature

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: regexp_temp

    Example: ["temp"]


    Regexp of fan speed

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: regexp_fan_speed

    Example: ["fan"]


    Regexp of usage

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: regexp_usage

    Example: ["usage"]


    Regexp of count metrics

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: regexp_count

    Example: []


    Regexp of status metrics

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: regexp_status

    Example: ["fan"]


    Customize tags. If there is a tag with the same name in the configuration file, it will be overwritten

    Type: Map

    input.conf: tags

    Example: tag1=value1,tag2=value2

  • The keywords for each parameter classification are all in lowercase
  • Refer to ipmitool -I ... The data returned by the command, then the keywords are reasonably configured


For all of the following data collections, the global election tags will added automatically, we can add extra tags in [inputs.ipmi.tags] if needed:

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...
  • Tags
Tag Description
host Monitored host name
unit Unit name in the host
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
count Count. int count
current Current. float ampere
fan_speed Fan speed. int RPM
power_consumption Power consumption. float watt
status Status of the unit. int -
temp Temperature. float C
usage Usage. float percent
voltage Voltage. float volt
warning Warning on/off. int -


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