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Kube State Metrics

Collect real-time information on cluster resources through Kube State Metrics


Deploy Kube-state-metrics

  • Install Helm (this is an online installation mode)
curl -fsSL -o
chmod 700
  • Install kube-promethues

The kube measurements installation package adopts Bitnami's Helm chart scheme,Bitnami official address.

Obtain the latest version of Chart package through the community:

helm pull oci://

Get verified offline version:

Execute the following command to decompress the file:

tar xf kube-prometheus-9.6.3.tgz

Values file configuration instructions:

  # Change to Private Warehouse Project Address 
  imageRegistry: ""
  ## E.g.
  ## imagePullSecrets:
  ##   - myRegistryKeySecretName
  # Change here to the secret name of the private repository key
  imagePullSecrets: []

  # Modify df-nfs-storage here to the storage class available within the cluster
  defaultstorageClass: "df-nfs-storage"
  # Modify df-nfs-storage here to the storage class available within the cluster
  storageClass: "df-nfs-storage"
  ## Compatibility adaptations for Kubernetes platforms
    ## Compatibility adaptations for Openshift
      ## @param global.compatibility.openshift.adaptSecurityContext Adapt the securityContext sections of the deployment to make them compatible with Openshift restricted-v2 SCC: remove runAsUser, runAsGroup and fsGroup and let the platform use their allowed default IDs. Possible values: auto (apply if the detected running cluster is Openshift), force (perform the adaptation always), disabled (do not perform adaptation)
      adaptSecurityContext: auto
## @section Common parameters

Note: The deployed namespace needs to be consistent with the namespace configured by the datakit collector

  • Execute the following command to deploy:
cd kube-prometheus

helm upgrade -i -n datakit --create-namespace  datakit . 

After deployment is complete, check if the deployment is successful using the following command:

kubectl get pod -n datakit

Config Datakit

  • Add kubernetesprometheus.conf to the ConfigMap resource in datakit.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: datakit-conf
  namespace: datakit
    kubernetesprometheus.conf: |-

          role       = "service"
          namespaces = ["datakit"]
          selector   = ""

          scrape     = "true"
          scheme     = "http"
          port       = "__kubernetes_service_port_http_port"
          path       = "/metrics"
          params     = ""
          interval   = "15s"

            measurement        = "kube-state-metrics"
            job_as_measurement = true
              cluster_name_k8s       = "promethues-cluster"
              job           = "kube-state-metrics"
              svc_name      = "__kubernetes_service_name"
              pod_name      = "__kubernetes_service_target_name"
              pod_namespace = "__kubernetes_service_target_namespace"
            bearer_token_file      = "/var/run/secrets/"
              insecure_skip_verify = true
              cert     = "/var/run/secrets/"
  • Mountkubernetesprometheus.conf Add under volumeMounts in the datakit. yamlfile
- mountPath: /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/kubernetesprometheus/kubernetesprometheus.conf
  name: datakit-conf
  subPath: kubernetesprometheus.conf
  readOnly: true
  • Execute the following command to restart the datakit
kubectl delete -f datakit.yaml
kubectl apply -f datakit.yaml


kube-state-metrics metrics set

The metrics collected by kube state metrics are located under the kube state metrics metric set. Here is an introduction to the relevant metrics

Metrics description unit
kube_configmap_created The creation time of the Config Map resource s
kube_cronjob_created Creation time of CronJob resource s
kube_cronjob_next_schedule_time CronJob's next scheduled execution time s
kube_cronjob_spec_failed_job_history_limit The limit on the number of failed job history records in the CronJob specification count
kube_cronjob_spec_successful_job_history_limit The limit on the number of successful job history records in the CronJob specification count
kube_cronjob_spec_suspend Is CronJob suspended boolean
kube_cronjob_status_active The current number of active jobs for CronJob count
kube_cronjob_status_last_schedule_time CronJob's Last Scheduling Time s
kube_cronjob_status_last_successful_time Last successful execution time of CronJob s
kube_daemonset_created The creation time of DaemonSet resource s
kube_daemonset_metadata_generation Version number of DaemonSet metadata count
kube_daemonset_status_current_number_scheduled The current number of scheduled DaemonSets count
kube_daemonset_status_desired_number_scheduled Expected number of scheduled DaemonSets count
kube_daemonset_status_number_available Number of available DaemonSets count
kube_daemonset_status_number_misscheduled Number of DaemonSets with scheduling errors count
kube_daemonset_status_number_ready Number of ready DaemonSets count
kube_daemonset_status_number_unavailable Number of unavailable DaemonSets count
kube_daemonset_status_observed_generation Observed DaemonSet Algebra count
kube_daemonset_status_updated_number_scheduled Number of updated DaemonSets count
kube_deployment_created Creation time of Deployment resource s
kube_deployment_metadata_generation Version number of deployment metadata count
kube_deployment_spec_paused Has the deployment been paused boolean
kube_deployment_spec_replicas Expected number of replicas in Deployment specification count
kube_deployment_spec_strategy_rollingupdate_max_surge Maximum additional replicas in Deployment rolling update strategy count
kube_deployment_spec_strategy_rollingupdate_max_unavailable The maximum number of unavailable replicas in the Deployment rolling update strategy count
kube_deployment_status_observed_generation Observed Deployment Algebra count
kube_deployment_status_replicas Deploy the current number of replicas count
kube_deployment_status_replicas_available Number of currently available replicas for deployment count
kube_deployment_status_replicas_ready The current number of ready replicas for deployment count
kube_deployment_status_replicas_unavailable Number of replicas currently unavailable for deployment count
kube_deployment_status_replicas_updated The current number of updated replicas for Deployment count
kube_endpoint_address_available Number of available Endpoint addresses count
kube_endpoint_address_not_ready Number of Endpoint addresses not yet ready count
kube_endpoint_created Creation time of Endpoint resource s
kube_endpoint_info Details of Endpoint Resources -
kube_endpoint_ports Endpoint port information -
kube_ingress_created Creation time of Ingress resource s
kube_ingress_info Detailed information about Ingress resources -s
kube_ingress_metadata_resource_version Version number of Ingress resource count
kube_ingress_path Ingress's path information -
kube_job_complete Has the job been completed boolean
kube_job_created The creation time of job resources s
kube_job_info Detailed information of job resources -
kube_job_spec_completions The expected number of tasks to be completed in job specifications count
kube_job_spec_parallelism Expected number of parallel jobs in Job specifications count
kube_job_status_active The current number of active jobs in the job count
kube_job_status_completion_time Job completion time s
kube_job_status_failed Number of job failures count
kube_job_status_start_time The start time of the job s
kube_job_status_succeeded The number of successful jobs in the job count
kube_lease_renew_time Lease's renewal period s
kube_namespace_created Creation time of namespace resource s
kube_namespace_status_phase Status stage of namespace count
kube_networkpolicy_created Creation time of NetworkPolicy resource s
kube_networkpolicy_spec_egress_rules The number of outbound rules in the NetworkPolicy specification count
kube_networkpolicy_spec_ingress_rules The number of inbound rules in the NetworkPolicy specification count
kube_node_created Creation time of Node resource s
kube_node_spec_unschedulable Is the node schedulable boolean
kube_node_status_addresses Node's status address information count
kube_node_status_capacity Capacity information of Node count
kube_node_status_condition Node's state conditions count
kube_persistentvolume_capacity_bytes The capacity of PersistentVolume byte
kube_persistentvolume_created Creation time of PersistentVolume resource s
kube_persistentvolume_info Details of PersistentVolume resources count
kube_persistentvolumeclaim_created The creation time of PersistentVolumeClaim resource s
kube_persistentvolumeclaim_resource_requests_storage_bytes PersistentVolumeClaim requests storage resources byte
kube_pod_completion_time Pod completion time s
kube_pod_container_state_started Has the container in Pod been started boolean
kube_pod_container_status_last_terminated_exitcode Last termination exit code of container in Pod count
kube_pod_container_status_last_terminated_timestamp The timestamp of the last termination of the container in Pod s
kube_pod_container_status_ready Is the container in Pod ready boolean
kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total The total number of restarts of containers in Pod count
kube_pod_container_status_running Is the container running in Pod boolean
kube_pod_container_status_terminated Has the container in Pod terminated boolean
kube_pod_container_status_waiting Is the container in Pod waiting boolean
kube_pod_created Creation time of Pod resource s
kube_pod_deletion_timestamp Delete timestamp of Pod resources s
kube_pod_init_container_status_ready Is the Pod initialization container ready boolean
kube_pod_init_container_status_restarts_total The total number of restarts for Pod initialization container count
kube_pod_init_container_status_running Is the Pod initialization container running boolean
kube_pod_init_container_status_terminated Has the Pod initialization container terminated boolean
kube_pod_init_container_status_waiting Is the Pod initialization container waiting boolean
kube_pod_spec_volumes_persistentvolumeclaims_readonly Is PersistentVolumeClaim read-only in Pod specification boolean
kube_pod_start_time Pod start time s
kube_pod_status_container_ready_time Time for container readiness in Pod s
kube_pod_status_initialized_time Time of Pod initialization completion s
kube_pod_status_ready Is Pod ready boolean
kube_pod_status_ready_time Pod readiness time s
kube_pod_status_scheduled Has the Pod been scheduled boolean
kube_poddisruptionbudget_status_current_healthy PodDisruptionBudget: The current number of healthy Pods count
kube_poddisruptionbudget_status_desired_healthy PodDisruptionBudget expects a healthy number of Pods count
kube_poddisruptionbudget_status_expected_pods Expected number of Pods for PodDisruptionBudget count
kube_poddisruptionbudget_status_observed_generation Algebraic observations from PodDisruptionBudget count
kube_poddisruptionbudget_status_pod_disruptions_allowed The number of Pod interruptions allowed by PodDisruptionBudget count
kube_replicaset_created Creation time of ReplicaSet resource s
kube_replicaset_spec_replicas Expected number of replicas in ReplicaSet specification count
kube_replicaset_status_fully_labeled_replicas Number of fully labeled replicas in ReplicaSet count
kube_replicaset_status_observed_generation Algebra observed by ReplicaSet count
kube_replicaset_status_ready_replicas Number of ReplicaSet ready replicas count
kube_replicaset_status_replicas ReplicaSet current number of replicas count
kube_secret_created Creation time of Secret resource s
kube_service_created Creation time of Service resource s
kube_statefulset_created The creation time of StatefulSet resource s
kube_statefulset_replicas ReplicaSet current number of replicas count
kube_statefulset_status_observed_generation Algebraic observations of StatefulSet count
kube_statefulset_status_replicas The current number of replicas in StatefulSet count
kube_statefulset_status_replicas_available Number of available replicas for StatefulSet count
kube_statefulset_status_replicas_current ReplicaSet current number of replicas count
kube_statefulset_status_replicas_ready Number of replicas ready for StatefulSet count
kube_statefulset_status_replicas_updated Number of updated copies of StatefulSet count
kube_storageclass_created Creation time of Storage Class resources s


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