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Get cost estimation, prompt and completion sampling, error tracking, performance metrics, and more out of LangChain Python library requests using DDTrace metrics, APM, and logs.

Installation Configuration{#config}

Installation DDTrace

pip install ddtrace>=1.17

DataKit Configuration

  • Enabled DDTrace collector

The DDTrace collector is used to collect tracing information,Enter the DataKit installation directory, execute conf.d/ddtrace/, copy ddtrace.conf.sample and rename it to ddtrace.conf

  • Enabled StatsD collector

The StatsD collector is used to collect metrics information, with a default port of 8125.

  • Restart DataKit
systemctl restart datakit

Run application

DD_SERVICE="my-langchain" DD_ENV="dev" DD_AGENT_HOST="localhost" DD_AGENT_PORT="9529" ddtrace-run python <your-app>.py

If debugging needs to be enabled, add parameters at startup -- debug.

DD_SERVICE="my-langchain" DD_ENV="dev" DD_AGENT_HOST="localhost" DD_AGENT_PORT="9529" ddtrace-run --debug python <your-app>.py



Metrics Units Description
request_duration nanoseconds Request duration distribution.
request_error errors Number of errors.
tokens_completion tokens/request Number of tokens used in the completion of a response.
tokens_prompt tokens/request Number of tokens used in the prompt of a request.
tokens_total tokens/request Total number of tokens used in a request and response.
tokens_total_cost dollars Estimated cost in USD based on token usage.


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