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NGINX collector can take many metrics from NGINX instances, such as the total number of requests, connections, cache and other metrics, and collect the metrics into Guance Cloud to help monitor and analyze various abnormal situations of NGINX.



  • NGINX version >= 1.8.0; Already tested version:

    • 1.23.2
    • 1.22.1
    • 1.21.6
    • 1.18.0
    • 1.14.2
    • 1.8.0
  • NGINX collects the data of http_stub_status_module by default. When the http_stub_status_module is opened, see here, which will report the data of NGINX measurements later.

  • If you are using VTS or want to monitor more data, it is recommended to turn on VTS-related data collection by setting the option use_vts to true in nginx.conf. For how to start VTS, see here.

  • After VTS function is turned on, the following measurements can be generated:

  • Take the example of generating the nginx_upstream_zone measurements. An example of NGINX-related configuration is as follows:

    http {
       upstream your-upstreamname {
         server upstream-ip:upstream-port;
       server {
       location / {
       root  html;
       index  index.html index.htm;
       proxy_pass http://yourupstreamname;
  • After the VTS function has been turned on, it is no longer necessary to collect the data of the http_stub_status_module module, because the data of the VTS module will include the data of the http_stub_status_module module.

  • NGINX Plus users can still use the http_stub_status_module to collect basic data. Additionally, http_api_module should be enabled in the NGINX configuration file (Reference) and set status_zone in the server blocks you want to monitor. The configuration example is as follows:

# enable http_api_module
server {
  listen 8080;
  location /api {
     api write=on;
# monitor more detailed metrics
server {
  listen 80;
  status_zone <ZONE_NAME>;
  • To enable NGINX Plus collection, you need to set the option use_plus_api to true in the nginx.conf file and uncomment the plus_api_url option. (Note: VTS does not support NGINX Plus).

  • NGINX Plus can generate the following measurements:

    • nginx_location_zone


Go to the conf.d/nginx directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy nginx.conf.sample and name it nginx.conf. Examples are as follows:

  ## Nginx status URL.
  ## (Default) If not use with VTS, the formula is like this: "http://localhost:80/basic_status".
  ## If using with VTS, the formula is like this: "http://localhost:80/status/format/json".
  url = "http://localhost:80/basic_status"
  # If using Nginx Plus, this formula is like this: "http://localhost:8080/api/<api_version>".
  # Note: Nginx Plus not support VTS and should be used with http_stub_status_module (Default)
  # plus_api_url = "http://localhost:8080/api/9"

  ## Optional Can set ports as [<form>,<to>], Datakit will collect all ports.
  # ports = [80,80]

  ## Optional collection interval, default is 10s
  # interval = "30s"
  use_vts = false
  use_plus_api = false
  ## Optional TLS Config
  # tls_ca = "/xxx/ca.pem"
  # tls_cert = "/xxx/cert.cer"
  # tls_key = "/xxx/key.key"
  ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
  insecure_skip_verify = false
  ## HTTP response timeout (default: 5s)
  response_timeout = "20s"

  ## Set true to enable election
  election = true

# [inputs.nginx.log]
  # files = ["/var/log/nginx/access.log","/var/log/nginx/error.log"]
  ## grok pipeline script path
  # pipeline = "nginx.p"
# [inputs.nginx.tags]
  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"

After configuration, restart DataKit.


The url address is subject to the specific configuration of nginx. The common usage is to use the /basic_status route.


For all of the following data collections, the global election tags will added automatically, we can add extra tags in [inputs.nginx.tags] if needed:

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...


  • Tags
Tag Description
host Host name which installed nginx
nginx_port Nginx server port
nginx_server Nginx server host
nginx_version Nginx version, exist when using vts
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
connection_accepts The total number of accepts client connections int count
connection_active The current number of active client connections int count
connection_dropped The total number of dropped client connections int count
connection_handled The total number of handled client connections int count
connection_reading The total number of reading client connections int count
connection_requests The total number of requests client connections int count
connection_waiting The total number of waiting client connections int count
connection_writing The total number of writing client connections int count
load_timestamp Nginx process load time in milliseconds, exist when using vts int msec
pid The pid of nginx process (only for Nginx plus) int count
ppid The ppid of nginx process (only for Nginx plus) int count


  • Tags
Tag Description
host host name which installed nginx
nginx_port nginx server port
nginx_server nginx server host
nginx_version nginx version
server_zone server zone
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
code_200 The number of responses with status code 200 (only for Nginx plus) int count
code_301 The number of responses with status code 301 (only for Nginx plus) int count
code_404 The number of responses with status code 404 (only for Nginx plus) int count
code_503 The number of responses with status code 503 (only for Nginx plus) int count
discarded The number of requests being discarded (only for Nginx plus) int count
processing The number of requests being processed (only for Nginx plus) int count
received The total amount of data received from clients. int B
requests The total number of client requests received from clients. int count
response_1xx The number of responses with status codes 1xx int count
response_2xx The number of responses with status codes 2xx int count
response_3xx The number of responses with status codes 3xx int count
response_4xx The number of responses with status codes 4xx int count
response_5xx The number of responses with status codes 5xx int count
responses The total number of responses (only for Nginx plus) int count
send The total amount of data sent to clients. int B


  • Tags
Tag Description
host host name which installed nginx
nginx_port nginx server port
nginx_server nginx server host
nginx_version nginx version
upstream_server upstream server
upstream_zone upstream zone
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
active The number of active connections (only for Nginx plus) int count
backup Whether it is configured as a backup server (only for Nginx plus) int count
fails The number of failed requests (only for Nginx plus) int count
received The total number of bytes received from this server. int B
request_count The total number of client requests received from server. int count
response_1xx The number of responses with status codes 1xx int count
response_2xx The number of responses with status codes 2xx int count
response_3xx The number of responses with status codes 3xx int count
response_4xx The number of responses with status codes 4xx int count
response_5xx The number of responses with status codes 5xx int count
send The total number of bytes sent to clients. int B
state The current state of the server (only for Nginx plus) int count
unavail The number of unavailable server (only for Nginx plus) int count
weight Weights used when load balancing (only for Nginx plus) int count


  • Tags
Tag Description
cache_zone cache zone
host host name which installed nginx
nginx_port nginx server port
nginx_server nginx server host
nginx_version nginx version
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
max_size The limit on the maximum size of the cache specified in the configuration int B
received The total number of bytes received from the cache. int B
responses_bypass The number of cache bypass int count
responses_expired The number of cache expired int count
responses_hit The number of cache hit int count
responses_miss The number of cache miss int count
responses_revalidated The number of cache revalidated int count
responses_scarce The number of cache scarce int count
responses_stale The number of cache stale int count
responses_updating The number of cache updating int count
send The total number of bytes sent from the cache. int B
used_size The current size of the cache. int B


  • Tags
Tag Description
host host name which installed nginx
location_zone cache zone
nginx_port nginx server port
nginx_server nginx server host
nginx_version nginx version
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
code_200 The number of 200 code (only for Nginx plus) int count
code_301 The number of 301 code (only for Nginx plus) int count
code_404 The number of 404 code (only for Nginx plus) int count
code_503 The number of 503 code (only for Nginx plus) int count
discarded The total number of discarded request (only for Nginx plus) int B
received The total number of received bytes (only for Nginx plus) int B
requests The number of requests (only for Nginx plus) int B
response The number of response (only for Nginx plus) int B
response_1xx The number of 1xx response (only for Nginx plus) int count
response_2xx The number of 2xx response (only for Nginx plus) int count
response_3xx The number of 3xx response (only for Nginx plus) int count
response_4xx The number of 4xx response (only for Nginx plus) int count
response_5xx The number of 5xx response (only for Nginx plus) int count
sent The total number of send bytes (only for Nginx plus) int count

Custom Object


  • Tags
Tag Description
col_co_status Current status of collector on Nginx(OK/NotOK)
host The server host address
ip Connection IP of the Nginx
name Object uniq ID
reason If status not ok, we'll get some reasons about the status
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
display_name Displayed name in UI string -
uptime Current Nginx uptime int s
version Current version of Nginx string -


To collect NGINX logs, open files in nginx.conf and write to the absolute path of the NGINX log file. For example:

    files = ["/var/log/nginx/access.log","/var/log/nginx/error.log"]

When log collection is turned on, logs with a log source of nginx are generated by default.

Note: DataKit must be installed on the NGINX host to collect NGINX logs.

Log Pipeline Feature Cut Field Description

  • NGINX error log cutting

Example error log text:

2021/04/21 09:24:04 [alert] 7#7: *168 write() to "/var/log/nginx/access.log" failed (28: No space left on device) while logging request, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: ""

The list of cut fields is as follows:

Field Name Field Value Description
status error Log level (alert changed to error)
client_ip client ip address
server localhost server address
http_method GET http request mode
http_url / http request url
http_version 1.1 http version
ip_or_host requestor ip or host
msg 7#7: *168 write() \" Log content
time 1618968244000000000 Nanosecond timestamp (as line protocol time)

Example of error log text:

2021/04/29 16:24:38 [emerg] 50102#0: unexpected ";" in /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:23

The list of cut fields is as follows:

Field Name Field Value Description
status error Log level (emerg changed to error)
msg 50102#0: unexpected \";\" in /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:23 log content
time 1619684678000000000 Nanosecond timestamp (as row protocol time)
  • NGINX access log cutting

Example of access log text: - - [24/Mar/2021:13:54:19 +0800] "GET /basic_status HTTP/1.1" 200 97 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11_1_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.72 Safari/537.36"

The list of cut fields is as follows:

Field Name Field Value Description
client_ip Log level (emerg changed to error)
status ok log level
status_code 200 http code
http_method GET http request method
http_url /basic_status http request url
http_version 1.1 http version
agent Mozilla/5.0... Safari/537.36 User-Agent
browser Chrome browser
browserVer 89.0.4389.72 browser version
isMobile false Is it a cell phone
engine AppleWebKit engine
os Intel Mac OS X 11_1_0 system
time 1619243659000000000 Nanosecond timestamp (as line protocol time)



  • Install nginx (>=1.9.13)

This module only supports the Linux operating system

Install Nginx OpenTracing Plugin

The Nginx OpenTracing plugin is an open-source link tracking plugin for OpenTracing, written in C++,It's work for JaegerZipkinLightStepDatadog.

  • Download the plugin corresponding to the current Nginx version, and use the following command to view the current Nginx version
$ nginx -v
nginx version: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
  • Extract
tar zxf -C /usr/lib/nginx/modules
  • Install plugin

Add the following information at the top of the nginx.conf file

load_module modules/;

Install DDAgent Nginx OpenTracing plugin

The DDAgent Nginx OpenTracing plugin is a set of vendor implementations based on Nginx OpenTracing, with different APMs having their own encoding and decoding implementations.

opentracing_load_tracer /etc/nginx/tracer/ /etc/nginx/tracer/dd.json;
opentracing on; # Enable OpenTracing
opentracing_tag http_user_agent $http_user_agent;
opentracing_trace_locations off;
opentracing_operation_name nginx-$host;

opentracing_load_tracer : load opentracing tracer opentracing_propagate_context; : Indicates that the link context needs to be passed

  • Configure DDTrace

dd.json is used to configure ddtrace ,such as:serviceagent_host, etc., the content is as follows:

  "environment": "test",
  "service": "nginx",
  "operation_name_override": "nginx.handle",
  "agent_host": "localhost",
  "agent_port": 9529
  • Nginx logging configuration

Inject Trace information into Nginx logs. You can edit as follows:

log_format with_trace_id '$remote_addr - $http_x_forwarded_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                         '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                         '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for" '
                         '"$opentracing_context_x_datadog_trace_id" "$opentracing_context_x_datadog_parent_id"';

access_log /var/log/nginx/access-with-trace.log with_trace_id;

Note: The log_format keyword tells Nginx that there is a set of logging rules defined here, The with_trace_id is the rule name and can be modified by yourself. Please use the same name to associate the rules of the log when specifying the log path below The path and file name in access_log can be changed. Usually, the original Nginx is equipped with log rules. We can configure multiple rules and output different log formats to different files, that is, keep the original The access_log rule and path remain unchanged, and a new log rule containing trace information is added, named as a different log file for different logging tools to read.

  • Verify whether the plugin is working properly

Execute the following command to verify

$:/etc/nginx# nginx -t
info: DATADOG TRACER CONFIGURATION - {"agent_url":"http://localhost:9529","analytics_enabled":false,"analytics_sample_rate":null,"date":"2023-09-25T14:33:40+0800","enabled":true,"env":"prod","lang":"cpp","lang_version":"201402","operation_name_override":"nginx.handle","report_hostname":false,"sampling_rules":"[]","service":"nginx","version":"v1.3.7"}
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

info: DATADOG TRACER CONFIGURATION Indicates that DDTrace has been successfully loaded 。

Service tracing propagate

After Nginx generates link information, it needs to forward the relevant request header information to the backend, which can form a link concatenation operation between Nginx and the backend.

If there is a mismatch between Nginx link information and DDTrace, it is necessary to check if this step is standardized.

The following configuration needs to be added to the location under the corresponding server

location ^~ / {
    proxy_set_header X-datadog-trace-id $opentracing_context_x_datadog_trace_id;
    proxy_set_header X-datadog-parent-id $opentracing_context_x_datadog_parent_id;

Load nginx configure

Execute the following command to make the Nginx configuration effective:

root@liurui:/etc/nginx/tracer# nginx -s reload
info: DATADOG TRACER CONFIGURATION - {"agent_url":"http://localhost:9529","analytics_enabled":false,"analytics_sample_rate":null,"date":"2023-09-25T11:30:10+0800","enabled":true,"env":"prod","lang":"cpp","lang_version":"201402","operation_name_override":"nginx.handle","report_hostname":false,"sampling_rules":"[]","service":"nginx","version":"v1.3.7"}

If the following error occurs:

root@liurui:/etc/nginx/conf.d# nginx -s reload
info: DATADOG TRACER CONFIGURATION - {"agent_url":"http://localhost:9529","analytics_enabled":false,"analytics_sample_rate":null,"date":"2023-09-25T12:28:53+0800","enabled":true,"env":"prod","lang":"cpp","lang_version":"201402","operation_name_override":"nginx.handle","report_hostname":false,"sampling_rules":"[]","service":"nginx","version":"v1.3.7"}
nginx: [warn] could not build optimal proxy_headers_hash, you should increase either proxy_headers_hash_max_size: 512 or proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size: 64; ignoring proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size

The following configuration needs to be added to the http module of nginx.conf:

http {

    proxy_headers_hash_max_size 1024;
    proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size 128;



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