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OpenTelemetry (hereinafter referred to as OTEL) is an observability project of CNCF, which aims to provide a standardization scheme in the field of observability and solve the standardization problems of data model, collection, processing and export of observation data.

OTEL is a collection of standards and tools for managing observational data, such as trace, metrics, logs, etc. (new observational data types may appear in the future).

OTEL provides vendor-independent implementations that export observation class data to different backends, such as open source Prometheus, Jaeger, Datakit, or cloud vendor services, depending on the user's needs.

The purpose of this article is to introduce how to configure and enable OTEL data access on Datakit, and the best practices of Java and Go.


Collector Configuration

Go to the conf.d/opentelemetry directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy opentelemetry.conf.sample and name it opentelemetry.conf. Examples are as follows:

  ## customer_tags will work as a whitelist to prevent tags send to data center.
  ## All . will replace to _ ,like this :
  ## "" to send to GuanCe center is "project_name"
  # customer_tags = ["sink_project", "custom.otel.tag"]

  ## Keep rare tracing resources list switch.
  ## If some resources are rare enough(not presend in 1 hour), those resource will always send
  ## to data center and do not consider samplers and filters.
  # keep_rare_resource = false

  ## By default every error presents in span will be send to data center and omit any filters or
  ## sampler. If you want to get rid of some error status, you can set the error status list here.
  # omit_err_status = ["404"]

  ## compatible ddtrace: It is possible to compatible OTEL Trace with DDTrace trace
  # compatible_ddtrace=false

  ## spilt form xx.system.
  ## see:
  spilt_service_name = true

  ## delete trace message
  # del_message = true

  ## Ignore tracing resources map like service:[resources...].
  ## The service name is the full service name in current application.
  ## The resource list is regular expressions uses to block resource names.
  ## If you want to block some resources universally under all services, you can set the
  ## service name as "*". Note: double quotes "" cannot be omitted.
  # [inputs.opentelemetry.close_resource]
    # service1 = ["resource1", "resource2", ...]
    # service2 = ["resource1", "resource2", ...]
    # "*" = ["close_resource_under_all_services"]
    # ...

  ## Sampler config uses to set global sampling strategy.
  ## sampling_rate used to set global sampling rate.
  # [inputs.opentelemetry.sampler]
    # sampling_rate = 1.0

  # [inputs.opentelemetry.tags]
    # key1 = "value1"
    # key2 = "value2"
    # ...

  ## Threads config controls how many goroutines an agent cloud start to handle HTTP request.
  ## buffer is the size of jobs' buffering of worker channel.
  ## threads is the total number fo goroutines at running time.
  # [inputs.opentelemetry.threads]
    # buffer = 100
    # threads = 8

  ## Storage config a local storage space in hard dirver to cache trace data.
  ## path is the local file path used to cache data.
  ## capacity is total space size(MB) used to store data.
  # []
    # path = "./otel_storage"
    # capacity = 5120

  ## OTEL agent HTTP config for trace and metrics
  ## If enable set to be true, trace and metrics will be received on path respectively, by default is:
  ## trace : /otel/v1/trace
  ## metric: /otel/v1/metric
  ## and the client side should be configured properly with Datakit listening port(default: 9529)
  ## or custom HTTP request path.
  ## for example
  ## The acceptable http_status_ok values will be 200 or 202.
   http_status_ok = 200
   trace_api = "/otel/v1/trace"
   metric_api = "/otel/v1/metric"
   logs_api = "/otel/v1/logs"

  ## OTEL agent GRPC config for trace and metrics.
  ## GRPC services for trace and metrics can be enabled respectively as setting either to be true.
  ## add is the listening on address for GRPC server.
   addr = ""

  ## If 'expected_headers' is well configed, then the obligation of sending certain wanted HTTP headers is on the client side,
  ## otherwise HTTP status code 400(bad request) will be provoked.
  ## Note: expected_headers will be effected on both trace and metrics if setted up.
  # [inputs.opentelemetry.expected_headers]
  # ex_version = "1.2.3"
  # ex_name = "env_resource_name"
  # ...

Once configured, Restart DataKit.

Can be turned on by ConfigMap Injection Collector Configuration or Config ENV_DATAKIT_INPUTS .

Can also be turned on by environment variables, (needs to be added as the default collector in ENV_DEFAULT_ENABLED_INPUTS):


    Whitelist to tags

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: customer_tags

    Example: ["sink_project", "custom.tag"]


    Keep rare tracing resources list switch

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: keep_rare_resource

    Default: false


    Convert trace_id to decimal, compatible with DDTrace

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: compatible_dd_trace

    Default: false


    Get xx.system from span.Attributes to replace service name

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: spilt_service_name

    Default: false


    Delete trace message

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: del_message

    Default: false


    Whitelist to error status

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: omit_err_status

    Example: ["404", "403", "400"]


    Ignore tracing resources that service (regular)

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: close_resource

    Example: {"service1":["resource1","other"],"service2":["resource2","other"]}


    Global sampling rate

    Type: Float

    input.conf: sampler

    Example: 0.3


    Total number of threads and buffer

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: threads

    Example: {"buffer":1000, "threads":100}


    Local cache file path and size (MB)

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: storage

    Example: {"storage":"./otel_storage", "capacity": 5120}


    HTTP agent config

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: http

    Example: {"enable":true, "http_status_ok": 200, "trace_api": "/otel/v1/trace", "metric_api": "/otel/v1/metric"}


    GRPC agent config

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: grpc

    Example: {"trace_enable": true, "metric_enable": true, "addr": ""}


    If 'expected_headers' is well config, then the obligation of sending certain wanted HTTP headers is on the client side

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: expected_headers

    Example: {"ex_version": "1.2.3", "ex_name": "env_resource_name"}


    Customize tags. If there is a tag with the same name in the configuration file, it will be overwritten

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: tags

    Example: {"k1":"v1", "k2":"v2", "k3":"v3"}


  1. It is recommended to use grpc protocol, which has the advantages of high compression ratio, fast serialization and higher efficiency.
  2. The route of the http protocol is configurable and the default request path is trace: /otel/v1/trace, metric:/otel/v1/metric,logs:/otel/v1/logs
  3. When data of type float double is involved, a maximum of two decimal places are reserved.
  4. Both http and grpc support the gzip compression format. You can configure the environment variable in exporter to turn it on: OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_COMPRESSION = gzip; gzip is not turned on by default.
  5. The http protocol request format supports both JSON and Protobuf serialization formats. But grpc only supports Protobuf.

The service name in the DDTrace is named based on the service name or the referenced third-party library, while the service name of the OTEL collector is defined according to To display service names separately, a field configuration has been added: spilt_service_name = true. The service name is extracted from the label of the link data. For example, if the label of the DB type is db.system=mysql, then the service name is Mysql. If it is the MQ type: messaging.system=kafka, then the service name is Kafka. By default, the following three tags are extracted: "db.system", "rpc.system", and "messaging.system".

Pay attention to the configuration of environment variables when using OTEL HTTP exporter. Since the default configuration of Datakit is /otel/v1/trace and /otel/v1/metric, if you want to use the HTTP protocol, you need to configure trace and trace separately metric,

The default request routes of OTLP are /otel/v1/logs v1/traces and v1/metrics, which need to be configured separately for these two. If you modify the routing in the configuration file, just replace the routing address below.

Agent V2 version

The default OTLP protocol has been changed from grpc to http/protobuf in order to align with the specification. You can switch to the grpc protocol using OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL=grpc or -Dotel.exporter.otlp.protocol=grpc.

java -javaagent:/usr/local/ddtrace/opentelemetry-javaagent-2.5.0.jar \
  -Dotel.exporter=otlp \
  -Dotel.exporter.otlp.protocol=http/protobuf \
  -Dotel.exporter.otlp.logs.endpoint=http://localhost:9529/otel/v1/logs \
  -Dotel.exporter.otlp.traces.endpoint=http://localhost:9529/otel/v1/trace \
  -Dotel.exporter.otlp.metrics.endpoint=http://localhost:9529/otel/v1/metric \ \
  -jar app.jar

Use gPRC:

java -javaagent:/usr/local/ddtrace/opentelemetry-javaagent-2.5.0.jar \
  -Dotel.exporter=otlp \
  -Dotel.exporter.otlp.protocol=grpc \
  -Dotel.exporter.otlp.endpoint=http://localhost:4317 \
  -jar app.jar

The default log is enabled. If you want to turn off log collection, the exporter configuration can be empty: -Dotel.logs.exporter=none

For more major changes in the V2 version, please check the official documentation or GitHub GuanCe Cloud version notes

General SDK Configuration

ENV Command doc default note
OTEL_SDK_DISABLED otel.sdk.disabled Disable the SDK for all signals false Boolean value. If “true”, a no-op SDK implementation will be used for all telemetry signals
OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES otel.resource.attributes Key-value pairs to be used as resource attributes
OTEL_SERVICE_NAME Sets the value of the resource attribute If is also provided in OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES, then OTEL_SERVICE_NAME takes precedence.
OTEL_LOG_LEVEL otel.log.level Log level used by the SDK logger info
OTEL_PROPAGATORS otel.propagators Propagators to be used as a comma-separated list tracecontext,baggage Values MUST be deduplicated in order to register a Propagator only once.
OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER otel.traces.sampler Sampler to be used for traces parentbased_always_on
OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_ARG otel.traces.sampler.arg String value to be used as the sampler argument 1.0 0 - 1.0
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL otel.exporter.otlp.protocol grpc,http/protobuf,http/json gRPC
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT otel.exporter.otlp.endpoint OTLP Addr http://localhost:4317 http://datakit-endpoint:9529/otel/v1/trace
OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER otel.traces.exporter Trace Exporter otlp
OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER otel.logs.exporter Logging Exporter otlp default disable

You can pass the 'otel.javaagent.debug=true' parameter to the agent to view debugging logs. Please note that these logs are quite lengthy and should be used with caution in production environments.


Datakit only accepts OTLP data. OTLP has clear data types: gRPC, http/protobuf and http/json. For specific configuration, please refer to:

# OpenTelemetry Agent default is gRPC
-Dotel.exporter=otlp \
-Dotel.exporter.otlp.protocol=grpc \

# use http/protobuf
-Dotel.exporter=otlp \
-Dotel.exporter.otlp.protocol=http/protobuf \
-Dotel.exporter.otlp.traces.endpoint=http://datakit-endpoint:9529/otel/v1/trace \

# use http/json
-Dotel.exporter=otlp \
-Dotel.exporter.otlp.protocol=http/json \
-Dotel.exporter.otlp.traces.endpoint=http://datakit-endpoint:9529/otel/v1/trace \


Starting from DataKit version 1.22.0 ,ignore_tags is deprecated. Add a fixed tags, only those in this list will be extracted into the tag. The following is the fixed list:

Attributes tag
http.url http_url
http.hostname http_hostname
http.route http_route
http.status_code http_status_code
http.request.method http_request_method
http.method http_method
http.client_ip http_client_ip
http.scheme http_scheme
url.full url_full
url.scheme url_scheme
url.path url_path
url.query url_query
span_kind span_kind
db.system db_system
db.operation db_operation db_name
db.statement db_statement
server.address server_address net_host_name
server.port server_port net_host_port
network.peer.address network_peer_address
network.peer.port network_peer_port
network.transport network_transport
messaging.system messaging_system
messaging.operation messaging_operation
messaging.message messaging_message
messaging.destination messaging_destination
rpc.service rpc_service
rpc.system rpc_system
error error
error.message error_message
error.stack error_stack
error.type error_type
error.msg error_message
project project
version version
env env
host host
pod_name pod_name
pod_namespace pod_namespace

If you want to add custom labels, you can use environment variables:


And modify the whitelist in the configuration file so that a custom label can appear in the first level label of the Guance Cloud link details.

customer_tags = ["sink_project", "username","env"]


All Span has span_kind tag,

  • unspecified: unspecified.
  • internal: internal span.
  • server: WEB server or RPC server.
  • client: HTTP client or RPC client.
  • producer: message producer.
  • consumer: message consumer.

Best Practices

Datakit currently provides Go languageJava languages, with other languages available later.


The OpenTelemetry Java Agent obtains the MBean's indicator information from the application through the JMX protocol, and the Java Agent reports the selected JMX indicator through the internal SDK, which means that all indicators are configurable.

You can enable and disable JMX metrics collection by command otel.jmx.enabled=true/false, which is enabled by default.

To control the time interval between MBean detection attempts, one can use the OTEL.jmx.discovery.delay property, which defines the number of milliseconds to elapse between the first and the next detection cycle.

In addition, the acquisition configuration of some third-party software built in the Agent. For details, please refer to: JMX Metric Insight

All indicators sent to the observation cloud have a unified indicator set name: otel-service.


  • Tags
Tag Description
action GC Action
area Heap or not
cause GC Cause
container_id Container ID
description Metric Description
exception Exception Information
gc GC Type
host Host Name
host_arch Host arch
host_name Host Name
http.scheme HTTP/HTTPS
http_method HTTP Method
http_request_method HTTP Method
http_response_status_code HTTP status code
http_route HTTP Route
id JVM Type
instrumentation_name Metric Name
jvm_gc_action action:end of major,end of minor GC
jvm_gc_name name:PS MarkSweep,PS Scavenge
jvm_memory_pool_name pool_name:code cache,PS Eden Space,PS Old Gen,MetaSpace...
jvm_memory_type memory type:heap,non_heap
jvm_thread_state Thread state:runnable,timed_waiting,waiting
le *_bucket: histogram metric explicit bounds
level Log Level
main-application-class Main Entry Point
method HTTP Type
name Thread Pool Name
net_protocol_name Net Protocol Name
net_protocol_version Net Protocol Version
os_description OS Version
os_type OS Type
outcome HTTP Outcome
path Disk Path
pool JVM Pool Type
process_command_line Process Command Line
process_executable_path Executable File Path
process_runtime_description Process Runtime Description
process_runtime_name JVM Pool Runtime Name
process_runtime_version JVM Pool Runtime Version
scope_name Scope name
service_name Service Name
spanProcessorType Span Processor Type
state Thread State:idle,used
status HTTP Status Code
telemetry_auto_version Version
telemetry_sdk_language Language
telemetry_sdk_name SDK Name
telemetry_sdk_version SDK Version
unit metrics unit
uri HTTP Request URI
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
application.ready.time Time taken (ms) for the application to be ready to service requests float msec
application.started.time Time taken (ms) to start the application float msec Usable space for path float B Total space for path float B The approximate number of threads that are actively executing tasks float count
executor.completed The approximate total number of tasks that have completed execution float count
executor.pool.core The core number of threads for the pool float B
executor.pool.max The maximum allowed number of threads in the pool float count
executor.pool.size The current number of threads in the pool float B
executor.queue.remaining The number of additional elements that this queue can ideally accept without blocking float count
executor.queued The approximate number of tasks that are queued for execution float count
http.server.active_requests The number of concurrent HTTP requests that are currently in-flight float count
http.server.duration The duration of the inbound HTTP request float ns
http.server.requests The http request count float count
http.server.requests.max None float B
http.server.response.size The size of HTTP response messages float B
jvm.buffer.count An estimate of the number of buffers in the pool float count
jvm.buffer.memory.used An estimate of the memory that the Java virtual machine is using for this buffer pool float B An estimate of the total capacity of the buffers in this pool float B
jvm.classes.loaded The number of classes that are currently loaded in the Java virtual machine float count
jvm.classes.unloaded The total number of classes unloaded since the Java virtual machine has started execution float count Size of long-lived heap memory pool after reclamation float B Max size of long-lived heap memory pool float B
jvm.gc.memory.allocated Incremented for an increase in the size of the (young) heap memory pool after one GC to before the next float B
jvm.gc.memory.promoted Count of positive increases in the size of the old generation memory pool before GC to after GC float B
jvm.gc.overhead An approximation of the percent of CPU time used by GC activities over the last look back period or since monitoring began, whichever is shorter, in the range [0..1] int count
jvm.gc.pause Time spent in GC pause float nsec
jvm.gc.pause.max Time spent in GC pause float msec
jvm.memory.committed The amount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use float B
jvm.memory.max The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management float B
jvm.memory.usage.after.gc The percentage of long-lived heap pool used after the last GC event, in the range [0..1] float percent
jvm.memory.used The amount of used memory float B
jvm.threads.daemon The current number of live daemon threads float count The current number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads float B
jvm.threads.peak The peak live thread count since the Java virtual machine started or peak was reset float B
jvm.threads.states The current number of threads having NEW state float B Number of fatal level log events float count
otlp.exporter.exported OTLP exporter to remote int count
otlp.exporter.seen OTLP exporter int count
process.cpu.usage The "recent cpu usage" for the Java Virtual Machine process float percent
process.files.max The maximum file descriptor count float count The open file descriptor count float B
process.runtime.jvm.buffer.count The number of buffers in the pool float count
process.runtime.jvm.buffer.limit Total capacity of the buffers in this pool float B
process.runtime.jvm.buffer.usage Memory that the Java virtual machine is using for this buffer pool float B
process.runtime.jvm.classes.current_loaded Number of classes currently loaded float count
process.runtime.jvm.classes.loaded Number of classes loaded since JVM start int count
process.runtime.jvm.classes.unloaded Number of classes unloaded since JVM start float count
process.runtime.jvm.cpu.utilization Recent cpu utilization for the process float B
process.runtime.jvm.gc.duration Duration of JVM garbage collection actions float nsec
process.runtime.jvm.memory.committed Measure of memory committed float B
process.runtime.jvm.memory.init Measure of initial memory requested float B
process.runtime.jvm.memory.limit Measure of max obtainable memory float B
process.runtime.jvm.memory.usage Measure of memory used float B
process.runtime.jvm.memory.usage_after_last_gc Measure of memory used after the most recent garbage collection event on this pool float B
process.runtime.jvm.system.cpu.load_1m Average CPU load of the whole system for the last minute float percent
process.runtime.jvm.system.cpu.utilization Recent cpu utilization for the whole system float percent
process.runtime.jvm.threads.count Number of executing threads float count
process.start.time Start time of the process since unix epoch float B
process.uptime The uptime of the Java virtual machine int sec
processedSpans The number of spans processed by the BatchSpanProcessor int count
queueSize The number of spans queued int count
system.cpu.count The number of processors available to the Java virtual machine int count
system.cpu.usage The "recent cpu usage" for the whole system float percent
system.load.average.1m The sum of the number of runnable entities queued to available processors and the number of runnable entities running on the available processors averaged over a period of time float count


  • Tags
Tag Description
container_host Container hostname. Available in OpenTelemetry. Optional.
dk_fingerprint DataKit fingerprint is DataKit hostname
endpoint Endpoint info. Available in SkyWalking, Zipkin. Optional.
env Application environment info. Available in Jaeger. Optional.
host Hostname.
http_method HTTP request method name. Available in DDTrace, OpenTelemetry. Optional.
http_route HTTP route. Optional.
http_status_code HTTP response code. Available in DDTrace, OpenTelemetry. Optional.
http_url HTTP URL. Optional.
operation Span name
project Project name. Available in Jaeger. Optional.
service Service name. Optional.
source_type Tracing source type
span_type Span type
status Span status
version Application version info. Available in Jaeger. Optional.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
duration Duration of span int μs
message Origin content of span string -
parent_id Parent span ID of current span string -
resource Resource name produce current span string -
span_id Span id string -
start start time of span. int usec
trace_id Trace id string -



“Standard output” LogRecord Exporter is a LogRecord Exporter which outputs the logs to stdout/console.

If a language provides a mechanism to automatically configure a LogRecordProcessor to pair with the associated exporter (e.g., using the OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER environment variable), by default the standard output exporter SHOULD be paired with a simple processor.

The source of the logs collected through OTEL is the, and it can also be customized by adding tags such as log.source, for example: -Dotel.resource.attributes="log.source=sourcename".

You can View logging documents

Note: If the app is running in a container environment (such as k8s), Datakit will automatically collect logs. If otel collects logs again, there will be a problem of duplicate collection. It is recommended to manually turn off Datakit's autonomous log collection behavior before enabling otel to collect logs.

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