Prometheus Exporter
The Prom collector can obtain various metrics data exposed by Prometheus Exporters. As long as the corresponding Exporter address is configured, the metrics data can be ingested.
Navigate to the conf.d/prom
directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy prom.conf.sample
, and rename it to prom.conf
. Example configuration:
## Exporter URLs.
urls = ["", ""]
## Stream Size.
## The source stream segmentation size, (defaults to 1).
## 0 means undivided source stream.
# stream_size = 1
## Unix Domain Socket URL. Using socket to request data when not empty.
uds_path = ""
## Ignore URL request errors.
ignore_req_err = false
## Collector alias.
source = "prom"
## Collect data output.
## Fill this when you want to collect the data to a local file or center.
## After filling, you can use 'datakit debug --prom-conf /path/to/this/conf' to debug local storage measurement set.
## Use '--prom-conf' for priority debugging data in 'output' path.
# output = "/abs/path/to/file"
## Collect data upper limit as bytes.
## Only available when set output to local file.
## If collected data exceeds the limit, the data will be dropped.
## Default is 32MB.
# max_file_size = 0
## Metrics type whitelist. Optional: counter, gauge, histogram, summary
## Example: metric_types = ["counter", "gauge"], only collect 'counter' and 'gauge'.
## Default collects all.
# metric_types = []
## Metrics name whitelist.
## Regex supported. Multiple supported, conditions met when one matched.
## Collect all if empty.
# metric_name_filter = ["cpu"]
## Metrics name blacklist.
## If a word is in both blacklist and whitelist, blacklist takes priority.
## Regex supported. Multiple supported, conditions met when one matched.
## Collect all if empty.
# metric_name_filter_ignore = ["foo","bar"]
## Measurement prefix.
## Add prefix to measurement set name.
measurement_prefix = ""
## Measurement name.
## If measurement_name is empty, split metric name by '_', the first field after split as measurement set name, the rest as current metric name.
## If measurement_name is not empty, use this as measurement set name.
## Always add 'measurement_prefix' prefix at last.
# measurement_name = "prom"
## Keep Exist Metric Name
## If keep_exist_metric_name is true, keep the raw value for field names.
keep_exist_metric_name = false
## TLS config
# insecure_skip_verify = true
## Following ca_certs/cert/cert_key are optional, if insecure_skip_verify = true.
# ca_certs = ["/opt/tls/ca.crt"]
# cert = "/opt/tls/client.root.crt"
# cert_key = "/opt/tls/client.root.key"
## We can encode these file contents in base64 format:
# ca_certs_base64 = ["LONG_BASE64_STRING......"]
# cert_base64 = "LONG_BASE64_STRING......"
# cert_key_base64 = "LONG_BASE64_STRING......"
# server_name = "your-SNI-name"
## Set to 'true' to enable election.
election = true
## Disable setting host tag for this input
disable_host_tag = false
## Disable setting instance tag for this input
disable_instance_tag = false
## Disable info tag for this input
disable_info_tag = false
## Ignore tags. Multiple supported.
## The matched tags would be dropped, but the item would still be sent.
# tags_ignore = ["xxxx"]
## Customize authentication. Currently supports Bearer Token only.
## Filling in 'token' or 'token_file' is acceptable.
# [inputs.prom.auth]
# type = "bearer_token"
# token = "xxxxxxxx"
# token_file = "/tmp/token"
## Customize measurement set name.
## Treat those metrics with prefix as one set.
## Prioritizes over 'measurement_name' configuration.
prefix = "etcd_network_"
name = "etcd_network"
prefix = "etcd_server_"
name = "etcd_server"
## Not collecting those data when tag matched.
# [inputs.prom.ignore_tag_kv_match]
# key1 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]
# key2 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]
## Add HTTP headers to data pulling (Example basic authentication).
# [inputs.prom.http_headers]
# Authorization = "Basic bXl0b21jYXQ="
## Rename tag key in prom data.
overwrite_exist_tags = false
# [inputs.prom.tags_rename.mapping]
# tag1 = "new-name-1"
# tag2 = "new-name-2"
# tag3 = "new-name-3"
## Send collected metrics to center as log.
## When 'service' field is empty, use 'service tag' as measurement set name.
enable = false
service = "service_name"
## Customize tags.
# [inputs.prom.tags]
# some_tag = "some_value"
# more_tag = "some_other_value"
## (Optional) Collect interval: (defaults to "30s").
# interval = "30s"
## (Optional) Timeout: (defaults to "30s").
# timeout = "30s"
After configuring, restart DataKit.
Currently, you can enable the collector by injecting the collector configuration via ConfigMap.
interval Configuration
Prometheus metrics collection can impose some overhead on the target service (HTTP requests). To prevent accidental configurations, the default collection interval is 30 seconds, and this option is not prominently displayed in the conf file. If you must configure the collection interval, you can add this configuration to the conf:
Configure Extra Headers¶
The Prom collector supports configuring additional request headers in the HTTP request for data pulling (e.g., Basic Authentication):
Tag Renaming¶
Note: For DataKit global tag keys, renaming them here is not supported.
allows replacing tag names in the collected Prometheus Exporter data. The overwrite_exist_tags
option enables overwriting existing tags. For example, given the following Prometheus Exporter data:
Assuming the tags_rename
configuration is as follows:
overwrite_exist_tags = true
status_code = "StatusCode",
method = "tag_exists", // Renaming the `method` tag to an existing tag
The final line protocol data would be (ignoring timestamps):
# Note that `tag_exists` is overwritten with the original value of `method`
http,StatusCode=404,le=0.003,tag_exists=GET request_duration_seconds_bucket=1
If overwrite_exist_tags
is disabled, the final data would be:
# Both `tag_exists` and `method` remain unchanged
http,StatusCode=404,le=0.003,method=GET,tag_exists=yes request_duration_seconds_bucket=1
Note that tag names are case-sensitive. You can use the debugging tool to test the data situation and decide how to replace tag names.
Prometheus Exporter exposes a variety of metrics; refer to the actual collected metrics.
Protocol Conversion Explanation¶
Prometheus data format differs from InfluxDB's line protocol format. For Prometheus, consider a snippet of data exposed from a K8s cluster:
node_filesystem_avail_bytes{device="/dev/disk1s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/"} 1.21585664e+08
node_filesystem_avail_bytes{device="/dev/disk1s4",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/private/var/vm"} 1.2623872e+08
node_filesystem_avail_bytes{device="/dev/disk3s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/Volumes/PostgreSQL 13.2-2"} 3.7269504e+07
node_filesystem_avail_bytes{device="/dev/disk5s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/Volumes/Git 2.15.0 Mavericks Intel Universal"} 1.2808192e+07
node_filesystem_avail_bytes{device="map -hosts",fstype="autofs",mountpoint="/net"} 0
node_filesystem_avail_bytes{device="map auto_home",fstype="autofs",mountpoint="/home"} 0
# HELP node_filesystem_device_error Whether an error occurred while getting statistics for the given device.
# TYPE node_filesystem_device_error gauge
node_filesystem_device_error{device="/dev/disk1s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/"} 0
node_filesystem_device_error{device="/dev/disk1s4",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/private/var/vm"} 0
node_filesystem_device_error{device="/dev/disk3s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/Volumes/PostgreSQL 13.2-2"} 0
node_filesystem_device_error{device="/dev/disk5s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/Volumes/Git 2.15.0 Mavericks Intel Universal"} 0
node_filesystem_device_error{device="map -hosts",fstype="autofs",mountpoint="/net"} 0
node_filesystem_device_error{device="map auto_home",fstype="autofs",mountpoint="/home"} 0
# HELP node_filesystem_files Filesystem total file nodes.
# TYPE node_filesystem_files gauge
node_filesystem_files{device="/dev/disk1s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/"} 9.223372036854776e+18
node_filesystem_files{device="/dev/disk1s4",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/private/var/vm"} 9.223372036854776e+18
node_filesystem_files{device="/dev/disk3s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/Volumes/PostgreSQL 13.2-2"} 9.223372036854776e+18
node_filesystem_files{device="/dev/disk5s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/Volumes/Git 2.15.0 Mavericks Intel Universal"} 9.223372036854776e+18
node_filesystem_files{device="map -hosts",fstype="autofs",mountpoint="/net"} 0
node_filesystem_files{device="map auto_home",fstype="autof}
For InfluxDB, the data can be organized as follows:
node_filesystem,tag-list available_bytes=1.21585664e+08,device_error=0,files=9.223372036854776e+18 time
The organization principles are:
- If the metric names in Prometheus start with
, they are grouped into the line protocol measurement setnode_filesystem
. - The original Prometheus metrics with the prefix removed are placed into the
measurement. - By default, all Prometheus tags (within
) are retained in the InfluxDB line protocol.
To achieve this grouping, configure prom.conf
as follows:
Command Line Debugging¶
Prometheus exposes many metrics, so you may not need all of them. DataKit provides a simple tool to debug the prom.conf
configuration, allowing you to adjust it to meet the following goals:
- Collect only Prometheus metrics that match certain naming patterns.
- Collect only specific types of metrics (
), such asgauge
To debug the prom.conf
configuration using DataKit, copy a template prom.conf
from conf.d/prom
, fill in the Exporter address, and run the following command:
Parameter explanation:
: Specifies the configuration file, defaults to searching forprom.conf
in the current directory. If not found, it looks in the [datakit-install-dir]/conf.d/prom directory.
Sample output:
================= Line Protocol Points ==================
prom_node,device=disk0 disk_written_sectors_total=146531.087890625 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=disk2 disk_written_sectors_total=0 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=disk4 disk_written_sectors_total=0 1623379432917573000
prom_node memory_total_bytes=8589934592 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=XHC20 network_transmit_bytes_total=0 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=awdl0 network_transmit_bytes_total=1527808 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=bridge0 network_transmit_bytes_total=0 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=en0 network_transmit_bytes_total=2847181824 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=en1 network_transmit_bytes_total=0 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=en2 network_transmit_bytes_total=0 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=gif0 network_transmit_bytes_total=0 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=lo0 network_transmit_bytes_total=6818923520 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=p2p0 network_transmit_bytes_total=0 1623379432917573000
================= Summary ==================
Total time series: 58
Total line protocol points: 261
Total measurements: 3 (prom_node, prom_go, prom_promhttp)
Output explanation:
- Line Protocol Points: Generated line protocol points
- Summary: Summary results
- Total time series: Number of time series
- Total line protocol points: Number of line protocol points
- Total measurements: Number and names of measurement sets.