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Ranger Admin

Collect Ranger Admin metric information


1.Ranger Admin configuration

1.1 Download jmx-exporter

Download link:

1.2 Download jmx script

Download link:

1.3 Ranger Admin startup parameter adjustment

在 Ranger Admin 的启动参数添加

{{JAVA_GC_ARGS}} -javaagent:/opt/guance/jmx/jmx_exporter-1.0.1.jar=localhost:17143:/opt/guance/jmx/common.yml

1.4 Restart Ranger Admin

2.1 Install DataKit

2.2 Configure collector

By using jmx exporter, the metrics URL can be directly exposed, so it can be collected directly through the prom collector.

Go to the conf.d/prom directory under the DataKit installation directory, and copy prom.conf.sample to ranger-admin.conf.

cp prom.conf.sample ranger-admin.conf

Adjust the content of ranger-admin.conf as follows:

  urls = ["http://localhost:17143/metrics"]
  source ="ranger-admin"
    component = "ranger-admin" 
  interval = "10s"

Adjust other configurations as needed,parameter adjustment instructions :

  • urls:jmx-exporter metric address, fill in the URL of the metric exposed by the corresponding component here
  • source:Collector alias, it is recommended to make a distinction
  • keep_exist_metric_name: Maintain metric name
  • interval:Collection interval
  • inputs.prom.tags: Add additional tags

3. Restart DataKit

Restart Datakit


Hadoop Metric set

The Ranger Admin metric is located under the Hadoop metric set, and here we mainly introduce the explanation of Ranger Admin related metrics

Metrics Description Unit
hadoop_admin_contextenrichercount Number of Context Enrichers count
hadoop_admin_contextenrichercounttag The number of context enriches with specific tags count
hadoop_admin_denyconditioncount The number of rejection conditions count
hadoop_admin_denyconditioncounttag The number of rejection conditions with specific labels count
hadoop_admin_droppedpuball Total number of discarded publishing operations count
hadoop_admin_gccounttotal Total frequency of garbage collection (GC) count
hadoop_admin_gctimemax The maximum time required for garbage collection (GC) ms
hadoop_admin_gctimetotal Total time spent on garbage collection (GC) ms
hadoop_admin_getgroupsavgtime Obtain the average time of user groups ms
hadoop_admin_getgroupsnumops Get the number of operations for the user group count
hadoop_admin_groupcount Number of user groups count
hadoop_admin_loginfailureavgtime The average time taken for login failures ms
hadoop_admin_loginfailurenumops Number of login failures count
hadoop_admin_loginsuccessavgtime Average login success time ms
hadoop_admin_loginsuccessnumops Number of successful login attempts count
hadoop_admin_maskingcount The frequency of data desensitization count
hadoop_admin_memorycurrent Current memory usage count
hadoop_admin_memorymax Maximum memory usage count
hadoop_admin_numactivesinks Number of active sinks count
hadoop_admin_numactivesources Number of active data sources count
hadoop_admin_numallsinks The total number of all sinks count
hadoop_admin_numallsources The total number of all data sources count
hadoop_admin_processorsavailable Number of available processors count
hadoop_admin_publishavgtime The average time taken for publishing operations ms
hadoop_admin_publishnumops Number of publishing operations count
hadoop_admin_renewalfailures Number of failed updates count
hadoop_admin_renewalfailurestotal Total number of update failures count
hadoop_admin_resourceaccesscount Number of resource visits count
hadoop_admin_resourceaccesscountatlas Number of visits to Atlas resources count
hadoop_admin_resourceaccesscounthbase Number of visits to HBase resources count
hadoop_admin_resourceaccesscounthdfs The number of times HDFS resources are accessed count
hadoop_admin_resourceaccesscounthive Number of visits to Hive resources count
hadoop_admin_resourceaccesscountkafka_connect Number of visits to Kafka Connect resources count
hadoop_admin_resourceaccesscountkms The number of times KMS (Key Management System) resources are accessed count
hadoop_admin_resourceaccesscountknox Number of visits to Knox resources count
hadoop_admin_resourceaccesscountkudu Number of visits to Kudu resources count
hadoop_admin_resourceaccesscountozone Number of visits to Ozone resources count
hadoop_admin_resourceaccesscountsolr Number of visits to Solr resources count
hadoop_admin_resourceaccesscounttag Number of visits to resources with specific tags count
hadoop_admin_resourceaccesscountyarn The number of resource visits using ARN (Amazon Resource Name) count
hadoop_admin_rowfilteringcount The number of times the line is filtered count
hadoop_admin_servicecount Total number of services provided count
hadoop_admin_servicecountatlas Number of Atlas services count
hadoop_admin_servicecounthbase The number of HBase services count
hadoop_admin_servicecounthdfs The number of HDFS services count
hadoop_admin_servicecounthive Number of Hive services count
hadoop_admin_servicecountkafka Number of Kafka services count
hadoop_admin_servicecountkafka_connect Number of Kafka Connect services count
hadoop_admin_servicecountkms Number of KMS services count
hadoop_admin_servicecountknox The quantity of Knox services count
hadoop_admin_servicecountozone Number of Ozone services count
hadoop_admin_servicecountkudu The quantity of Kudu services count
hadoop_admin_servicecountsolr Number of solr services count
hadoop_admin_servicecounttag Number of services with specific tags count
hadoop_admin_servicecountyarn Number of services using ARN count
hadoop_admin_sink_jsonavgtime Average time consumption of JSON receiver ms
hadoop_admin_sink_jsondropped The number of messages discarded by the JSON receiver count
hadoop_admin_sink_jsonnumops JSON receiver operation times count
hadoop_admin_sink_jsonqsize The queue size of the JSON receiver count
hadoop_admin_sink_prometheusavgtime The average time consumption of Prometheus receivers count
hadoop_admin_sink_prometheusdropped Messages discarded by Prometheus receiver数 count
hadoop_admin_sink_prometheusnumops Prometheus receiver operation times count
hadoop_admin_sink_prometheusqsize The queue size of Prometheus receivers count
hadoop_admin_snapshotavgtime The average time consumption of snapshot operations count
hadoop_admin_snapshotnumops Number of snapshot operations count
hadoop_admin_systemloadavg System average load count
hadoop_admin_threadsblocked Number of blocked threads count
hadoop_admin_threadsbusy Number of busy threads count
hadoop_admin_threadsremaining Remaining number of threads count
hadoop_admin_threadswaiting Number of waiting threads count
hadoop_admin_usercount Total number of users count
hadoop_admin_systemloadavg System average load count
hadoop_admin_usercountsysadmin Number of system administrator users count
hadoop_admin_usercountuser Number of ordinary users count


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