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TDEngine is a high-performance, distributed, SQL-enabled time series Database (Database). Familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of TDEngine before opening the collector.

TDengine collector needs to connect taos_adapter can work normally, taosAdapter from TDengine v2.4. 0.0 version comes to becoming a part of TDengine server software, this paper is mainly a detailed introduction of measurement.


Collector Config

Go to the conf.d/db directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy tdengine.conf.sample and name it tdengine.conf. Examples are as follows:

  ## adapter restApi Addr, example:  (Required)
  adapter_endpoint = "http://<FQND>:6041"
  user = "<userName>"
  password = "<pw>"

  ## log_files: TdEngine log file path or dirName (optional).
  ## log_files = ["tdengine_log_path.log"]
  ## pipeline = "tdengine.p"

  ## Set true to enable election
  election = true

  ## add tag (optional)
  ## Different clusters can be distinguished by tag. Such as testing,product,local ,default is 'testing'
  # cluster_name = "testing"
  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"

After configuration, restart DataKit.

At present, the collector can be turned on by injecting the collector configuration in ConfigMap mode.


Please make sure the port is open before connecting to the taoAdapter. And the connecting user needs to have read permission. If the connection still fails, please refer to



  • Tags
Tag Description
client_ip Client IP
cluster_name Cluster name
database_name Database name
dnode_ep Data node name, generally equivalent to end_point
end_point Remote address name, the general naming rule is (host:port)
first_ep First endpoint
host Host name
version Version
vgroup_id VGroup ID
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
client_ip_count Client IP request statistics float count
cpu_cores Total number of CPU cores per data node float count
cpu_engine CPU usage per data node float percent
cpu_percent Adapter occupies CPU usage float percent
cpu_system CPU system usage of data nodes float count
database_count Total number of databases float count
disk_percent Data node disk usage percentage float percent
disk_total Total disk size of data nodes float GB
disk_used Disk usage of data nodes float GB
dnodes_alive Total number of dnodes in ready state float count
dnodes_total Total number of dnodes(data nodes) in cluster float count
expire_time Time until grants expire in seconds int s
io_read_taosd Average data size of IO reads per second float MB
io_write_taosd Average data size of IO writes per second float MB
master_uptime Seconds of master's uptime float s
mem_engine Memory usage of tdengine float MB
mem_engine_percent taosd memory usage percentage float percent
mem_percent Adapter memory usage float percent
mem_system Available memory on the server float MB
mem_total Total memory of server float GB
mnodes_alive Total number of mnodes in ready state float count
mnodes_total Total number of mnodes(management nodes) in cluster float count
net_in IO rate of the ingress network float KB
net_out IO rate of egress network float KB
req_http Total number of requests via HTTP float count
req_http_rate HTTP request rate float count
req_insert_batch_rate Number of batch insertions divided by monitor interval float count
req_insert_rate Number of insert queries received per dnode divided by monitor interval float count
req_select Number of select queries received per dnode float count
req_select_rate Number of select queries received per dnode divided by monitor interval float count
request_in_flight Number of requests being sorted float count
status_code Status code returned by the request float count
table_count Total number of tables in the database float count
tables_count Number of tables per vgroup float count
timeseries_total Total time series float count
timeseries_used Time series used float count
total_req_count Total adapter requests float count
vgroups_alive Total number of vgroups in ready state float count
vgroups_total Total number of vgroups in cluster float count
vnodes The number of virtual node groups contained in a single data node float count
vnodes_alive Total number of vnode in ready state float count
vnodes_num Total number of virtual nodes per data node float count
vnodes_total Total number of vnode in cluster float count
  • Some tables in the database do not have the ts field, and Datakit uses the current collection time.


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