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Tracing Propagator

This article mainly introduces products from multiple tracing vendors and how to achieve trace information propagation between multiple languages or products in distributed services.

The transparent transmission protocol, also known as the propagation protocol, refers to adding specific header information (usually HTTP headers) in service requests and responses to achieve this. When one service requests another service, it carries specific request headers. When the next hop receives the request, it extracts specific trace information from the request headers and inherits it, continuing to propagate until the end of the trace. This allows the entire call chain to be associated.

Common Propagation Protocols

The following is a brief introduction to the differences in these transparent transmission protocols in HTTP headers:

Trace Context

Trace Context is the W3C standardized tracing protocol, which defines two HTTP header fields: traceparent and tracestate:

  • traceparent contains basic information about the current trace, such as SpanID and ParentSpanID, for example: traceparent: 00-0af7651916cd43dd8448eb211c80319c-b7ad6b7169203331-01
  • tracestate is used to pass metadata related to the trace. For example: tracestate: congo=t61rcWkgMzE

1 B3/B3Multi

B3 is a popular tracing protocol that defines multiple HTTP header fields to identify trace information. B3Multi propagation protocol is an extension of the B3 protocol, commonly used fields include: X-B3-TraceId, X-B3-SpanId, X-B3-ParentSpanId, X-B3-Sampled, X-B3-Flags, etc.

2 Jaeger

Jaeger is a distributed tracing system that defines multiple HTTP header fields to pass trace information. Commonly used fields include: uber-trace-id, jaeger-baggage, etc.

3 OpenTracing

OpenTracing is a propagation protocol under OpenTelemetry, defining multiple HTTP header fields to pass trace information:

  • ot-tracer-traceid: Used to pass the trace ID, representing a complete request trace
  • ot-tracer-spanid: Used to pass the current Span's ID, representing a single operation or event
  • ot-tracer-sampled: Indicates whether to sample the request to decide whether to record the trace information

4 Datadog

Datadog is a distributed tracing system that defines multiple HTTP header fields to pass trace information. Commonly used fields include: x-datadog-trace-id, x-datadog-parent-id, etc.

5 Baggage

Baggage is a concept introduced by the Jaeger tracing system, used to pass business-related context information. Baggage is passed through the HTTP header field x-b3-baggage-<key>, where key is the key of the business context.

The true significance of Baggage is to propagate key-value pairs, often used to propagate AppID, Host-Name, Host-IP, etc.


Note that the specific implementation and usage of these propagation protocols may vary slightly, but they all aim to pass trace and context information between different services via HTTP headers to achieve distributed tracing and continuity.

Vendor and Product Introduction

Products and vendors:

Product Vendor Supported Languages
OpenTelemetry CNCF Java, Python, Go, JavaScript, .NET, Ruby, PHP, Erlang, Swift, Rust, C++ etc.
DDTrace Datadog Java, Python, Go, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, .NET, Scala, Objective-C, Swift etc.
SkyWalking Apache SkyWalking Java, .NET, Node.js, PHP, Python, Go, Ruby, Lua, OAP etc.
Zipkin OpenZipkin Java, Node.js, Ruby, Go, Scala, Python etc.
Jaeger CNCF Java, Python, Go, C++, C#, Node.js etc.

Product open-source addresses:

Propagation Protocols of Products


OTEL supported Tracing propagation protocols list:

Propagator List Reference
tracecontext W3C Trace Context
baggage W3C Baggage
b3 B3
b3multi B3Multi
jaeger Jaeger
xray AWS X-Ray
opentracing OpenTracing

Example of distributed trace header format during propagation:

# Command line injection example (multiple propagation protocols separated by commas)

# Environment variable injection example (Linux)
export OTEL_PROPAGATORS="tracecontext,baggage"

# Environment variable injection example (Windows)


Supported Language Propagation Protocol Support Command
Node.js datadog/b3multi/tracecontext/b3/none DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE(default datadog)
C++ datadog/b3multi/b3/none DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE(default datadog)
.NET datadog/b3multi/tracecontext/none DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE(default datadog)
Java datadog/b3multi/tracecontext/none DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE(default tracecontext,datadog)

Here none means not setting any Tracing propagation protocol.


Datadog Tracing can configure inbound settings for propagation behavior, i.e., whether to inherit upstream protocols and whether to propagate its own protocol downstream. This can be controlled by the following two environment variables:

  • Inbound control: export DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE_EXTRACT=<XXX>
  • Outbound control: export DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE_INJECT=<YYY>
  • Or use a single ENV to control both inbound and outbound: export DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE="tracecontext,datadog"


# Inbound will inherit X-Datadog-* and X-B3-* headers (if any),
# outbound will carry X-Datadog-* and X-B3-* headers
$ export DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE="datadog,b3" ...

Starting from version V1.7.0, the default supported protocols have been changed to DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE="tracecontext,datadog", B3 has been deprecated, please use B3multi.

For more language examples, refer to here.


SkyWalking's own protocol (SW8)


Refer here


All supported protocols:

Multi-trace Linkage

Request Header and vendor support list:

W3C b3multi Jaeger OpenTracing Datadog sw8
header tracecontext/tracestate X-B3-* uber-trace-id ot-tracer-* x-datadog-* xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx
OpenTelemetry ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖
Datadog ✔ ✔ ✖ ✖ ✔ ✖
SkyWalking ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✔
Zipkin ✖ ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
Jaeger ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖

Choose the appropriate propagation protocol based on the vendor tool being used to ensure trace linkage and integrity.

Linkage Example: DD-to-OTEL

Here’s an example showing how DDTrace and OpenTelemetry trace data can be linked. From the table above, we know that both DDTrace and OpenTelemetry support the W3C Trace Context protocol, which can be used to link the traces.

  • The TraceID in DDTrace is a 64-bit int string, while SpanID and ParentID are also 64-bit ints.
  • In OTEL, the TraceID is a 128-bit hexadecimal int string, while SpanID and ParentID are 64-bit int strings.

To associate TraceIDs, DDTrace needs to be upgraded to 128 bits.

Regardless of which one initiates the request, DDTrace needs to enable 128-bit TraceID support (dd.trace.128.bit.traceid.generation.enabled):

# DDTrace startup example
$ java -javaagent:/usr/local/ddtrace/dd-java-agent.jar \ \
  -Ddd.trace.128.bit.traceid.generation.enabled=true \ \
  -jar springboot-client.jar

# OTEL startup example
$ java -javaagent:/usr/local/ddtrace/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar \ \
  -jar springboot-server.jar

The client sends an HTTP request to the server, and DDTrace passes the trace information via the tracecontext header to the server.

However, in the "service invocation relationship," the data from the two tools does not connect because their SpanIDs are not unified. DDTrace uses a decimal number string, while OpenTelemetry uses a hexadecimal number string. Therefore, you need to modify the ddtrace collector configuration to set compatible_otel in ddtrace.conf:

  ## compatible otel: It is possible to compatible OTEL Trace with DDTrace trace.
  ## make span_id and parent_id to hex encoding.

Setting compatible_otel=true converts all DDTrace span_id and parent_id to hexadecimal strings.

Converting span_id to Hexadecimal in Logs

In logs, the SpanId in DDTrace is still decimal. You need to convert span_id to a hexadecimal string in the log collection pipeline script (without modifying the original log text):

# Convert string to int64
fn parse_int(val: str, base: int) int64

# Convert int64 to string
fn format_int(val: int64, base: int) str

With this setup, DDTrace and OTEL are now linked in the trace, and service invocation relationships and logs can also be linked:

Trace Details
Trace Details


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