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VMware displays metrics such as cluster status, host status, VM status, etc.



  • A machine with Datakit and Python 3+ environment installed that can access VMware
  • The following dependencies are required:
    • requests
    • pyvmomi == 7.0
    • openssl == 1.1.1w

Note: Using different package versions will cause package conflicts

Deployment process

  1. Turn on the python.d collector of Datakit, enter the conf.d/pythond directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy pythond.conf.sample and rename it to pythond.conf. The example is as follows:

    # {"version": "1.16.0", "desc": "do NOT edit this line"}
      # Python input name
      name = 'some-python-inputs'  # required
      # System environments to run Python
      #envs = ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH',]
      # Python path(recomment abstract Python path)
      cmd = "/root/anaconda3/envs/py3.9/bin/python" # required. python3 is recommended.
      # Python scripts relative path
      dirs = ["vm"]

    Note: Here cmd needs to be changed to your own Python environment address, which is used to execute Python scripts, and dirs is the directory where the scripts are stored.

  2. Create a directory named after the "Python package name" under the datakit/python.d directory, and then create a Python script (.py) in this directory. For example, the package name vm, its path structure is as follows. Where is a Python script, the file name of the Python script can be customized:

       └── python.d
           ├── vm
  3. Write the script, fill in the following script example and change vcenter_host, vcenter_port, vcenter_user, vcenter_password to fill in the corresponding VMware host, port and user information.

    Python script example
    from datakit_framework import DataKitFramework
    from pyVim.connect import SmartConnect, Disconnect
    import requests
    from pyVmomi import vim
    import ssl
    import datetime
    import time
    class vm(DataKitFramework):
        name = "vm"
        interval = 10
        def run(self):   
            s = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
            s.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
            vcenter_host = "{your vcenter host}"
            vcenter_port = "{your vcenter port}"
            vcenter_user = "{your vcenter username}"
            vcenter_password = "{your vcenter password}"
            # The data is reported to Datakit in json format, so the POST request needs to add a head
            header = {
                "Content-Type": "application/json"
            # Report data
            dk_object = []
            dk_metric = []
            # Connect to the vCenter Server
            c = SmartConnect(host=vcenter_host, user=vcenter_user, pwd=vcenter_password, port=vcenter_port, sslContext=s)
            content = c.RetrieveContent()
            container = content.rootFolder  # starting point to look into
            viewType = [vim.HostSystem, vim.VirtualMachine]  # object types to look for
            recursive = True  # whether we should look into it recursively
            # Get the number and details of vCenter
            vcenter_data = content.rootFolder.childEntity
            for i in vcenter_data:
                    "measurement": "vmware",
                    "tags": {
                        "vcenter_name": str(i)
                    "fields": {
                        "vcenter_total": int(len(vcenter_data))
                    "time": int(time.time())
            # Get the number and details of datastore
            datastores = content.rootFolder.childEntity[0].datastore
            for ds in datastores:
                    "measurement": "vmware",
                    "tags": {
                        "vcenter_datastore_name": str(
                    "fields": {
                        "vcenter_datastore_total_capacity": int(ds.summary.capacity),
                        "vcenter_datastore_total_free_space": int(ds.summary.freeSpace),
                        "vcenter_datastore_utilization_rate": int((ds.summary.capacity - ds.summary.freeSpace) / ds.summary.capacity),
                        "vcenter_datastore_total": int(len(datastores))
                    "time": int(time.time())
            containerView = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(container, viewType, recursive)
            children = containerView.view
            for child in children:
                if isinstance(child, vim.HostSystem):
                    boot_time = child.runtime.bootTime
                    print("datae", - boot_time)
                    print("date2", int(( - boot_time).total_seconds()))
                        "measurement": "vmware_esxi",
                        "tags": {
                            "name": str(,
                            "model": str(child.hardware.systemInfo.model),
                            "vendor": str(child.hardware.systemInfo.vendor),
                            "uptime": str(( - boot_time))
                        "fields": {
                            "cpu_cores": str(child.hardware.cpuInfo.numCpuCores),
                            "memory": str(child.hardware.memorySize)
                        "time": int(time.time())
                        "measurement": "vmware",
                        "tags": {
                            "esxi_name": str(,
                            "esxi_model": str(child.hardware.systemInfo.model),
                            "esxi_vendor": str(child.hardware.systemInfo.vendor)
                        "fields": {
                            "cpu_cores": int(child.hardware.cpuInfo.numCpuCores),
                            "memory": int(child.hardware.memorySize),
                            "cpu_usage": int(child.summary.quickStats.overallCpuUsage),
                            "mem_usage": int(child.summary.quickStats.overallMemoryUsage),
                            "mem_utilization_rate": int(child.summary.quickStats.overallMemoryUsage / child.hardware.memorySize),
                            "uptime": int(( - boot_time).total_seconds())
                        "time": int(time.time())
                elif isinstance(child, vim.VirtualMachine):
                    if child.runtime.powerState == 'poweredOn':  # only print VMs that are powered on
                        boot_time = child.runtime.bootTime
                            "measurement": "vmware_vm",
                            "tags": {
                                "name": str(,
                                "host_name": str(child.guest.hostName),
                                "guest_os": str(child.config.guestFullName),
                                "ip_address": str(child.guest.ipAddress),
                                "uptime": str(( - boot_time))
                            "fields": {
                                "cpu_cores":  str(child.config.hardware.numCPU),
                                "memory": str(child.config.hardware.memoryMB)
                            "time": int(time.time())
                            "measurement": "vmware",
                            "tags": {
                                "vm_name": str(,
                                "vm_host_name": str(child.guest.hostName),
                                "vm_ip_address": str(child.guest.ipAddress)
                            "fields": {
                                "cpu_cores": int(child.config.hardware.numCPU),
                                "memory": int(child.config.hardware.memoryMB),
                                "cpu_usage": int(child.summary.quickStats.overallCpuUsage),
                                "mem_usage": int(child.summary.quickStats.guestMemoryUsage),
                                "mem_utilization_rate": int(child.summary.quickStats.guestMemoryUsage / child.config.hardware.memoryMB),
                                "disk_usage": int(,
                                "uptime": int(( - boot_time).total_seconds())
                            "time": int(time.time())
            in_data = {
                'CO': dk_object,
                'input': 'vmware_esxi,vmware_vm'
            in_data2 = {
                'M': dk_metric,
                'input': 'vmware'
  4. Restart DataKit

    sudo datakit service -R


After configuring VMware monitoring, the default set of metrics is as follows

Metric Metric Name Unit
vcenter_total Number of centers pcs
vcenter_datastore_total_capacity Total disk capacity of the center B
vcenter_datastore_total_free_space Remaining disk capacity of the center B
vcenter_datastore_total Number of center disks pcs
cpu_cores Number of CPU cores pcs
memory Memory size MB
cpu_usage CPU usage MHz
mem_usage Memory usage MB
uptime Running time sec
disk_usage Disk usage B


"measurement": "vmware_esxi",
            "tags": {
                "name":  "",
                "model": "PowerEdge R740",
                "vendor": "Dell Inc.",
                "uptime": "120 days, 6:04:50.399418"
            "fields": {
                "cpu_cores": "20",
                "memory": "410686889984"
"measurement": "vmware_vm",
                "tags": {
                    "name":  "fanjun-test",
                    "host_name": "zy-infra-sh-vm-fanjun",
                    "guest_os": "CentOS 7 (64-bit)",
                    "ip_address": "",
                    "uptime": "104 days, 5:02:26.586303"
                "fields": {
                    "cpu_cores":  "2",
                    "memory": "4096"

Some field descriptions are as follows:

Field Type Description
name String Host name
model String Hardware model.
vendor String Hardware vendor
uptime String Running time
guest_os String Version of the virtual machine.
ip_address String IP address of the virtual machine.
cpu_cores String Number of CPU cores.
memory String Memory size ( Byte).


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