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Miniapp Log collection

Miniapp sends different levels of log data (corresponding source: browser_log metric type log data) to Guance.

Feature List

  • Custom log data collection is applied to client through sdk and then collect different log data for different scenarios.
  • Automatically collect application-side error messages (including network errors, console errors and js errors) and report them to DataFlux.
  • Custom error levels (debug, critical, error, info, warn), custom Logger objects and custom log fields.
  • You can automatically collect RUM related data to correlate RUM business scenarios (rum sdk needs to be updated to the latest version).

Get Started


DataKit: Send log data to Guance through datakit log collection API.

import SDK: SDK can be introduced into application by NPM and CDN. After initialization, it can be stored in global variables, which is convenient for other pages to refer to.

Support Miniapp Clients: WeChat, Baidu, Alipay, Toutiao and other miniapp terminals.

Npm Introduction

//#ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS || APP-NVUE || APP-PLUS-NVUE
const { datafluxRum } = require('@cloudcare/dataflux-rum-miniapp-logs')
// Initialization Rum
    datakitOrigin: '<DATAKIT ORIGIN>'
  service: 'minapp',
  env: 'prod',
  version: '1.0.0'

CDN Download File Introduce (URL) Locally

//#ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS || APP-NVUE || APP-PLUS-NVUE
const { datafluxRum } = require('@cloudcare/dataflux-rum-miniapp-logs')
// Initialization Rum
    datakitOrigin: '<DATAKIT ORIGIN>'
  service: 'miniapp',
  env: 'prod',
  version: '1.0.0'


Initialization Parameter

Parameter Type Option Default Description
datakitOrigin String Required datakit data report origin note: Protocol (including://), domain name (or IP address) [and port number] For example:,
service String Optional browser service name in log
env String Optional Current environment of web application, such as prod: online environment; Grey: Grayscale environment; pre: pre-release environment command: daily environment; local: The local environment;
version String Optional web application version
sampleRate Number Optional 100 Percentage of metric data collection: 100 for full collection, 0 for no collection
forwardErrorsToLogs Boolean Optional true Set to false to stop collecting console.error, js and report network errors to DataFlux log data
silentMultipleInit Boolean Optional false Do not allowed initialize multiple log objects


After the SDK is initialized in the application, you can customize the configuration log data through the exposed SDK API.

logger.debug | info | warn | error | critical (message: string, messageContext = Context)


import { datafluxLogs } from '@cloudcare/dataflux-rum-miniapp-logs''Button clicked', { name: 'buttonName', id: 123 })

Return Data Structure

    "service": "miniapp",
    "session": {
        "id": "c549c2b8-4955-4f74-b7f8-a5f42fc6e79b"
    "type": "logger",
    "_dd": {
        "sdk_name": "miniapp LOG SDK",
        "sdk_version": "1.0.0",
        "env": "",
        "version": ""
    "device": {
        "platform_version": "8.0.5",
        "model": "iPhone 6/7/8 Plus",
        "os": "OS",
        "os_version": "10.14.6",
        "os_version_major": "10",
        "screen_size": "414*736",
        "network_type": "3g",
        "divice": "devtools"
    "user": {},
    "date": 1621321916756,
    "view": {
        "referrer": "",
        "name": "pages/index/index",
        "id": "5dce64f4-8d6d-411a-af84-c41653ccd94a"
    "application": {
        "id": "app_idxxxxxx"
    "message": "XHR error get",
    "status": "error",
    "error": {
        "source": "network",
        "stack": "Failed to load"
    "resource": {
        "method": "get",
        "status": 0,
        "status_group": 0,
        "url": "",
        "url_host": "",
        "url_path": "/api/v1/workspace/xxx",
        "url_path_group": "/api/?/workspace/xxx"

Status Parameter

After the SDk is initialized, you can define different types of states using the log API provided.

log (message: string, messageContext: Context, status? = 'debug' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'critical')


import { datafluxLogs } from '@cloudcare/dataflux-rum-miniapp-logs'


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
<MESSAGE> message field in Guance Log
<JSON_ATTRIBUTES> The additional data that describes the message is a json object
<STATUS> status,option:debug,info,warn,error,critical


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