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Workspace - Create

POST /api/v1/workspace/create


Create a workspace.

Use an existing workspace API Key to create a new workspace. The owner of the new workspace will default to the owner of the space associated with this request's API Key.

Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Y Name
Example: supper_workspace
Allow empty: False
Maximum length: 256
desc string Description
Example: Workspace description
Allow empty: True
Allow empty string: True
menuStyle string Workspace menu bar style, Operations/Testing/Development
Example: Operations
Allow empty: False
Allow empty string: True
needCreateAk boolean Whether to create a workspace AK
Example: True
Allow empty: False
akName string Workspace AK name
Example: True
Allow empty: False
language string Workspace language
Allow empty: True
Allow empty string: True
Optional values: ['zh', 'en']

Supplementary Parameter Explanation

Data explanation.*

  • Request parameter explanation
Parameter Name type Description
name string Name of the new space
desc string Description of the new space
needCreateAk boolean Whether to create an API KEY in the new space
akName string Name of the API KEY

  • Response parameter explanation
Parameter Name type Description
akInfo dict Information about the API KEY of the new space
ownerInfo dict Information about the owner of the new space
wsInfo dict Relevant information about the space
versionType string Space version type

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-raw '{"name":"ws_create_test","desc":"test","needCreateAk":true,"akName":"test_ak"}' \


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "accountInfo": [
        "akInfo": {
            "keyId": "wsak_xxxxxx",
            "keySk": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
            "name": "test_ak"
        "makeResourceExceptionCode": "",
        "ownerInfo": {
            "accountUUID": "acnt_xxxxxxxxxx",
            "email": "",
            "name": "Test"
        "wsInfo": {
            "billingState": "free",
            "createAt": 1672802266,
            "creator": "wsak_xxxxx",
            "dashboardUUID": null,
            "datastore": {
                "backup_log": "es",
                "custom_object": "es",
                "keyevent": "es",
                "logging": "es",
                "metric": "influxdb",
                "network": "es",
                "object": "es",
                "object_history": "es",
                "rum": "es",
                "security": "es",
                "tracing": "es"
            "dbUUID": "ifdb_xxxx32",
            "deleteAt": -1,
            "desc": "test",
            "durationSet": {
                "apm": "7d",
                "backup_log": "7d",
                "keyevent": "7d",
                "logging": "7d",
                "network": "1d",
                "rp": "7d"
            "enablePublicDataway": 1,
            "esIndexMerged": 1,
            "esIndexSettings": {},
            "esInstanceUUID": "es_xxxx32",
            "exterId": "",
            "id": null,
            "isLocked": 0,
            "isOpenLogMultipleIndex": false,
            "lockAt": -1,
            "loggingCutSize": 10240,
            "makeResourceExceptionCode": "",
            "name": "ws_create_test",
            "rpName": "rp1",
            "status": 0,
            "supportJsonMessage": 1,
            "updateAt": 1672802266,
            "updator": "wsak_xxxxx",
            "uuid": "wksp_xxxx32",
            "versionType": "free"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "TRACE-89835D3F-C614-46AD-A1B8-83CC686DDA7F"


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