SourceMap Sharded Upload and Associated Interface Usage Instructions¶
Involved Interfaces¶
- Shard Upload Event Initialization
- Upload Single Shard
- Cancel a Shard Upload Event
- List Uploaded Shards for a Shard Upload Event
- Merge Shards to Generate File
Shard Upload Interface Operation Steps¶
[Shard Upload Event Initialization] Initialize the shard upload event, generating an event ID. Subsequent resource uploads use this ID to confirm resource ownership.
[Upload Single Shard] After slicing the SourceMap file, upload individual sliced files.
[Cancel a Shard Upload Event] Generally used in cases of upload errors or expiration to delete uploaded but unmerged shards.
[List Uploaded Shards for a Shard Upload Event] Typically used for resuming interrupted uploads, retrieving the list of uploaded shards for a specific upload event.
[Merge Shards to Generate File] Merge the resources corresponding to a specific upload event into a single file, marking the end of the SourceMap sharded upload process. Internally, it will also initiate a decompression command to extract the SourceMap file into the corresponding resource directory.
Single File Upload Process¶
Involved Interfaces¶
Used to upload the content of a single source file (a single source file extracted from a SourceMap).
The size of a single shard file should be controlled within 10MB.