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Issue Discovery

Through this entry point, you can comprehensively manage configurations related to automatic Issue discovery. You can choose to manually enable the automatic Issue discovery feature on the APM/RUM page to initiate tracking of anomalies.

Additionally, using this entry point, you can also customize the specific rules for Issue discovery, to unify and filter the abnormal events and related data triggered by monitoring detector rules.

Create a New Rule

  1. Enter the name and description of the current Issue discovery rule;
  2. Select data scope and aggregation dimensions;
  3. Choose the detection frequency, including 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour;
  4. Define the Issue.

Note: Matching conditions currently only support the operators in, not in, wildcard, and not wildcard.

Data Scope & Aggregation Dimensions

In the detection configuration, Guance currently supports detection based on event data.

We understand that events originate from the data generated by the abnormal alerts triggered by monitoring detector rules. Based on actual scenarios, a series of events are considered to be caused by the same root cause. Set filtering conditions through these events and select aggregation dimensions to further refine the scope of event data.

After selecting the data scope and aggregation dimensions, based on the detection frequency, the refined data will be aggregated within a specific time range to generate Issues. Finally, the system will automatically push these Issues to the designated channel according to the preset Issue title, description, and other information, ensuring that all relevant parties can receive and effectively handle these Issues in a timely manner.

Manage Rules

All created rules are displayed and listed under Incidents > Configuration > Issue Discovery. You can directly view the rule name, data type, matching conditions, aggregation dimensions, detection frequency, creator, and updater from the list.

You can perform the following operations on the list:

  1. Enable/Disable;
  2. Click on , and update the rule information through the edit button;
  3. Click on the delete button under to delete the current rule.


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