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Level Definition

Guance has set up 4 default level options for incident issues: P0, P1, P2, and Unknown.

Field Description
P0 The default level configuration, where critical business functions are unavailable and have a large impact on users.
P1 The default level configuration, where critical business functions are unavailable but have a limited impact on users, such as only affecting internal users.
P2 The default level configuration, where peripheral business functions are unavailable, and continuous failures will have a large impact on user experience.
Unknown The default level configuration, where the impact on business is unknown.

In addition to the default levels, you can configure custom levels to meet your various needs.

Click Add, select the level color block, enter the level name and its description.

For levels, you can perform the following operations:

  1. Edit: Click the edit button to modify the color, name, and description of the current custom level.

  2. Delete: Click to delete the current level.

Note: You can add up to 10 levels.

Enable/Disable Default Configuration

  • Enable: If the default configuration is enabled, and there are new custom levels added in the current workspace, you can choose both default and custom levels when creating or modifying incident.

  • Disable: If the default configuration is disabled, you can only select custom level configurations when creating/modifying incident.

Note when disabling this option:
  • There are already custom levels in place to ensure that there are selectable levels when creating/modifying issues;
  • In the case of abnormal events generated by monitors, intelligent monitoring, and Issue automatic discovery that synchronize to create Issues, the Issue level will be set to null;
  • If there are still Issues in the workspace that use the default level, the level will be set to null.

Platform-Level Level Configuration Impact

  1. Guance supports managing incident level configurations at the platform level. After enabling global configuration, the incident level configured at the workspace level here will no longer apply.
  2. After the global level is enabled, if other level configurations are applied in the rules of monitors, intelligent monitoring, Issue automatic discovery, etc., within the workspace, the level of newly created Issues will be treated as null.


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