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Create an Alert Strategy v2

POST /api/v1/alert_policy/add_v2


Create an alert strategy, supporting synchronized updates of associated monitors.

Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Y Alert strategy name
Can be empty: False
desc string Description
Can be empty: False
Can be empty string: True
Maximum length: 256
openPermissionSet boolean Enable custom permission configuration (default false: not enabled), after enabling, the operation permissions for this rule are based on permissionSet
Can be empty: False
permissionSet array Operation permission configuration, configurable (role except owner, member UUID, team UUID)
Example: ['wsAdmin', 'acnt_xxxx', 'group_yyyy']
Can be empty: False
checkerUUIDs array Monitor/Smart Monitor/Smart Check/SLO UUID (added in iteration 2024-12-11)
Example: ['rule_xxx', 'monitor_xxx']
Can be empty: False
ruleTimezone str Y Time zone for the alert strategy
Example: Asia/Shanghai
Can be empty: False
alertOpt json Alert settings
Can be empty: False
alertOpt.aggType string Alert aggregation type, defaults to old version logic if not passed (iteration added on 2024-12-25)
Can be empty: True
Options: ['byFields', 'byCluster', 'byAI']
alertOpt.alertType string Notification type for the alert strategy, level (status)/member, default is level
Can be empty: False
Options: ['status', 'member']
alertOpt.alertTarget array Trigger actions, note handling of trigger time parameters
Example: [{'name': 'Notification Configuration 1', 'targets': [{'to': ['acnt_xxxx32'], 'status': 'critical', 'tags': {'pod_name': ['coredns-7769b554cf-w95fk']}, 'upgradeTargets': [{'to': ['acnt_xxxx32'], 'duration': 600}, {'to': ['group_xxxx32'], 'duration': 6000}]}], 'crontabDuration': 600, 'crontab': '0 9 * * 0,1,2,3,4'}, {'name': 'Notification Configuration 2', 'targets': [{'status': 'error', 'to': ['group_xxxx32'], 'upgradeTargets': [{'to': ['acnt_xxxx32'], 'duration': 600}, {'to': ['group_xxxx32'], 'duration': 6000}]}], 'customDateUUIDs': ['ndate_xxxx32'], 'customStartTime': '09:30:10', 'crontabDuration': 600}]
Can be empty: False
alertOpt.silentTimeout integer Y Alert settings
Can be empty: False
alertOpt.aggInterval integer Y Alert aggregation interval in seconds, 0 means no aggregation
Can be empty: False
$minValue: 0
$maxValue: 1800
alertOpt.aggFields array Aggregation field list, an empty list [] indicates "Aggregation Rule: All", df_monitor_checker_id: monitor/smart check/SLO, df_dimension_tags: detection dimension, df_label: label, CLUSTER: smart aggregation
Example: ['CLUSTER']
Can be empty: False
alertOpt.aggLabels array Label value list when aggregating by labels, effective only if df_label is specified in aggFields
Can be empty: False
alertOpt.aggClusterFields array Field list for smart aggregation, effective only if CLUSTER is specified in aggFields, options "df_title": title, "df_message": content
Example: ['df_title']
Can be empty: False

Additional Parameter Explanation

Data Explanation.

1. alertOpt Parameter Explanation

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Required Rule name
desc string Description
type string Required Checker type
ruleTimezone string Required Time zone for the alert strategy (parameter added in iteration on 2024-01-31)
alertOpt Dict Required Alert settings
alertOpt[#].silentTimeout integer Required Duration before repeating the same alert (i.e., mute duration), unit seconds/s, 0 means permanent
alertOpt[#].aggInterval integer Alert aggregation interval in seconds, 0 means no aggregation, unit seconds/s range [0,1800]
alertOpt[#].aggFields array Aggregation field list, an empty list [] indicates "Aggregation Rule: All", df_monitor_checker_id: monitor/smart check/SLO, df_dimension_tags: detection dimension, df_label: label, CLUSTER: smart aggregation
alertOpt[#].aggLabels array List of label values when aggregating by labels, effective only if df_label is specified in aggFields
alertOpt[#].aggClusterFields array Field list for smart aggregation, effective only if CLUSTER is specified in aggFields, options "df_title": title, "df_message": content
alertOpt[#].alertTarget Array[Dict] Alert action
alertOpt[#].alertType string Notification type for the alert strategy, level (status)/member, default is level, added in iteration on 2024-11-06
alertOpt[#].aggType string Defaults to old version logic if not passed, byFields: rule aggregation, byCluster: smart aggregation, byAI: AI aggregation, new field added on 2024-12-25
openPermissionSet boolean Whether to enable custom permission configuration, default false, added in iteration on 2024-11-06
permissionSet array Operation permission configuration, added in iteration on 2024-11-06
checkerUUIDs array Associated monitor/smart monitor/smart check/SLO UUID, added in iteration on 2024-12-11

1.1 alertOpt.aggType Parameter Explanation

2024-12-25 Alert aggregation type:  null: No aggregation  "byFields": Rule aggregation  "byCluster": Smart aggregation  "byAI": AI aggregation
Since the old data structure did not have the aggType field and instead determined the aggregation type based on the contents of aggFields, after adding the aggType field, it will be handled as follows for compatibility:
If aggType is specified, aggregate according to the method specified by aggType
If aggType is not specified or aggType=None (following old logic)
If aggFields includes "CLUSTER", aggregate using smart aggregation
If aggFields does not include "CLUSTER", aggregate using rule aggregation
Derived rules:

Specifying aggInterval=0 or aggInterval=null still indicates "no aggregation"
Specifying aggType="byCluster" allows aggFields to omit "CLUSTER" (whether it is passed does not affect the result)
Specifying aggType="byFields" but including "CLUSTER" in aggFields will ignore "CLUSTER" (aggType has higher priority)

2. When the Alert Strategy is Level Type alertOpt.alertTarget Parameter Explanation

Key Type Required Description
name string Configuration name
targets Array[dict] Required Notification target configuration (note the position of this field depending on whether the alert strategy is level/member type)
crontab String Start Crontab (Crontab syntax) when selecting repeated time periods
crontabDuration integer Duration from Crontab start when selecting repeated time periods (seconds)
customDateUUIDs Array[String] Custom notification date UUID list when selecting custom time periods, e.g., ['ndate_xxxx32', 'ndate_xxxx32'], reference (Monitoring - Alert Strategy - Custom Notification Date, API)
customStartTime String Daily start time when selecting custom time periods, format HH🇲🇲ss
customDuration integer Duration from customStartTime when selecting custom time periods (seconds)

3. When the Alert Strategy is Member Type alertOpt.alertTarget Parameter Explanation

Key Type Required Description
name string Configuration name
crontab String Start Crontab (Crontab syntax) when selecting repeated time periods
crontabDuration integer Duration from Crontab start when selecting repeated time periods (seconds)
customDateUUIDs Array[String] Custom notification date UUID list when selecting custom time periods, e.g., ['ndate_xxxx32', 'ndate_xxxx32'], reference (Monitoring - Alert Strategy - Custom Notification Date, API)
customStartTime String Daily start time when selecting custom time periods, format HH🇲🇲ss
customDuration integer Duration from customStartTime when selecting custom time periods (seconds)
alertInfo Array[dict] Required Notification information configuration for member-type alert strategies, added in iteration on 2024-11-27

4. When the Alert Strategy is Member Type alertOpt.alertTarget.alertInfo Parameter Explanation

Key Type Required Description
name string Configuration name
targets Array[dict] Required Notification target configuration (note the position of this field depending on whether the alert strategy is level/member type)
filterString string Used when alertType is member, filter condition raw string, added in iteration on 2024-11-27
memberInfo array Used when alertType is member (team UUID, member UUID), e.g., [group_xxxx,acnt_xxxx], added in iteration on 2024-11-27

If choosing repeated time periods, crontab and crontabDuration fields are required.
If choosing custom time periods, customDateUUIDs, customDuration, and customStartTime fields are required.
If choosing other times, none of crontab, crontabDuration, customDateUUIDs, customStartTime, or customDuration need to be passed.
Note: Each alert strategy will have a fallback notification rule without time configuration, i.e., notifications with no time configuration.

6. Notification Target Field targets Explanation

When alertType is status, targets location is alertOpt.alertTarget.targets
When alertType is member, targets location is alertOpt.alertTarget.alertInfo.targets
targets is a list, internal elements are dictionaries, internal field explanations are as follows:

Key Type Required Description
to Array[String] Required Notification target/member/team, example: [group_xxxx,acnt_xxxx,notify_xxxx]. (When alertType is member, only notification target and fixed fields email, sms (supported in SaaS versions) can be selected, example: [email,notify_xxxx], added in iteration on 2024-11-06)
status Enum Required Status value of events requiring alerts, multiple statuses can be separated by commas, critical,error,warning,nodata,info
upgradeTargets Array Upgrade notifications for each alert configuration's status
tags dict Filter conditions
filterString dict Raw filter condition string that can replace tags, filterString takes precedence over tags, added in iteration on 2024-11-27

7. Notification Target Field upgradeTargets Explanation

When alertType is status, targets location is alertOpt.alertTarget.targets.upgradeTargets
When alertType is member, targets location is alertOpt.alertTarget.alertInfo.targets.upgradeTargets
upgradeTargets is a list, internal elements are dictionaries, internal field explanations are as follows:

Key Type Required Description
to Array[String] Required Notification target/member/team, example: [group_xxxx,acnt_xxxx,notify_xxxx]. (When alertType is member, only members and teams can be selected, added in iteration on 2024-11-06)
status Enum Required Status value of events requiring alerts, critical,error,warning,nodata,info
duration integer Duration in seconds during which events of this status level occur to trigger upgrade notifications
toWay Array[String] Used when alertType is member, only notification targets and fixed fields email, sms (supported in SaaS versions) can be selected, example: [email,notify_xxxx], added in iteration on 2024-11-06

8. Operation Permission Configuration Parameter Explanation

Parameter Name Type Description
openPermissionSet boolean Whether to enable custom permission configuration, default false
permissionSet array Operation permission configuration

permissionSet, openPermissionSet Field Explanation (Added in iteration on 2024-06-26):

When openPermissionSet is enabled, only workspace owners and roles, teams, and members specified in permissionSet can edit/enable/disable/delete.
When openPermissionSet is disabled (default), delete/enable/disable/edit permissions follow the original interface permissions.

permissionSet field can configure role UUIDs (wsAdmin, general, readOnly, role_xxxxx), team UUIDs (group_yyyy), and member UUIDs (acnt_xxx). permissionSet field example:

  ["wsAdmin", "general", "group_yyyy", "acnt_xxxx"]

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-raw '{"name":"jj_test","ruleTimezone":"Asia/Shanghai","alertOpt":{"alertTarget":[{"name":"Notification Configuration 1","targets":[{"status":"critical","tags":{"pod_name":["coredns-7769b554cf-w95fk"]},"to":["acnt_xxxx32"]}],"crontabDuration":600,"crontab":"0 9 * * 0,1,2,3,4"},{"name":"Notification Configuration 2","targets":[{"status":"error","to":["group_xxxx32"]}],"customDateUUIDs":["ndate_xxxx32"],"customStartTime":"09:30:10","customDuration":600},{"targets":[{"status":"warning","to":["notify_xxxx32"]}]}],"silentTimeout":21600,"aggInterval":120,"aggFields":["df_monitor_checker_id"]}}' \


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "alertOpt": {
            "aggFields": [
            "aggInterval": 120,
            "alertTarget": [
                    "crontab": "0 9 * * 0,1,2,3,4",
                    "crontabDuration": 600,
                    "name": "Notification Configuration 1",
                    "targets": [
                            "status": "critical",
                            "tags": {
                                "pod_name": [
                            "to": [
                    "customDateUUIDs": [
                    "customDuration": 600,
                    "customStartTime": "09:30:10",
                    "name": "Notification Configuration 2",
                    "targets": [
                            "status": "error",
                            "to": [
                    "targets": [
                            "status": "warning",
                            "to": [
            "silentTimeout": 21600
        "createAt": 1719373984,
        "creator": "wsak_xxxx32",
        "declaration": {
            "asd": "aa,bb,cc,1,True",
            "asdasd": "dawdawd",
            "business": "aaa",
            "fawf": "afawf",
            "organization": "64fe7b4062f74d0007b46676"
        "deleteAt": -1,
        "id": null,
        "name": "jj_test",
        "ruleTimezone": "Asia/Shanghai",
        "score": 0,
        "status": 0,
        "updateAt": 1719373984,
        "updator": "wsak_xxxx32",
        "uuid": "altpl_xxxx32",
        "workspaceUUID": "wksp_xxxx32"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "TRACE-148B6846-6180-4594-BD26-8A2077F0E911"


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