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Modify an Alert Strategy v2

POST /api/v1/alert_policy/{alert_policy_uuid}/modify_v2


Modify the specified alert strategy configuration information based on alert_policy_uuid, supporting synchronous updates of associated monitors.

Route Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
alert_policy_uuid string Y Alert Strategy UUID

Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Monitor name
Allow null: False
desc string Description
Allow null: False
Allow empty string: True
Maximum length: 256
openPermissionSet boolean Enable custom permission configuration, (default false: not enabled), if enabled, the operation permissions for this rule are based on permissionSet
Allow null: False
permissionSet array Operation permission configuration, configurable (role except owner, member UUID, team UUID)
Example: ['wsAdmin', 'acnt_xxxx', 'group_yyyy']
Allow null: False
checkerUUIDs array Monitor/Smart Monitor/Smart Inspection/SLO UUID (added in iteration on 2024-12-11)
Example: ['rule_xxx', 'monitor_xxx']
Allow null: False
ruleTimezone str Y Alert Strategy timezone
Example: Asia/Shanghai
Allow null: False
alertOpt json Alert settings
Allow null: False
alertOpt.aggType string Alert aggregation type, default to old version logic if this field is not passed (added in iteration on 2024-12-25)
Allow null: True
Possible values: ['byFields', 'byCluster', 'byAI']
alertOpt.alertType string Alert notification type, level (status)/member, default is level
Allow null: False
Possible values: ['status', 'member']
alertOpt.silentTimeout integer Alert setting
Allow null: False
alertOpt.alertTarget array Trigger actions, note the trigger time and parameter processing
Example: [{'name': 'Notification Config 1', 'targets': [{'to': ['acnt_xxxx32'], 'status': 'critical', 'tags': {'pod_name': ['coredns-7769b554cf-w95fk']}, 'upgradeTargets': [{'to': ['acnt_xxxx32'], 'duration': 600}, {'to': ['group_xxxx32'], 'duration': 6000}]}], 'crontabDuration': 600, 'crontab': '0 9 * * 0,1,2,3,4'}, {'name': 'Notification Config 2', 'targets': [{'status': 'error', 'to': ['group_xxxx32'], 'upgradeTargets': [{'to': ['acnt_xxxx32'], 'duration': 600}, {'to': ['group_xxxx32'], 'duration': 6000}]}], 'customDateUUIDs': ['ndate_xxxx32'], 'customStartTime': '09:30:10', 'crontabDuration': 600}]
Allow null: False
alertOpt.aggInterval integer Y Alert aggregation interval, in seconds, 0 means no aggregation
Allow null: False
$minValue: 0
$maxValue: 1800
alertOpt.aggFields array Aggregation field list, keep an empty list [] for "Aggregate all", df_monitor_checker_id: monitor/smart inspection/SLO, df_dimension_tags: detection dimension, df_label: label, CLUSTER: smart aggregation
Example: ['CLUSTER']
Allow null: False
alertOpt.aggLabels array List of label values when aggregating by labels, only effective if df_label is specified in aggFields
Allow null: False
alertOpt.aggClusterFields array Field list for smart aggregation, only effective if CLUSTER is specified in aggFields, possible values "df_title": title, "df_message": content
Example: ['df_title']
Allow null: False

Additional Parameter Notes

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-raw '{"name":"jj_modify","ruleTimezone":"Asia/Shanghai","alertOpt":{"alertTarget":[{"targets":[{"status":"warning","to":["notify_xxxx32"]}]}],"silentTimeout":21600,"aggInterval":120,"aggFields":["df_monitor_checker_id"]}}' \


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "alertOpt": {
            "aggFields": [
            "aggInterval": 120,
            "alertTarget": [
                    "targets": [
                            "status": "warning",
                            "to": [
            "silentTimeout": 21600
        "createAt": 1706152082,
        "creator": "xxxx",
        "declaration": {},
        "deleteAt": -1,
        "id": 4100,
        "name": "jj_modify",
        "ruleTimezone": "Asia/Shanghai",
        "score": 0,
        "status": 0,
        "updateAt": 1706152339.7920609,
        "updator": "xxx",
        "uuid": "altpl_xxxx32",
        "workspaceUUID": "wksp_xxxx32"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "TRACE-D38C6668-6F44-45E8-B8A4-BD28EBF142DE"


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