Get Workspace Billing Information for a Specific Period¶
GET /api/v1/billing/detail/list
Query Request Parameters¶
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
startDate | string | Yes | Billing start date Format: 20230731 Example: 20230731 Can be empty: False |
endDate | string | Yes | Billing end date Format: 20230731 Example: 20230731 Can be empty: False |
Additional Parameter Explanation¶
Return parameter explanation:
main structure explanation
Parameter Name | Parameter Description |
consumeTimeOfDay | Billing consumption time |
orgName | Organization name of the Billing Center (can be ignored) |
productName | Product name Fixed as dataFlux |
productDetail | Product details |
billingCycle | Billing cycle Day, Month, Year, Single |
billingResult | Amount payable |
deductionAmount | Deduction amount |
oweAmount | Unpaid amount |
originAmount | Original price |
serviceBillingAmount | Service Charges (can be ignored) |
couponAmount | Coupon deduction |
storedCardAmount | Stored card deduction |
cashAmount | Cash deduction |
cashCouldAmount | Cloud market deduction |
commodityCategory | Product type Annual/Monthly subscription, Pay-as-you-go |
consumePlatform | Billing method |
customerIdentifier | Cloud market account |
consumption | Can be ignored |
workspaceUuid | Workspace UUID |
workspaceName | Workspace name |
consumeTime | Consumption timestamp |
tag6 | Measurement name |
billingResultDetails | Can be ignored |
count | Usage quantity |
Request Example¶
curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
"code": 200,
"content": [
"consumeTimeOfDay": "2023-07-31",
"orgName": "None",
"productName": "None",
"productDetail": "Session Replay",
"billingCycle": "None",
"billingResult": 0,
"deductionAmount": "None",
"oweAmount": "None",
"originAmount": 0,
"serviceBillingAmount": "None",
"couponAmount": "None",
"storedCardAmount": "None",
"cashAmount": "None",
"cashCouldAmount": "None",
"commodityCategory": "None",
"consumePlatform": "None",
"customerIdentifier": "None",
"consumption": "None",
"workspaceUuid": "None",
"workspaceName": "None",
"consumeTime": "None",
"tag6": "session_replay",
"billingResultDetails": "None",
"count": 0
"errorCode": "",
"message": "",
"success": true,
"traceId": "TRACE-192EB1B1-ACBA-4942-A4F1-34A1A9F93C0C"