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Get Workspace Billing Information for a Specific Period

GET /api/v1/billing/detail/list


Query Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
startDate string Yes Billing start date Format: 20230731
Example: 20230731
Can be empty: False
endDate string Yes Billing end date Format: 20230731
Example: 20230731
Can be empty: False

Additional Parameter Explanation

Return parameter explanation:

content main structure explanation

Parameter Name Parameter Description
consumeTimeOfDay Billing consumption time
orgName Organization name of the Billing Center (can be ignored)
productName Product name Fixed as dataFlux
productDetail Product details
billingCycle Billing cycle Day, Month, Year, Single
billingResult Amount payable
deductionAmount Deduction amount
oweAmount Unpaid amount
originAmount Original price
serviceBillingAmount Service Charges (can be ignored)
couponAmount Coupon deduction
storedCardAmount Stored card deduction
cashAmount Cash deduction
cashCouldAmount Cloud market deduction
commodityCategory Product type Annual/Monthly subscription, Pay-as-you-go
consumePlatform Billing method
customerIdentifier Cloud market account
consumption Can be ignored
workspaceUuid Workspace UUID
workspaceName Workspace name
consumeTime Consumption timestamp
tag6 Measurement name
billingResultDetails Can be ignored
count Usage quantity

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \


    "code": 200,
    "content": [
            "consumeTimeOfDay": "2023-07-31",
            "orgName": "None",
            "productName": "None",
            "productDetail": "Session Replay",
            "billingCycle": "None",
            "billingResult": 0,
            "deductionAmount": "None",
            "oweAmount": "None",
            "originAmount": 0,
            "serviceBillingAmount": "None",
            "couponAmount": "None",
            "storedCardAmount": "None",
            "cashAmount": "None",
            "cashCouldAmount": "None",
            "commodityCategory": "None",
            "consumePlatform": "None",
            "customerIdentifier": "None",
            "consumption": "None",
            "workspaceUuid": "None",
            "workspaceName": "None",
            "consumeTime": "None",
            "tag6": "session_replay",
            "billingResultDetails": "None",
            "count": 0
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "TRACE-192EB1B1-ACBA-4942-A4F1-34A1A9F93C0C"


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