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Create Field Management

POST /api/v1/field_cfg/add


Create field management

Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Y Field name, within the same field source (fieldSource), field names cannot be duplicated
Allow null: False
Allow empty string: False
Maximum length: 256
alias string Y Field alias
Allow null: False
Allow empty string: False
Maximum length: 256
unit string Unit information, when fieldType is string, the unit will be set to null
Allow null: False
Maximum length: 256
Allow empty string: True
fieldType string Field type
Example: time
Allow null: False
Allow empty string: True
Possible values: ['int', 'float', 'boolean', 'string', 'long']
fieldSource string Field source
Example: time
Allow null: False
Allow empty string: True
Possible values: ['logging', 'object', 'custom_object', 'keyevent', 'tracing', 'rum', 'security', 'network', 'billing']
desc string Field description
Example: Hostname
Allow null: False
Allow empty string: True
Maximum length: 3000
coverInner boolean Whether to overwrite system-built-in fields with the same name as the added field name, true for overwrite, false for not overwrite
Example: True
Allow null: False

Additional Parameter Explanation

1. Request Parameter Explanation

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name String Required Field name, within the same field source (fieldSource), field names cannot be duplicated
alias String Required Field alias
desc String Description
unit String Unit information, when fieldType is string, the unit will be set to null
fieldType String Field type
fieldSource String Field source, generic types use an empty string
coverInner String Whether to overwrite system-built-in fields with the same name as the added field name, true for overwrite, false for not overwrite

For adding unit information, refer to Unit Description

2. Response Parameter Explanation

When the returned content of this interface is need_confirm, it indicates that there already exists a built-in field with the same source and name.
If you wish to continue creating, you must specify coverInner as true, and the existing built-in field with the same name will be hidden.

3. Usage Instructions for Field Management

3.1. Field management provides field descriptions for field queries.
When performing the following function queries, if you need to return field descriptions, you should specify fieldTagDescNeeded (at the same level as queries) as true.
The series in the response will add a value_desc field (at the same level as values and columns).

Function Field Source/fieldSource

Note: The field description for SHOW_FIELD_KEY uses custom metric configuration and datakit side measurements-meta.json

3.2. Field management provides unit information for queries

dql query unit loading (adding units to the series in the query_data result):
When querying Metrics data, the loaded unit information is from custom metric fields, overriding official metric fields (measurements-meta.json)
When querying non-Metrics data, the loaded unit information is defined in field management

3.3. Query function explanation when field management provides unit information

During dql queries, if the used function is not within the configured unitWhiteFuncs functions, no unit is added, for example: count
unitWhiteFuncs contains two types of functions: normal and special. When using special functions, a fixed suffix "/s" is added to the unit, unit = {"unit": unit, "suffix": "/s"}
unitWhiteFuncs function explanation:

    - avg
    - bottom
    - top
    - difference
    - non_negative_difference
    - distinct
    - first
    - last
    - max
    - min
    - percentile
    - sum
    - median
    - mode
    - spread
    - moving_average
    - abs
    - cumsum
    - moving_average
    - series_sum
    - round
    - window
    - derivative
    - non_negative_derivative
    - rate
    - irate

4. Field Name Priority Explanation

4.1. Custom fields take precedence over built-in fields
4.2. Fields with specific sources (fieldSource) take precedence over generic field sources

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Accept-Language: en' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-raw '{"name":"test_load","alias":"as_load","fieldType":"float","desc":"temp","fieldSource":"","unit":"","coverInner":false}' \


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "alias": "as_load",
        "aliasEn": "",
        "createAt": 1735628856,
        "creator": "wsak_xxx",
        "declaration": {
            "business": "",
            "organization": "default_private_organization"
        "deleteAt": -1,
        "desc": "temp",
        "descEn": "",
        "fieldSource": "",
        "fieldType": "float",
        "id": 1791,
        "name": "test_load",
        "status": 0,
        "sysField": 0,
        "unit": "",
        "updateAt": -1,
        "updator": "",
        "uuid": "field_0f95016f7254494da088d878ce586477",
        "workspaceUUID": "wksp_05adf2282d0d47f8b79e70547e939617"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "TRACE-5E004BC0-E1E0-459A-8843-6FECBF0353DF"


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