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Modify Field Management

POST /api/v1/field_cfg/{field_uuid}/modify


Modify field management

Route Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
field_uuid string Y Field UUID

Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Y Field name, within the same field source (fieldSource), the field name cannot be duplicated
Allow null: False
Allow empty string: False
Maximum length: 256
alias string Y Field alias
Allow null: False
Allow empty string: False
Maximum length: 256
unit string Unit information, when fieldType is string, the unit will be set to null
Allow null: False
Maximum length: 256
Allow empty string: True
fieldType string Field type
Example: time
Allow null: False
Allow empty string: True
Optional values: ['int', 'float', 'boolean', 'string', 'long']
fieldSource string Field source
Example: time
Allow null: False
Allow empty string: True
Optional values: ['logging', 'object', 'custom_object', 'keyevent', 'tracing', 'rum', 'security', 'network', 'billing']
desc string Field description
Example: Hostname
Allow null: False
Allow empty string: True
Maximum length: 3000
coverInner boolean Whether to overwrite if the added field name is the same as a system-built-in field, true for overwrite, false for no overwrite
Example: True
Allow null: False

Additional Parameter Notes

Parameter description: Refer to the create interface

## Request Example
curl '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Accept-Language: en' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-raw '{"name":"test_load","alias":"as_load","fieldType":"int","desc":"modify_test","fieldSource":"","unit":"custom/[\"time\",\"ns\"]","coverInner":false}' \




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