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Create Issue

POST /api/v1/issue/add


Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Y Title name
Example: name
Allow empty: False
Maximum length: 256
level string Y Level, corresponding to the UUID of the level configuration
Example: level
Allow empty: False
Allow empty string: True
description string Y Description
Example: description
Allow empty: False
attachmentUuids array List of attachment UUIDs
Example: []
Allow empty: True
extend json Y Additional extended information
Example: {}
Allow empty: True
resourceType string Source type, not required if there is no scenario
Example: resourceType
Allow empty: False
Optional values: ['event', 'dashboard', 'viewer']
resourceUUID string Corresponding source UUIDs respectively docid, dashboardUUID, viewerUUID
Example: resourceUuid
Allow empty: False
Allow empty string: True
resource string Corresponding source name from the source
Example: resource
Allow empty: False
Allow empty string: True
channelUUIDs array UUIDs of channels where the issue will be tracked
Example: []
Allow empty: True

Additional Parameter Explanation

Basic Parameter Description

Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Parameter Description
name string N Issue title name
level string N Issue level corresponding to the configuration level UUID
statusType integer N Issue status, 10: Open, 15: Working, 20: Resolved, 25: Closed, 30: Pending
description string N Issue description
attachmentUuids array N List of attachment UUIDs, must be uploaded first using the /api/v1/attachment/upload interface
extend json N Extended fields, default is {}
resourceType string N event: Event, dashboard: Dashboard, viewer: Viewer (checker: Monitor, this type is automatically created)
resourceUUID string N UUID associated with the resource
resource string N Corresponding resource name
channelUUIDs array N List of resources where the issue is expected to be delivered, defaults to the default space and default channel

Level Field Explanation Levels are divided into system levels/custom levels (configurable in the configuration management)

Level Value Parameter Description
P0 system_level_0 Pass parameter level: system_level_0, indicating system level P0
P1 system_level_1 Pass parameter level: system_level_1, indicating system level P1
P2 system_level_2 Pass parameter level: system_level_2, indicating system level P2
P3 system_level_3 Pass parameter level: system_level_3, indicating system level P3
xxx issl_yyyyy Pass parameter level: issl_yyyyy, indicating custom level xxx

Issue Channel Explanation, all issues are automatically categorized under the default channel (All) Channels associated with the issue include: Default channel (All), channels, and channelUUIDs

Extended Field extend Explanation

Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Parameter Description
channels array N List of resources where the issue is expected to be delivered, described in the content using #:
linkList array N Add issue links
members array N Notification target members for the issue, described in the content using @:
manager array N User account UUIDs, emails, team UUIDs
extra json N Information about the creator/responsible person, used for front-end display

Example of the extend field:

    "members": [
            "type": "@",
            "uuid": "acnt_xxxx32",
            "exists": true
    "channels": [
            "type": "#",
            "uuid": "chan_xxxx32",
            "exists": true
    "manager": [
    "linkList": [
            "name": "Resolve",
            "link": "",
    "extra": {
            "creator": {
                "name": "xxx",
                "email": "",
            "managerInfos": {
                "": {"name": "111"},
                "": {"name": "222"}


Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-raw '{"name":"dcacscsc","level":"system_level_2","description":"<span>cdscascas</span>","extend":{"channels":[{"type":"#","uuid":"chan_xxxx32"}],"view_isuue_url":"/exceptions/exceptionsTracking?leftActiveKey=ExceptionsTracking&activeName=ExceptionsTracking&w=wksp_xxxx32&classic=exceptions_tracing&issueName=SYS&activeChannel=%7BdefaultChannelUUID%7D&sourceType=exceptions_tracing&__docid=%7BissueUUID%7D"},"attachmentUuids":[]}'\


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "createAt": 1686398344,
        "creator": "acnt_xxxx32",
        "creatorInfo": {
            "acntWsNickname": "",
            "email": "",
            "iconUrl": "",
            "name": "wanglei-testing",
            "username": ""
        "deleteAt": -1,
        "description": "",
        "extend": {
            "channels": [
                    "exists": true,
                    "type": "#",
                    "uuid": "chan_xxxx32"
            "view_isuue_url": ""
        "id": 47402,
        "level": "system_level_2",
        "name": "dcacscsc",
        "resource": "",
        "resourceType": "",
        "resourceUUID": "",
        "status": 0,
        "statusType": 20,
        "subIdentify": "",
        "updateAt": 1686400483,
        "updator": "acnt_xxxx32",
        "updatorInfo": {
            "acntWsNickname": "",
            "email": "",
            "iconUrl": "",
            "name": "wanglei-testing",
            "username": ""
        "uuid": "issue_xxxx32",
        "workspaceUUID": "wksp_xxxx32"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "1744405827768254151"


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