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Create Schedule

POST /api/v1/notification_schedule/add


Create a new schedule

Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Y Name
Allow null: False
Maximum length: 256
Allow empty string: False
timezone string Time zone, default Asia/Shanghai
Example: Asia/Shanghai
Allow null: False
Maximum length: 48
start string Y Time period start time
Example: 00:00
Allow null: False
Maximum length: 48
end string Y Time period end time
Example: 23:59
Allow null: False
Maximum length: 48
notifyTargets array Y Notification targets, includes account UUID, notification target UUID, email
Example: ['acnt_xxx', 'notify_', '']
Allow null: False
extend json Extended information, includes rotation notification target configuration
Allow null: False
extend.enableRotateNotification boolean Whether to enable rotation, default is off
Example: False
Allow null: False
extend.rotationCycle string Rotation cycle, day: day, week: week, month: month, workday: workDay, weekend: weekend
Example: day
Allow null: False
Optional values: ['day', 'week', 'month', 'workDay', 'weekend']
extend.effectiveTime json Schedule validity period, default is permanent, start/end times are 11-digit timestamps
Example: {'start': 1719990196, 'end': 1729990196}
Allow null: False

Additional Parameter Explanation

1. Request Parameter Description

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name String Required Schedule name
start String Required Time period start time
end String Required Time period end time
timezone String Time zone
notifyTargets array Required Notification targets, includes account UUID, notification target UUID, email
extend Json Extended information

2. Parameter Description within extend

Parameter Name Type Required Description
enableRotateNotification Boolean Whether to enable notification target rotation, default is off
rotationCycle string Rotation cycle after enabling notification target rotation
effectiveTime json Validity period configuration for the schedule, default is permanent, start/end times are 11-digit timestamps

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-raw '{"name":"schecule_add","timezone":"Asia/Shanghai","start":"00:00","end":"23:59","notifyTargets":["acnt_8b4bd2b8782646f3ba8f6554193f5997","notify_1c08db8458ba4ecabd27b8ce805e8502"],"extend":{"enableRotateNotification":true,"rotationCycle":"workDay","effectiveTime":{"start":1735747200,"end":1737603472}}}' \


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "createAt": 1735797896,
        "creator": "wsak_f2ba9858f4414655be39efc882b120dd",
        "declaration": {},
        "deleteAt": -1,
        "effectiveTimeInfos": {
            "expired": false,
            "timeStr": "2025/01/02 00:00:00~2025/01/23 11:37:52"
        "end": "23:59",
        "extend": {
            "effectiveTime": {
                "end": 1737603472,
                "start": 1735747200
            "enableRotateNotification": true,
            "rotationCycle": "workDay"
        "id": null,
        "name": "schecule_add",
        "notifyTargets": [
        "rotationUpdateAt": 1735797896,
        "start": "00:00",
        "status": 0,
        "timezone": "Asia/Shanghai",
        "updateAt": null,
        "updator": null,
        "uuid": "nsche_3512c1f4d176433484676225b547ef7a",
        "workspaceUUID": "wksp_798c5e0f589e4992994196832f64b6ba"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "TRACE-2655C615-0DA5-4391-8528-E46D1783B3F6"


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