[Func Functions] List¶
GET /api/v1/outer_function/list
List the Func functions that can be executed via OpenAPI
Query Request Parameters¶
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
_fuzzySearch | string | No | Fuzzy search query field Example: Super VIP Template Allow empty: False |
funcId | string | No | Search by function ID Example: Super VIP Template Allow empty: False |
funcTitle | string | No | Search by function title using LIKE query Example: Super VIP Template Allow empty: False |
funcTags | commaarray | No | Function tags for filtering functions by tag Example: Allow empty: False |
funcScriptId | string | No | Script set ID Example: |
Additional Parameter Notes¶
Request Example¶
curl 'https://openapi.guance.com/api/v1/outer_function/list' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
"code": 200,
"content": [
"argsJSON": [
"category": "openapi",
"definition": "test(workspace_uuid, workspace_token, your_name='OpenAPI User')",
"description": "Test interface, mainly to facilitate user testing of whether they can connect DataFlux Func through OpenAPI",
"extraConfigJSON": null,
"id": "guance__openapi.test",
"integration": null,
"kwargsJSON": {
"workspace_token": {},
"workspace_uuid": {},
"your_name": {
"default": "OpenAPI User"
"name": "test",
"scriptDescription": null,
"scriptId": "guance__openapi",
"scriptSetDescription": null,
"scriptSetId": "guance",
"scriptSetTitle": "Guance Support",
"scriptTitle": null,
"tagsJSON": null,
"title": "Test",
"url": "/api/v1/func/guance__openapi.test"
"argsJSON": [
"category": "openapi",
"definition": "report_event(workspace_uuid, workspace_token, data)",
"description": "Report event, implemented through DataFlux Func for event writing\nSupports self-built inspections and all alert handling logic accompanying monitors\n\nParameters:\n data {dict,list} Event data or its list to report, structured as follows:\n {\n \"title\" : {str} Event title, supports single-line text only\n \"message\" : {str} Event content, supports Markdown\n \"status\" : {str} Event level, optional values: ok, info, warning, error, critical\n \"dimension_tags\": {str,dict} Event dimensions, e.g., { 'host': 'web001' } or its serialized string\n }",
"extraConfigJSON": null,
"id": "guance__openapi.report_event",
"integration": null,
"kwargsJSON": {
"data": {},
"workspace_token": {},
"workspace_uuid": {}
"name": "report_event",
"scriptDescription": null,
"scriptId": "guance__openapi",
"scriptSetDescription": null,
"scriptSetId": "guance",
"scriptSetTitle": "Guance Support",
"scriptTitle": null,
"tagsJSON": null,
"title": "Report Event",
"url": "/api/v1/func/guance__openapi.report_event"
"errorCode": "",
"message": "",
"success": true,
"traceId": "TRACE-1B02BD5D-D249-4D56-8762-9D6CB31FF0D1"