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Func List

get /api/v1/outer_function/list


List Func allowed by OpenAPI.

Query Request Parameter

Parameter Name Type Required Description
_fuzzySearch string Fuzzy search query field
Example: Super VIP template
Allow null: False
funcId string Search according to function Id
Example: Super VIP template
Allow null: False
funcTitle string Search according to the function title and query in Like mode
Example: Super VIP template
Allow null: False
funcTags commaarray Function tags, which are used to filter functions according to tags.
Allow null: False
funcScriptId string Script collection ID

Supplementary Description of Parameters

Request Example

curl '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \


    "code": 200,
    "content": [
            "argsJSON": [
            "category": "openapi",
            "definition": "test(workspace_uuid, workspace_token, your_name='OpenAPI 用户')",
            "description": "测试接口,主要方便用户测试是否能够通过 OpenAPI 调通 DataFlux Func",
            "extraConfigJSON": null,
            "id": "guance__openapi.test",
            "integration": null,
            "kwargsJSON": {
                "workspace_token": {},
                "workspace_uuid": {},
                "your_name": {
                    "default": "OpenAPI 用户"
            "name": "test",
            "scriptDescription": null,
            "scriptId": "guance__openapi",
            "scriptSetDescription": null,
            "scriptSetId": "guance",
            "scriptSetTitle": "观测云支持",
            "scriptTitle": null,
            "tagsJSON": null,
            "title": "测试",
            "url": "/api/v1/func/guance__openapi.test"
            "argsJSON": [
            "category": "openapi",
            "definition": "report_event(workspace_uuid, workspace_token, data)",
            "description": "报告事件,通过 DataFlux Func 实现事件写入\n支持自建巡检,以及监控器配套的所有告警处理逻辑\n\n参数:\n    data {dict,list} 上报的事件数据或其列表,结构如下:\n                        {\n                            \\\"title\\\"         : {str}      事件标题,只支持单行文本\n                            \\\"message\\\"       : {str}      事件内容,支持 Markdown\n                            \\\"status\\\"        : {str}      事件级别,可选值为: ok, info, warning, error, critical\n                            \\\"dimension_tags\\\": {str,dict} 事件维度,如:{ 'host': 'web001' } 或其序列化后的字符串\n                        }",
            "extraConfigJSON": null,
            "id": "guance__openapi.report_event",
            "integration": null,
            "kwargsJSON": {
                "data": {},
                "workspace_token": {},
                "workspace_uuid": {}
            "name": "report_event",
            "scriptDescription": null,
            "scriptId": "guance__openapi",
            "scriptSetDescription": null,
            "scriptSetId": "guance",
            "scriptSetTitle": "观测云支持",
            "scriptTitle": null,
            "tagsJSON": null,
            "title": "报告事件",
            "url": "/api/v1/func/guance__openapi.report_event"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "TRACE-1B02BD5D-D249-4D56-8762-9D6CB31FF0D1"


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