【Service List】Retrieve¶
GET /api/v1/service_manage/{service_uuid}/get
Retrieve information for a single service list entry
Route Parameters¶
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
service_uuid | string | Y | UUID corresponding to the service Example: xxxx Allow empty string: False |
Query Request Parameters¶
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
originStr | string | Pass 1 for raw string, 0 for structured data, defaults to 1 Allow empty: False |
Additional Parameter Notes¶
Request Body Structure Explanation
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
service_uuid | string | Y | Unique UUID of the service list entry, prefixed with sman_ |
originStr | string | N | Whether to return the serviceCatelog as a raw string, 1 for yes, 0 for no. Defaults to 1 |
Response Body Structure Explanation
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
serviceCatelog | string, dict | Raw string or structured data of the service list entry |
service | string | Service name |
type | string | Service type |
Request Example¶
curl 'https://openapi.guance.com/api/v1/service_manage/sman_xxxx32/get?originStr=0' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
"code": 200,
"content": {
"colour": "#40C9C9",
"createAt": 1693798688,
"creatorInfo": {
"acntWsNickname": "",
"email": "xxx",
"iconUrl": "",
"name": "Alibaba Cloud Monitoring Data Source",
"username": "xxx"
"service": "test",
"serviceCatelog": {
"Docs": [
"link": "https://www.docs.guance.com",
"name": "Guance",
"provider": "Guance"
"link": "https://func.guance.com/doc",
"name": "func",
"provider": "Guance"
"Related": {
"AppId": "a138bcb0_47ef_11ee_9d75_31ea50b9d85a",
"DashboardUUIDs": [
"Tags": [
"Repos": [
"link": "https://www.guance.com",
"name": "Guance",
"provider": "Guance"
"link": "https://func.guance.com",
"name": "func",
"provider": "Guance"
"Team": {
"colour": "#40C9C9",
"oncall": [
"emails": [
"name": "Guance",
"type": "email"
"mobiles": [
"name": "zhuyun",
"type": "mobile"
"name": "test",
"slack": "#test",
"type": "slack"
"service": "jinlei_1",
"team": "group_xxxx32",
"type": "db"
"type": "db",
"updateAt": 1693798688,
"updatorInfo": {
"acntWsNickname": "",
"email": "xxx",
"iconUrl": "",
"name": "Alibaba Cloud Monitoring Data Source",
"username": "xxx"
"uuid": "sman_xxxx32"
"errorCode": "",
"message": "",
"success": true,
"traceId": "TRACE-1255F7E2-9035-4696-B7EE-9DDBB2BC13D2"