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Modify an SLO

POST /api/v1/slo/{slo_uuid}/modify


Route Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
slo_uuid string Y SLO UUID
Allow empty: False

Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
interval string Detection frequency
Allow empty: False
Optional values: ['5m', '10m']
Example: 5m
sliUUIDs array List of SLI UUIDs
Allow empty: False
Example: ['rul-aaaaaa', 'rul-bbbbbb']
describe string SLO description
Example: This is an example
Allow empty: False
Allow empty string: True
Maximum length: 3000
alertPolicyUUIDs array Alert policy UUIDs
Allow empty: False
tags array Tag names for filtering
Allow empty: False
Example: ['xx', 'yy']

Additional Parameter Notes

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "describe": "This is an example",
  "alertPolicyUUIDs": ["altpl_xxxx"],
  "tags": [


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "config": {
            "checkRange": 604800,
            "describe": "This is an example",
            "goal": 90.0,
            "interval": "10m",
            "minGoal": 60.0,
            "sli_infos": [
                    "id": "rul_7a88b8xxxx",
                    "name": "lml-tes",
                    "status": 0
                    "id": "rul_9eb74xxxx",
                    "name": "whytest-feedback issue verification",
                    "status": 2
        "createAt": 1722913524,
        "creator": "wsak_a2d55c91bxxxxx",
        "declaration": {
            "asd": "aa,bb,cc,1,True",
            "asdasd": "dawdawd",
            "business": "aaa",
            "fawf": "afawf",
            "organization": "64fe7b4062f74d0007b46676"
        "deleteAt": -1,
        "id": 4901,
        "name": "LWC-Test-2024-08-06-002",
        "score": 0,
        "status": 0,
        "type": "slo",
        "updateAt": 1722914612.4453554,
        "updator": "wsak_a2d55c91bxxxxx",
        "uuid": "monitor_5ebbd15cxxxxxx",
        "workspaceUUID": "wksp_4b57c7bab3xxxxxx"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "12244323272853598406"


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