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POST /api/v1/data_mask_rule/{data_mask_rule_uuid}/modify


Route Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
data_mask_rule_uuid string Y UUID of the data masking rule

Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Y Rule name
Allow null: False
Maximum length: 128
Allow empty string: False
type string Y Data type
Example: logging
Allow null: True
Optional values: ['logging', 'metric', 'object', 'custom_object', 'keyevent', 'tracing', 'rum', 'security', 'network', 'profiling', 'billing']
field string Y Field name
Allow null: False
Maximum length: 128
Allow empty string: False
reExpr string Y Regular expression
Allow null: False
Maximum length: 5000
Allow empty string: False
roleUUIDs array Y Roles in the workspace for which this rule applies data masking
Example: ['xxx', 'xxx']
Allow null: False

Additional Parameter Notes




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