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Collect AutoMQ related metrics information

Installation Configuration{#config}

1. Enabled AutoMQ metrics

Adjusting the AutoMQ startup command

bin/ ...\
--override  s3.telemetry.metrics.exporter.type=prometheus \
--override  s3.metrics.exporter.prom.port=8890  \
--override \

The default Exposure Metric port for AutoMQ is: 8890. Metric-related information can be viewed through a browser: http://clientIP:8890/metrics.

2. DataKit Collector Configuration

2.1 Install DataKit

2.2 Configuration Collector

Because AutoMQ can expose metrics URL directly, it can be collected directly through prom collector.

Enter conf.d/prom in the DataKit installation directory and copy prom.conf.sample to automq.conf.

cp prom.conf.sample automq.conf

Adjust the content of automq.conf as follows:

  urls = ["http://clientIP:8890/metrics"]
  source = "AutoMQ"

  ## Keep Exist Metric Name
  ## If the keep_exist_metric_name is true, keep the raw value for field names.
  keep_exist_metric_name = true

    overwrite_exist_tags = true

    service_name = "job"
    service_instance_id = "instance"

  interval = "10s"

Other configurations are adjusted as needed

, adjust parameter description:

  • Urls: prometheus Metric address, where you fill in the metric URL exposed by the corresponding component
  • Source: Collector alias, recommended to distinguish
  • Interval: collection interval

3. Restart DataKit

Restart DataKit


kafka Metrics

Metric Description Unit
kafka_server_connection_count Current number of active connections on the node. Gauge
kafka_network_threads_idle_rate Idle rate of Kafka SocketServer network threads, range: [0, 1.0]. Gauge
kafka_controller_active_count Indicates whether the current Controller node is the active Controller, with a metric value of 1 denoting active and 0 indicating non-active. Gauge
kafka_broker_active_count Current number of active Brokers in the cluster. Gauge
kafka_broker_fenced_count Current number of Brokers fenced in the cluster. Gauge
kafka_topic_count Total number of Topics in the cluster. Gauge
kafka_partition_total_count Total number of partitions in the cluster. Gauge
kafka_partition_offline_count Total number of leaderless partitions in the cluster. Gauge
kafka_stream_s3_object_count Total number of Objects uploaded to object storage in the current cluster, categorized by Object status. Gauge
kafka_stream_s3_object_size_bytes Total size of Objects uploaded to object storage by the current cluster. byte
kafka_stream_stream_object_num Number of StreamObjects uploaded to object storage by the current cluster. Gauge
kafka_stream_stream_set_object_num Number of StreamSetObjects uploaded to object storage by each Broker in the current cluster. Gauge
kafka_message_count_total The total number of messages received by the Broker node, when tracked over time, provides the message count throughput. Counter
kafka_network_io_bytes_total The total volume of messages received and sent by the Broker node, when analyzed over time, indicates the message size throughput. Counter
kafka_request_size_bytes_total Total size of requests received by Broker nodes. Byte
kafka_topic_request_count_total The total number of requests received by each Topic on the Broker node, limited to produce and fetch request types. Counter
kafka_topic_request_failed_total The total number of request failures for each Topic on the Broker node, including only produce and fetch request types. Counter
kafka_request_count_total Total number of requests received by Broker nodes. Counter
kafka_request_time_milliseconds_total Total time taken by Broker nodes to process requests. ms
kafka_request_queue_size Broker node's request queue size. Byte
kafka_response_queue_size Size of the response queue for each Broker node. Byte
kafka_partition_count Current allocation of partitions to the Broker node. Counter
kafka_log_size Message size allocated to each partition on the Broker node. Byte

For more metrics, refer to the official AutoMQ document


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