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Dianping CAT

Version-1.9.0 · Experimental

Dianping-cat Cat is an open-source distributed real-time monitoring system mainly used to monitor the performance, capacity, and business indicators of the system. It is a monitoring system developed by Meituan Dianping Company and is currently open source and widely used.

Cat collects various indicator data of the system, such as CPU, memory, network, disk, etc., for real-time monitoring and analysis, helping developers quickly locate and solve system problems. At the same time, it also provides some commonly used monitoring functions, such as alarms, statistics, log analysis, etc., to facilitate system monitoring and analysis by developers.

Data Type

Data transmission protocol:

  • Plaintext: Plain text mode, currently not supported by Datakit.

  • Native: Text form separated by specific symbols, currently supported by Datakit.

Data Classification:

type long type doc Datakit support Corresponding data type
t transaction start transaction start true trace
T transaction end transaction end true trace
E event event false -
M metric metric false -
L trace trace false -
H heartbeat heartbeat true metric

CAT start mode

The data is all in the Datakit, and the web page of cat no longer has data, so the significance of starting is not significant.

Moreover, the cat server will also send transaction data to the dk, causing a large amount of garbage data on the Guance Cloud page. It is not recommended to start a cat_ Home (cat server) service.

The corresponding configuration can be configured in client.xml, please refer to the following text.


client config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<config mode="client">
        <!-- datakit ip, cat port , http port -->
        <server ip="" port="2280" http-port="9529"/>

Note: The 9529 port in the configuration is the HTTP port of the Datakit. 2280 is the 2280 port opened by the cat input.

Go to the conf.d/cat directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy cat.conf.sample and name it cat.conf. Examples are as follows:

  ## tcp port
  tcp_port = "2280"

  ##native or plaintext, datakit only support native(NT1) !!!
  decode = "native"

  ## This is default cat-client Kvs configs.
  startTransactionTypes = "Cache.;Squirrel."
  MatchTransactionTypes = "SQL"
  block = "false"
  routers = ";"
  sample = "1.0"

  ## global tags.
  # []
    # key1 = "value1"
    # key2 = "value2"
    # ...

The collector can now be turned on by ConfigMap Injection Collector Configuration.

Notes on configuration files:

  1. startTransactionTypes MatchTransactionTypes block routers sample is the data returned to the client end
  2. routers is Datakit IP or Domain
  3. tcp_port client config servers ip address

Guance Trace and Metric

Guance trace

login, and click on Application Performance.

 trace details
trace details

Guance metric

To download dashboard

At guance Scenes -> dashboard to Create Dashboard.

Effect display:

cat metric
cat metric



  • Tags
Tag Description
domain IP address.
hostName Host name.
os_arch CPU architecture:AMD/ARM.
os_name OS name:'Windows/Linux/Mac',etc.
os_version The kernel version of the OS.
runtime_java-version Java version.
runtime_user-dir The path of jar.
runtime_user-name User name.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
disk_free Free disk size. float B
disk_total Total disk size of data nodes. float B
disk_usable Used disk size. float B
memory_free Free memory size. float count
memory_heap-usage The usage of heap memory. float count
memory_max Max memory usage. float count
memory_non-heap-usage The usage of non heap memory. float count
memory_total Total memory size. float count
os_available-processors The number of available processors in the host. float count
os_committed-virtual-memory Committed virtual memory size. float B
os_free-physical-memory Free physical memory size. float B
os_free-swap-space Free swap space size float B
os_system-load-average Average system load. float percent
os_total-physical-memory Total physical memory size. float B
os_total-swap-space Total swap space size. float B
runtime_start-time Start time. int s
runtime_up-time Runtime. int ms
thread_cat_thread_count The number of threads used by cat. float count
thread_count Total number of threads. float count
thread_daemon_count The number of daemon threads. float count
thread_http_thread_count The number of http threads. float count
thread_peek_count Thread peek. float count
thread_pigeon_thread_count The number of pigeon threads. float count
thread_total_started_count Total number of started threads. float count


  • Tags
Tag Description
container_host Container hostname. Available in OpenTelemetry. Optional.
dk_fingerprint DataKit fingerprint is DataKit hostname
endpoint Endpoint info. Available in SkyWalking, Zipkin. Optional.
env Application environment info. Available in Jaeger. Optional.
host Hostname.
http_method HTTP request method name. Available in DDTrace, OpenTelemetry. Optional.
http_route HTTP route. Optional.
http_status_code HTTP response code. Available in DDTrace, OpenTelemetry. Optional.
http_url HTTP URL. Optional.
operation Span name
project Project name. Available in Jaeger. Optional.
service Service name. Optional.
source_type Tracing source type
span_type Span type
status Span status
version Application version info. Available in Jaeger. Optional.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
duration Duration of span int μs
message Origin content of span string -
parent_id Parent span ID of current span string -
resource Resource name produce current span string -
span_id Span id string -
start start time of span. int usec
trace_id Trace id string -


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