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Collect indicators, objects and log data of container and Kubernetes and report them to Guance Cloud.



  • At present, container supported Docker/Containerd/CRI-O runtime
    • Docker v17.04 and above should be installed, Container v15.1 and above should be installed, CRI-O 1.20.1 and above should be installed.
  • Collecting Kubernetes data requires the DataKit to be deployed as a DaemonSet.
  • Container collection supports both Docker and Containerd runtime Version-1.5.7, and both are enabled by default.

In the case of a pure Docker or Containerd environment, the DataKit can only be installed on the host machine.

Go to the conf.d/container directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy container.conf.sample and name it container.conf. Examples are as follows:

  endpoints = [

  enable_container_metric = true
  enable_k8s_metric       = true
  enable_pod_metric       = false
  enable_k8s_event        = true
  enable_k8s_node_local   = true

  ## Add resource Label as Tags (container use Pod Label), need to specify Label keys.
  ## e.g. ["app", "name"]
  # extract_k8s_label_as_tags_v2            = []
  # extract_k8s_label_as_tags_v2_for_metric = []

  ## Containers logs to include and exclude, default collect all containers. Globs accepted.
  container_include_log = []
  container_exclude_log = ["image:*logfwd*", "image:*datakit*"]

  kubernetes_url = "https://kubernetes.default:443"

  ## Authorization level:
  ##   bearer_token -> bearer_token_string -> TLS
  ## Use bearer token for authorization. ('bearer_token' takes priority)
  ## linux at:   /run/secrets/
  bearer_token = "/run/secrets/"
  # bearer_token_string = "<your-token-string>"

  ## Set true to enable election for k8s metric collection
  election = true

  logging_enable_multiline             = true
  logging_auto_multiline_detection     = true
  logging_auto_multiline_extra_patterns = []

  ## Only retain the fields specified in the whitelist.
  logging_field_white_list = []

  ## Removes ANSI escape codes from text strings.
  logging_remove_ansi_escape_codes = false

  ## Whether to collect logs from the begin of the file.
  logging_file_from_beginning = false

  ## The maximum allowed number of open files, default is 500. If it is -1, it means no limit.
  # logging_max_open_files = 500

  ## Search logging interval, default "60s".
  #logging_search_interval = ""

  ## Log collection configures additional source matching, and the regular source will be renamed.
    # source_regexp = "new_source"

  ## Log collection with multiline configuration as specified by the source.
    # source = '''^\d{4}'''

    # some_tag = "some_value"
    # more_tag = "some_other_value"

Can be turned on by ConfigMap Injection Collector Configuration or Config ENV_DATAKIT_INPUTS .

Can also be turned on by environment variables, (needs to be added as the default collector in ENV_DEFAULT_ENABLED_INPUTS):


    Append to container endpoints

    Type: List

    input.conf: endpoints

    Example: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock,unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock,unix:///var/run/crio/crio.sock"


    Deprecated. Specify the endpoint of Docker Engine

    Type: String

    input.conf: docker_endpoint

    Example: unix:///var/run/docker.sock


    Deprecated. Specify the endpoint of Containerd

    Type: String

    input.conf: containerd_address

    Example: /var/run/containerd/containerd.sock


    Start container index collection

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: enable_container_metric

    Default: true


    Start k8s index collection

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: enable_k8s_metric

    Default: true


    Turn on Pod index collection

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: enable_pod_metric

    Default: false


    Enable event collection mode

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: enable_k8s_event

    Default: true


    Enable sub-Node collection mode, where the Datakit deployed on each Node independently collects the resources of the current Node. Version-1.5.7 Need new RABC link

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: enable_k8s_node_local

    Default: true


    Should the labels of the resources be appended to the tags collected? Only Pod metrics, objects, and Node objects will be added, and the labels of container logs belonging to the Pod will also be added. If the key of a label contains a dot character, it will be replaced with a hyphen

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: extract_k8s_label_as_tags

    Default: false


    Append the labels of the resource to the tag of the non-metric (like object and logging) data. Label keys should be specified, if there is only one key and it is an empty string (e.g. [""]), all labels will be added to the tag. The container will inherit the Pod labels. If the key of the label has the dot character, it will be changed to a horizontal line

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: extract_k8s_label_as_tags_v2

    Example: ["app","name"]


    Append the labels of the resource to the tag of the metric data. Label keys should be specified, if there is only one key and it is an empty string (e.g. [""]), all labels will be added to the tag. The container will inherit the Pod labels. If the key of the label has the dot character, it will be changed to a horizontal line

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: extract_k8s_label_as_tags_v2_for_metric

    Example: ["app","name"]


    Whether to turn on Prometheus Pod Annotations and collect metrics automatically

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: enable_auto_discovery_of_prometheus_pod_annotations

    Default: false


    Whether to turn on Prometheus Service Annotations and collect metrics automatically

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: enable_auto_discovery_of_prometheus_service_annotations

    Default: false


    Whether to turn on automatic discovery of Prometheus PodMonitor CRD and collection of metrics, see [Prometheus-Operator CRD doc](kubernetes-prometheus-operator-crd

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: enable_auto_discovery_of_prometheus_pod_monitors

    Default: false


    Whether to turn on automatic discovery of Prometheus ServiceMonitor CRD and collection of metrics, see [Prometheus-Operator CRD doc](kubernetes-prometheus-operator-crd

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: enable_auto_discovery_of_prometheus_service_monitors

    Default: false


    Deprecated. Whether to keep the raw field names for Prometheus, see [Kubernetes Prometheus doc](

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: keep_exist_prometheus_metric_name

    Default: false


    Include condition of container log, filtering with image

    Type: List

    input.conf: container_include_log

    Example: "*"


    Exclude condition of container log, filtering with image

    Type: List

    input.conf: container_exclude_log

    Example: "*"


    Include condition of pod metrics, filtering with namespace

    Type: List

    input.conf: pod_include_metric

    Example: "namespace:datakit*"


    Exclude condition of pod metrics, filtering with namespace

    Type: List

    input.conf: pod_exclude_metric

    Example: "namespace:kube-system"


    k8s api-server access address

    Type: String

    input.conf: kubernetes_url

    Example: https://kubernetes.default:443


    The path to the token file required to access k8s api-server

    Type: String

    input.conf: bearer_token

    Example: /run/secrets/


    Token string required to access k8s api-server

    Type: String

    input.conf: bearer_token_string

    Example: your-token-string


    The time interval of log discovery, that is, how often logs are retrieved. If the interval is too long, some logs with short survival will be ignored

    Type: Duration

    input.conf: logging_search_interval

    Default: 60s


    Log collection configures additional source matching, and the regular source will be renamed

    Type: Map

    input.conf: logging_extra_source_map

    Example: source_regex*=new_source,regex*=new_source2


    Log collection with multiline configuration as specified by the source

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: logging_source_multiline_map

    Example: {"source_nginx":"^\d{4}", "source_redis":"^[A-Za-z_]"}


    Whether the automatic multi-line mode is turned on for log collection; the applicable multi-line rules will be matched in the patterns list after it is turned on

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: logging_auto_multiline_detection

    Default: false


    Automatic multi-line pattern pattens list for log collection, supporting manual configuration of multiple multi-line rules

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: logging_auto_multiline_extra_patterns

    Example: ["^\d{4}-\d{2}", "^[A-Za-z_]"]

    Default: For more default rules, see doc


    Maximum single multi-row life cycle of log collection. At the end of this cycle, existing multi-row data will be emptied and uploaded to avoid accumulation

    Type: Duration

    input.conf: logging_max_multiline_life_duration

    Default: 3s


    Remove ansi escape codes and color characters, referred to ansi-decode doc

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: logging_remove_ansi_escape_codes

    Default: false


    Decide whether or not to from_beginning based on the file size, if the file size is smaller than this value when the file is found, start the collection from the begin

    Type: Int

    input.conf: logging_file_from_beginning_threshold_size

    Default: 20,000,000


    Whether to collect logs from the begin of the file

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: logging_file_from_beginning

    Default: false


    The maximum allowed number of open files. If it is set to -1, it means there is no limit.

    Type: Int

    input.conf: logging_max_open_files

    Default: 500


    "Only retain the fields specified in the whitelist."

    Type: List

    input.conf: logging_field_white_list

    Example: '["service","container_id"]'


    Maximum number of concurrency when collecting container data, recommended to be turned on only when the collection delay is large

    Type: Int

    input.conf: container_max_concurrent

    Default: cpu cores + 1


    Turn off collection of Kubernetes Job resources (including metrics data and object data)

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: disable_collect_kube_job

    Default: false


    Turn off collection of Kubernetes Job resources (including metrics data and object data)

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: disable_collect_kube_job

    Default: false


    Enable collection of Kubernetes Prometheus data, including APIServer, Scheduler, Etcd, etc.(Experimental)

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: enable_k8s_self_metric_by_prom

    Default: false


    Customize tags. If there is a tag with the same name in the configuration file, it will be overwritten

    Type: Map

    input.conf: tags

    Example: tag1=value1,tag2=value2

Additional description of environment variables:

  • ENV_INPUT_CONTAINER_TAGS: If there is a tag with the same name in the configuration file (container.conf), it will be overwritten by the configuration here.

  • ENV_INPUT_CONTAINER_LOGGING_EXTRA_SOURCE_MAP: Specifying the replacement source with the argument format regular expression=new_source, which is replaced by new_source when a source matches the regular expression. If the replacement is successful, the source( Version-1.4.7)configured in annotations/labels is no longer used. If you want to make an exact match, you need to use ^ and $ to enclose the content. For example, if a regular expression is written as datakit, it can not only match the word datakit , but also match datakit123; Written as ^datakit$ , you can only match datakit.

  • ENV_INPUT_CONTAINER_LOGGING_SOURCE_MULTILINE_MAP_JSON: Used to specify the mapping of source to multi-row configuration. If a log is not configured with multiline_match, the corresponding multiline_match is found and used here based on its source. Because the multiline_match value is a regular expression, it is more complex, so the value format is a JSON string that can be coded and compressed into a single line using

  • Object data collection interval is 5 minutes and metric data collection interval is 20 seconds. Configuration is not supported for the time being.
  • Acquired log has a maximum length of 32MB per line (including after multiline_match processing), the excess will be truncated and discarded.

Docker and Containerd Sock File Configuration

If the sock path of Docker or Containerd is not the default, you need to specify the sock file path. According to different deployment methods of DataKit, the methods are different. Take Containerd as an example:

Modify the containerd_address configuration entry of container.conf to set it to the corresponding sock path.

Change the volumes containerd-socket of DataKit.yaml, mount the new path into the DataKit, and configure the environment variablesENV_INPUT_CONTAINER_ENDPOINTS

# add envs
- env:
    value: ["unix:///path/to/new/containerd/containerd.sock"]

# modify mountPath
  - mountPath: /path/to/new/containerd/containerd.sock
    name: containerd-socket
    readOnly: true

# modify volumes
- hostPath:
    path: /path/to/new/containerd/containerd.sock
  name: containerd-socket

Environment Variables ENV_INPUT_CONTAINER_ENDPOINTS is added to the existing endpoints configuration, and the actual endpoints configuration may have many items. The collector will remove duplicates and connect and collect them one by one.

The default endpoints configuration is:

  endpoints = [

Using Environment Variables ENV_INPUT_CONTAINER_ENDPOINTS is["unix:///path/to/new//run/containerd.sock"],The final endpoints configuration is as follows:

  endpoints = [

The collector will connect and collect these containers during runtime. If the sock file does not exist, an error log will be output when the first connection fails, which does not affect subsequent collection.

Prometheus Exporter Metrics Collection

If the Pod/container has exposed Prometheus metrics, there are two ways to collect them, see here.

Log Collection

See here for the relevant configuration of log collection.


For all of the following data collections, a global tag named host is appended by default (the tag value is the host name of the DataKit), or other tags can be specified in the configuration by [inputs.container.tags]:

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...


The metric of containers, only supported Running status.

  • Tags
Tag Description
aws_ecs_cluster_name Cluster name of the AWS ECS.
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
container_id Container ID
container_name Container name from k8s (label If empty then use $container_runtime_name.
container_runtime Container runtime (this container from Docker/Containerd/cri-o).
container_runtime_name Container name from runtime (like 'docker ps'). If empty then use 'unknown'.
container_runtime_version Container runtime version.
container_type The type of the container (this container is created by Kubernetes/Docker/Containerd/cri-o).
daemonset The name of the DaemonSet which the object belongs to.
deployment The name of the Deployment which the object belongs to.
image The full name of the container image, example
image_name The name of the container image, example
image_short_name The short name of the container image, example nginx.
image_tag The tag of the container image, example 1.21.0.
namespace The namespace of the container (label io.kubernetes.pod.namespace).
pod_name The pod name of the container (label
pod_uid The pod uid of the container (label io.kubernetes.pod.uid).
state Container status (only Running).
statefulset The name of the StatefulSet which the object belongs to.
task_arn The task arn of the AWS Fargate.
task_family The task family of the AWS fargate.
task_version The task version of the AWS fargate.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
block_read_byte Total number of bytes read from the container file system (only supported docker). int B
block_write_byte Total number of bytes wrote to the container file system (only supported docker). int B
cpu_limit_millicores The CPU limit of the container, measured in milli-cores. int m
cpu_numbers The number of CPU cores on the system host. int count
cpu_request_millicores The CPU request of the container, measured in milli-cores. int m
cpu_usage The actual CPU usage on the system host (percentage). float percent
cpu_usage_base100 The normalized CPU usage, with a maximum value of 100%. It is calculated as the number of CPU cores multiplied by 100. float percent
cpu_usage_base_limit The CPU usage based on the CPU limit (percentage). float percent
cpu_usage_base_request The CPU usage based on the CPU request (percentage). float percent
cpu_usage_millicores The CPU usage of the container, measured in milli-cores. int m
mem_capacity The total memory on the system host. int B
mem_limit The memory limit of the container. int B
mem_request The memory request of the container. int B
mem_usage The actual memory usage of the container. int B
mem_used_percent The memory usage percentage based on the total memory of the system host. float percent
mem_used_percent_base_limit The memory usage percentage based on the memory limit. float percent
mem_used_percent_base_request The memory usage percentage based on the memory request. float percent
network_bytes_rcvd Total number of bytes received from the network (only count the usage of the main process in the container, excluding loopback). int B
network_bytes_sent Total number of bytes send to the network (only count the usage of the main process in the container, excluding loopback). int B


The count of the Kubernetes resource.

  • Tags
Tag Description
namespace namespace
node_name NodeName is a request to schedule this pod onto a specific node (only supported Pod and Container).
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
container Container count int -
cronjob CronJob count int -
daemonset Service count int -
deployment Deployment count int -
endpoint Endpoint count int -
job Job count int -
node Node count int -
pod Pod count int -
replicaset ReplicaSet count int -
service Service count int -
statefulset StatefulSet count int -


The metric of the Kubernetes CronJob.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
cronjob Name must be unique within a namespace.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
uid The UID of CronJob.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
spec_suspend This flag tells the controller to suspend subsequent executions. bool -


The metric of the Kubernetes DaemonSet.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
daemonset Name must be unique within a namespace.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
uid The UID of DaemonSet.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
daemons_available The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and available (ready for at least spec.minReadySeconds). int count
daemons_unavailable The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have none of the daemon pod running and available (ready for at least spec.minReadySeconds). int count
desired The total number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod (including nodes correctly running the daemon pod). int count
misscheduled The number of nodes that are running the daemon pod, but are not supposed to run the daemon pod. int count
ready The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and ready. int count
scheduled The number of nodes that are running at least one daemon pod and are supposed to run the daemon pod. int count
updated The total number of nodes that are running updated daemon pod. int count


The metric of the Kubernetes Deployment.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
deployment Name must be unique within a namespace.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
uid The UID of Deployment.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
replicas Total number of non-terminated pods targeted by this deployment (their labels match the selector). int count
replicas_available Total number of available pods (ready for at least minReadySeconds) targeted by this deployment. int count
replicas_desired Number of desired pods for a Deployment. int count
replicas_ready The number of pods targeted by this Deployment with a Ready Condition. int count
replicas_unavailable Total number of unavailable pods targeted by this deployment. int count
replicas_updated Total number of non-terminated pods targeted by this deployment that have the desired template spec. int count
rollingupdate_max_surge The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods. int count
rollingupdate_max_unavailable The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update. int count


The metric of the Kubernetes PersistentVolume.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
name The dfpv name, consists of pvc name and pod name
namespace The namespace of Pod and PVC.
node_name Reference to the Node.
pod_name Reference to the Pod.
pvc_name Reference to the PVC.
volume_mount_name The name given to the Volume.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
available AvailableBytes represents the storage space available (bytes) for the filesystem. int B
capacity CapacityBytes represents the total capacity (bytes) of the filesystems underlying storage. int B
inodes Inodes represents the total inodes in the filesystem. int count
inodes_free InodesFree represents the free inodes in the filesystem. int count
inodes_used InodesUsed represents the inodes used by the filesystem. int count
used UsedBytes represents the bytes used for a specific task on the filesystem. int B


The metric of the Kubernetes Endpoints.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
endpoint Name must be unique within a namespace.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
uid The UID of Endpoint.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
address_available Number of addresses available in endpoint. int count
address_not_ready Number of addresses not ready in endpoint. int count


The metric of the Kubernetes Job.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
job Name must be unique within a namespace.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
uid The UID of Job.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
active The number of actively running pods. int count
completion_failed The job has failed its execution. int count
completion_succeeded The job has completed its execution. int count
failed The number of pods which reached phase Failed. int count
succeeded The number of pods which reached phase Succeeded. int count


The metric of the Kubernetes Node.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
node Name must be unique within a namespace
uid The UID of Node.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
cpu_allocatable The allocatable CPU of a node that is available for scheduling. int -
cpu_capacity The CPU capacity of a node. int -
ephemeral_storage_allocatable The allocatable ephemeral-storage of a node that is available for scheduling. int -
ephemeral_storage_capacity The ephemeral-storage capacity of a node. int -
memory_allocatable The allocatable memory of a node that is available for scheduling. int -
memory_capacity The memory capacity of a node. int -
pods_allocatable The allocatable pods of a node that is available for scheduling. int -
pods_capacity The pods capacity of a node. int -


The metric of the Kubernetes Pod.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
daemonset The name of the DaemonSet which the object belongs to.
deployment The name of the Deployment which the object belongs to.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
node_name NodeName is a request to schedule this pod onto a specific node.
pod Name must be unique within a namespace.
pod_name Renamed from 'pod'.
statefulset The name of the StatefulSet which the object belongs to.
uid The UID of pod.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
cpu_limit_millicores The total CPU limit (in millicores) across all containers in this Pod. Note: This value is the sum of all container limit values, as Pods do not have a direct limit value. int m
cpu_number The total number of CPUs on the node where the Pod is running. int count
cpu_request_millicores The total CPU request (in millicores) across all containers in this Pod. Note: This value is the sum of all container request values, as Pods do not have a direct request value. int m
cpu_usage The total CPU usage across all containers in this Pod. float percent
cpu_usage_base100 The normalized CPU usage, with a maximum of 100%. float percent
cpu_usage_base_limit The normalized CPU usage, with a maximum of 100%, based on the CPU limit. float percent
cpu_usage_base_request The normalized CPU usage, with a maximum of 100%, based on the CPU request. float percent
cpu_usage_millicores The total CPU usage (in millicores) averaged over the sample window for all containers. int m
ephemeral_storage_available_bytes The storage space available (bytes) for the filesystem. int B
ephemeral_storage_capacity_bytes The total capacity (bytes) of the filesystems underlying storage. int B
ephemeral_storage_used_bytes The bytes used for a specific task on the filesystem. int B
mem_capacity The total memory capacity of the host machine. int B
mem_limit The total memory limit across all containers in this Pod. Note: This value is the sum of all container limit values, as Pods do not have a direct limit value. int B
mem_request The total memory request across all containers in this Pod. Note: This value is the sum of all container request values, as Pods do not have a direct request value. int B
mem_rss The total RSS memory usage of all containers in this Pod, which is not supported by metrics-server. int B
mem_usage The total memory usage of all containers in this Pod. int B
mem_used_percent The percentage of memory usage based on the host machine’s total memory capacity. float percent
mem_used_percent_base_limit The percentage of memory usage based on the memory limit. float percent
mem_used_percent_base_request The percentage of memory usage based on the memory request. float percent
memory_capacity The total memory in the host machine (Deprecated use mem_capacity). int B
memory_usage_bytes The sum of the memory usage of all containers in this Pod (Deprecated use mem_usage). int B
memory_used_percent The percentage usage of the memory (refer from mem_used_percent float percent
network_bytes_rcvd Cumulative count of bytes received. int B
network_bytes_sent Cumulative count of bytes transmitted. int B
ready Describes whether the pod is ready to serve requests. int count
restarts The number of times the container has been restarted. int count


The metric of the Kubernetes ReplicaSet.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
replicaset Name must be unique within a namespace.
uid The UID of ReplicaSet.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
fully_labeled_replicas The number of fully labeled replicas per ReplicaSet. int count
replicas The most recently observed number of replicas. int count
replicas_available The number of available replicas (ready for at least minReadySeconds) for this replica set. int count
replicas_desired The number of desired replicas. int count
replicas_ready The number of ready replicas for this replica set. int count


The metric of the Kubernetes Service.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
service Name must be unique within a namespace.
uid The UID of Service
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
ports Total number of ports that are exposed by this service. int count


The metric of the Kubernetes StatefulSet.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
statefulset Name must be unique within a namespace.
uid The UID of StatefulSet.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
replicas The number of Pods created by the StatefulSet controller. int count
replicas_available Total number of available pods (ready for at least minReadySeconds) targeted by this StatefulSet. int count
replicas_current The number of Pods created by the StatefulSet controller from the StatefulSet version indicated by currentRevision. int count
replicas_desired The desired number of replicas of the given Template. int count
replicas_ready The number of pods created for this StatefulSet with a Ready Condition. int count
replicas_updated The number of Pods created by the StatefulSet controller from the StatefulSet version indicated by updateRevision. int count



The object of containers, only supported Running status.

  • Tags
Tag Description
aws_ecs_cluster_name Cluster name of the AWS ECS.
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
container_id Container ID
container_name Container name from k8s (label If empty then use $container_runtime_name.
container_runtime Container runtime (this container from Docker/Containerd/cri-o).
container_runtime_name Container name from runtime (like 'docker ps'). If empty then use 'unknown'.
container_runtime_version Container runtime version.
container_type The type of the container (this container is created by Kubernetes/Docker/Containerd/cri-o).
daemonset The name of the DaemonSet which the object belongs to.
deployment The name of the Deployment which the object belongs to.
image The full name of the container image, example
image_name The name of the container image, example
image_short_name The short name of the container image, example nginx.
image_tag The tag of the container image, example 1.21.0.
name The ID of the container.
namespace The namespace of the container (label io.kubernetes.pod.namespace).
pod_name The pod name of the container (label
pod_uid The pod uid of the container (label io.kubernetes.pod.uid).
state The state of the Container (only Running).
statefulset The name of the StatefulSet which the object belongs to.
status The status of the container,example Up 5 hours.
task_arn The task arn of the AWS Fargate.
task_family The task family of the AWS fargate.
task_version The task version of the AWS fargate.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
age Age (seconds) int s
block_read_byte Total number of bytes read from the container file system (only supported docker). int B
block_write_byte Total number of bytes wrote to the container file system (only supported docker). int B
cpu_limit_millicores The CPU limit of the container, measured in milli-cores. int m
cpu_numbers The number of CPU cores on the system host. int count
cpu_request_millicores The CPU request of the container, measured in milli-cores. int m
cpu_usage The actual CPU usage on the system host (percentage). float percent
cpu_usage_base100 The normalized CPU usage, with a maximum value of 100%. It is calculated as the number of CPU cores multiplied by 100. float percent
cpu_usage_base_limit The CPU usage based on the CPU limit (percentage). float percent
cpu_usage_base_request The CPU usage based on the CPU request (percentage). float percent
cpu_usage_millicores The CPU usage of the container, measured in milli-cores. int m
mem_capacity The total memory on the system host. int B
mem_limit The memory limit of the container. int B
mem_request The memory request of the container. int B
mem_usage The actual memory usage of the container. int B
mem_used_percent The memory usage percentage based on the total memory of the system host. float percent
mem_used_percent_base_limit The memory usage percentage based on the memory limit. float percent
mem_used_percent_base_request The memory usage percentage based on the memory request. float percent
message Object details string -
network_bytes_rcvd Total number of bytes received from the network (only count the usage of the main process in the container, excluding loopback). int B
network_bytes_sent Total number of bytes send to the network (only count the usage of the main process in the container, excluding loopback). int B


The object of the Kubernetes CronJob.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
cron_job_name Name must be unique within a namespace.
name The UID of CronJob.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
uid The UID of CronJob.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
active_jobs The number of pointers to currently running jobs. int count
age Age (seconds) int s
message Object details string -
schedule The schedule in Cron format, see doc string -
suspend This flag tells the controller to suspend subsequent executions, it does not apply to already started executions. bool -


The object of the Kubernetes DaemonSet.

  • Tags
Tag Description
<all_selector_matchlabels> Represents the selector.matchLabels for Kubernetes resources
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
daemonset_name Name must be unique within a namespace.
name The UID of DaemonSet.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
uid The UID of DaemonSet.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
age Age (seconds) int s
daemons_available The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and available (ready for at least spec.minReadySeconds). int count
daemons_unavailable The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have none of the daemon pod running and available (ready for at least spec.minReadySeconds). int count
desired The total number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod (including nodes correctly running the daemon pod). int count
message Object details string -
misscheduled The number of nodes that are running the daemon pod, but are not supposed to run the daemon pod. int count
ready The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and ready. int count
scheduled The number of nodes that are running at least one daemon pod and are supposed to run the daemon pod. int count
updated The total number of nodes that are running updated daemon pod. int count


The object of the Kubernetes Deployment.

  • Tags
Tag Description
<all_selector_matchlabels> Represents the selector.matchLabels for Kubernetes resources
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
deployment_name Name must be unique within a namespace.
name The UID of Deployment.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
uid The UID of Deployment.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
age Age (seconds) int s
available Total number of available pods (ready for at least minReadySeconds) targeted by this deployment. (Deprecated) int count
max_surge The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods. (Deprecated) int count
max_unavailable The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update. (Deprecated) int count
message Object details string -
paused Indicates that the deployment is paused (true or false). bool -
ready The number of pods targeted by this Deployment with a Ready Condition. (Deprecated) int count
replicas Total number of non-terminated pods targeted by this deployment (their labels match the selector). int count
replicas_available Total number of available pods (ready for at least minReadySeconds) targeted by this deployment. int count
replicas_desired Number of desired pods for a Deployment. int count
replicas_ready The number of pods targeted by this Deployment with a Ready Condition. int count
replicas_unavailable Total number of unavailable pods targeted by this deployment. int count
replicas_updated Total number of non-terminated pods targeted by this deployment that have the desired template spec. int count
rollingupdate_max_surge The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods. int count
rollingupdate_max_unavailable The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update. int count
strategy Type of deployment. Can be "Recreate" or "RollingUpdate". Default is RollingUpdate. string -
unavailable Total number of unavailable pods targeted by this deployment. (Deprecated) int count
up_dated Total number of non-terminated pods targeted by this deployment that have the desired template spec. (Deprecated) int count


The object of the Kubernetes PersistentVolume.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
name The dfpv name, consists of pvc name and pod name
namespace The namespace of Pod and PVC.
node_name Reference to the Node.
pod_name Reference to the Pod.
pvc_name Reference to the PVC.
volume_mount_name The name given to the Volume.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
available AvailableBytes represents the storage space available (bytes) for the filesystem. int B
capacity CapacityBytes represents the total capacity (bytes) of the filesystems underlying storage. int B
inodes Inodes represents the total inodes in the filesystem. int count
inodes_free InodesFree represents the free inodes in the filesystem. int count
inodes_used InodesUsed represents the inodes used by the filesystem. int count
message Object details string -
used UsedBytes represents the bytes used for a specific task on the filesystem. int B


The object of the Kubernetes Job.

  • Tags
Tag Description
<all_selector_matchlabels> Represents the selector.matchLabels for Kubernetes resources
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
job_name Name must be unique within a namespace.
name The UID of Job.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
uid The UID of Job.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
active The number of actively running pods. int count
active_deadline Specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be active before the system tries to terminate it int s
age Age (seconds) int s
backoff_limit Specifies the number of retries before marking this job failed. int count
completions Specifies the desired number of successfully finished pods the job should be run with. int count
failed The number of pods which reached phase Failed. int count
message Object details string -
parallelism Specifies the maximum desired number of pods the job should run at any given time. int count
succeeded The number of pods which reached phase Succeeded. int count


The object of the Kubernetes Node.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
internal_ip Node internal IP
name The UID of Node.
node_name Name must be unique within a namespace.
role Node role. (master/node)
status NodePhase is the recently observed lifecycle phase of the node. (Pending/Running/Terminated)
uid The UID of Node.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
age Age (seconds). int s
kubelet_version Kubelet Version reported by the node. string -
message Object details. string -
node_ready NodeReady means kubelet is healthy and ready to accept pods (true/false/unknown). string -
taints Node's taints. string -
unschedulable Unschedulable controls node schedulability of new pods (yes/no). string -


The object of the Kubernetes PersistentVolume.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
name The UID of PersistentVolume.
persistentvolume_name The name of PersistentVolume
uid The UID of PersistentVolume.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
claimRef_name Name of the bound PersistentVolumeClaim. string -
claimRef_namespace Namespace of the PersistentVolumeClaim. string -
message Object details string -
phase The phase indicates if a volume is available, bound to a claim, or released by a claim.(Pending/Available/Bound/Released/Failed) string -


The object of the Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim.

  • Tags
Tag Description
<all_selector_matchlabels> Represents the selector.matchLabels for Kubernetes resources
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
name The UID of PersistentVolume.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
persistentvolumeclaim_name Name must be unique within a namespace.
uid The UID of PersistentVolume.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
message Object details string -
phase The phase indicates if a volume is available, bound to a claim, or released by a claim.(Pending/Bound/Lost) string -
storage_class_name StorageClassName is the name of the StorageClass required by the claim. string -
volume_mode VolumeMode defines what type of volume is required by the claim.(Block/Filesystem) string -
volume_name VolumeName is the binding reference to the PersistentVolume backing this claim. string -


The object of the Kubernetes Pod.

  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
daemonset The name of the DaemonSet which the object belongs to.
deployment The name of the Deployment which the object belongs to.
name The UID of Pod.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
node_name NodeName is a request to schedule this pod onto a specific node.
phase The phase of a Pod is a simple, high-level summary of where the Pod is in its lifecycle.(Pending/Running/Succeeded/Failed/Unknown)
pod_name Name must be unique within a namespace.
qos_class The Quality of Service (QOS) classification assigned to the pod based on resource requirements
statefulset The name of the StatefulSet which the object belongs to.
status Reason the container is not yet running.
uid The UID of Pod.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
age Age (seconds) int s
available Number of containers int count
cpu_limit_millicores The total CPU limit (in millicores) across all containers in this Pod. Note: This value is the sum of all container limit values, as Pods do not have a direct limit value. int m
cpu_number The total number of CPUs on the node where the Pod is running. int count
cpu_request_millicores The total CPU request (in millicores) across all containers in this Pod. Note: This value is the sum of all container request values, as Pods do not have a direct request value. int m
cpu_usage The total CPU usage across all containers in this Pod. float percent
cpu_usage_base100 The normalized CPU usage, with a maximum of 100%. float percent
cpu_usage_base_limit The normalized CPU usage, with a maximum of 100%, based on the CPU limit. float percent
cpu_usage_base_request The normalized CPU usage, with a maximum of 100%, based on the CPU request. float percent
cpu_usage_millicores The total CPU usage (in millicores) averaged over the sample window for all containers. int m
mem_capacity The total memory capacity of the host machine. int B
mem_limit The total memory limit across all containers in this Pod. Note: This value is the sum of all container limit values, as Pods do not have a direct limit value. int B
mem_request The total memory request across all containers in this Pod. Note: This value is the sum of all container request values, as Pods do not have a direct request value. int B
mem_rss The total RSS memory usage of all containers in this Pod, which is not supported by metrics-server. int B
mem_usage The total memory usage of all containers in this Pod. int B
mem_used_percent The percentage of memory usage based on the host machine’s total memory capacity. float percent
mem_used_percent_base_limit The percentage of memory usage based on the memory limit. float percent
mem_used_percent_base_request The percentage of memory usage based on the memory request. float percent
memory_capacity The total memory in the host machine (Deprecated use mem_capacity). int B
memory_usage_bytes The sum of the memory usage of all containers in this Pod (Deprecated use mem_usage). int B
memory_used_percent The percentage usage of the memory (refer from mem_used_percent float percent
message Object details string -
ready Describes whether the pod is ready to serve requests. int count
restarts The number of times the container has been restarted. int count


The object of the Kubernetes ReplicaSet.

  • Tags
Tag Description
<all_selector_matchlabels> Represents the selector.matchLabels for Kubernetes resources
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
deployment The name of the Deployment which the object belongs to.
name The UID of ReplicaSet.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
replicaset_name Name must be unique within a namespace.
statefulset The name of the StatefulSet which the object belongs to.
uid The UID of ReplicaSet.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
age Age (seconds) int s
available The number of available replicas (ready for at least minReadySeconds) for this replica set. (Deprecated) int -
message Object details string -
ready The number of ready replicas for this replica set. (Deprecated) int -
replicas The most recently observed number of replicas. int count
replicas_available The number of available replicas (ready for at least minReadySeconds) for this replica set. int count
replicas_desired The number of desired replicas. int count
replicas_ready The number of ready replicas for this replica set. int count


The object of the Kubernetes Service.

  • Tags
Tag Description
<all_selector> Represents the selector for Kubernetes resources
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
name The UID of Service
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
service_name Name must be unique within a namespace.
type Type determines how the Service is exposed. Defaults to ClusterIP. (ClusterIP/NodePort/LoadBalancer/ExternalName)
uid The UID of Service
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
age Age (seconds) int s
cluster_ip ClusterIP is the IP address of the service and is usually assigned randomly by the master. string -
external_ips ExternalIPs is a list of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service. string -
external_name ExternalName is the external reference that kubedns or equivalent will return as a CNAME record for this service. string -
external_traffic_policy ExternalTrafficPolicy denotes if this Service desires to route external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints. string -
message Object details string -
session_affinity Supports "ClientIP" and "None". string -


The object of the Kubernetes StatefulSet.

  • Tags
Tag Description
<all_selector_matchlabels> Represents the selector.matchLabels for Kubernetes resources
cluster_name_k8s K8s cluster name(default is default). We can rename it in datakit.yaml on ENV_CLUSTER_NAME_K8S.
name The UID of StatefulSet.
namespace Namespace defines the space within each name must be unique.
statefulset_name Name must be unique within a namespace.
uid The UID of StatefulSet.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
age Age (seconds) int s
message Object details string -
replicas The number of Pods created by the StatefulSet controller. int count
replicas_available Total number of available pods (ready for at least minReadySeconds) targeted by this StatefulSet. int count
replicas_current The number of Pods created by the StatefulSet controller from the StatefulSet version indicated by currentRevision. int count
replicas_desired The desired number of replicas of the given Template. int count
replicas_ready The number of pods created for this StatefulSet with a Ready Condition. int count
replicas_updated The number of Pods created by the StatefulSet controller from the StatefulSet version indicated by updateRevision. int count


Use Logging Source

The logging of the container.

  • Tags
Tag Description
container_id Container ID
container_name Container name from k8s (label If empty then use $container_runtime_name.
daemonset The name of the DaemonSet which the object belongs to.
deployment The name of the Deployment which the object belongs to.
namespace The namespace of the container (label io.kubernetes.pod.namespace).
pod_ip The pod ip of the container.
pod_name The pod name of the container (label
service The name of the service, if service is empty then use source.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
log_read_lines The lines of the read file ( Version-1.4.6). int count
message The text of the logging. string -
status The status of the logging, only supported info/emerg/alert/critical/error/warning/debug/OK/unknown. string -


The logging of the Kubernetes Event.

  • Tags
Tag Description
reason This should be a short, machine understandable string that gives the reason, for the transition into the object's current status.
type Type of this event.
uid The UID of event.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
involved_kind Kind of the referent for involved object. string -
involved_name Name must be unique within a namespace for involved object. string -
involved_namespace Namespace defines the space within which each name must be unique for involved object. string -
involved_uid The UID of involved object. string -
message Details of event log string -

Dataway Sink see documentation.

All collected Kubernetes resources will have a Label that matches the CustomerKey. For example, if the CustomerKey is name, DaemonSets, Deployments, Pods, and other resources will search for name in their own current Labels and add it to tags.

Containers will add Customer Labels of the Pods they belong to.


Filtering Metrics Collection by Pod Namespace

When Kubernetes Pod metrics collection is enabled (enable_pod_metric = true), Datakit will collect metrics data for all Pods in the cluster. Since this can result in a large volume of data, you can filter the metrics collection by the Pod's namespace field to only collect metrics from Pods in specific namespaces.

You can control which Pods are included or excluded from metrics collection by configuring pod_include_metric and pod_exclude_metric.

  ## Collect metrics for Pods whose namespace matches `datakit`
  pod_include_metric = ["namespace:datakit"]

  ## Exclude all Pods with namespace `kodo`
  pod_exclude_metric = ["namespace:kodo"]
  • Both include and exclude settings must start with a field name, formatted as a glob pattern: "<field name>:<glob rule>".
  • Currently, only the namespace field is supported for filtering, e.g., namespace:datakit-ns.

If both include and exclude are configured, the Pod must meet the following conditions:

  • It must satisfy the include rule
  • It must not satisfy the exclude rule

For example, the following configuration will filter out all Pods:

  ## Collect only Pods in `namespace:datakit` and exclude all namespaces
  pod_include_metric = ["namespace:datakit"]
  pod_exclude_metric = ["namespace:*"]

In a Kubernetes environment, you can configure the following environment variables:


For example, if you want to collect metrics only for Pods in the kube-system namespace, you can set the ENV_INPUT_CONTAINER_POD_INCLUDE_METRIC environment variable as shown below:

  - env:
        value: namespace:kube-system  # Specify the namespace to collect metrics from

By using this method, you can flexibly control the range of Pods from which Datakit collects metrics, reducing the collection of unnecessary data and optimizing system performance and resource usage.

NODE_LOCAL Mode Requires New RBAC Permissions

The ENV_INPUT_CONTAINER_ENABLE_K8S_NODE_LOCAL mode is only recommended for DaemonSet deployment and requires access to kubelet, so the nodes/stats permission needs to be added to RBAC. For example:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: datakit
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["nodes", "nodes/stats"]
  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]

In addition, the Datakit Pod needs to have the hostNetwork: true configuration item enabled.

Collect PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims Requires New Permissions

Datakit version 1.25.0 Version-1.25.0 supported the collection of object data for Kubernetes PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim, which require new RBAC permissions, as described below:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: datakit
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["persistentvolumes", "persistentvolumeclaims"]
  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]

Kubernetes YAML Sensitive Field Mask

Datakit collects yaml configurations for resources such as Kubernetes Pod or Service and stores them in the yaml field of the object data. If the yaml contains sensitive data (such as passwords), Datakit does not support manually configuring and shielding sensitive fields for the time being. It is recommended to use Kubernetes' official practice, that is, to use ConfigMap or Secret to hide sensitive fields.

For example, you now need to add a password to the env, which would normally be like this:

    - name: mycontainer
      image: redis
        - name: SECRET_PASSWORD
    value: password123

When orchestrating yaml configuration, passwords will be stored in clear text, which is very unsafe. You can use Kubernetes Secret to implement hiding as follows:

Create a Secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mysecret
type: Opaque
  username: username123
  password: password123


kubectl apply -f mysecret.yaml

Using Secret in env:

    - name: mycontainer
      image: redis
        - name: SECRET_PASSWORD
            name: mysecret
            key: password
            optional: false

See doc.

More Readings


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