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CoreDNS collector is used to collect metric data related to CoreDNS.



Collector Configuration

Go to the conf.d/coredns directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy coredns.conf.sample and name it coredns.conf. Examples are as follows:

url = ""
source = "coredns"
metric_types = ["counter", "gauge"]

## filter metrics by names
metric_name_filter = ["^coredns_(acl|cache|dnssec|forward|grpc|hosts|template|dns)_([a-z_]+)$"]

# measurement_prefix = ""
# measurement_name = "prom"

interval = "10s"

# tags_ignore = [""]

## TLS config
tls_open = false
# tls_ca = "/tmp/ca.crt"
# tls_cert = "/tmp/peer.crt"
# tls_key = "/tmp/peer.key"

## customize metrics
  prefix = "coredns_acl_"
  name = "coredns_acl"

  prefix = "coredns_cache_"
  name = "coredns_cache"

  prefix = "coredns_dnssec_"
  name = "coredns_dnssec"

  prefix = "coredns_forward_"
  name = "coredns_forward"

  prefix = "coredns_grpc_"
  name = "coredns_grpc"

  prefix = "coredns_hosts_"
  name = "coredns_hosts"

  prefix = "coredns_template_"
  name = "coredns_template"

  prefix = "coredns_dns_"
  name = "coredns"

Once configured, restart DataKit.

Enable [kubernetesprometheus( through DataKit .

      role       = "pod"
      namespaces = ["kube-system"]
      selector   = "k8s-app=kube-dns"
      port     = "__kubernetes_pod_container_coredns_port_metrics_number"
        cluster = "demo"



  • Tags
Tag Description
host Host name
instance Instance endpoint
server Server responsible for the request.
zone Zone name used for the request/response.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
allowed_requests_total Counter of DNS requests being allowed float count
blocked_requests_total Counter of DNS requests being blocked float count
dropped_requests_total Counter of DNS requests being dropped float count
filtered_requests_total Counter of DNS requests being filtered float count


  • Tags
Tag Description
host Host name
instance Instance endpoint
server Server responsible for the request
type Cache type
zones Zone name used for the request/response
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
drops_total The number responses that are not cached, because the reply is malformed float count
entries The number of elements in the cache float count
evictions_total The count of cache evictions float count
hits_total The count of cache hits float count
misses_total The count of cache misses. Deprecated, derive misses from cache hits/requests counters float count
prefetch_total The number of times the cache has prefetched a cached item. float count
requests_total The count of cache requests float count
served_stale_total The number of requests served from stale cache entries float count


  • Tags
Tag Description
host Host name
instance Instance endpoint
server Server responsible for the request
type signature
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
cache_entries The number of elements in the dnssec cache float count
cache_hits_total The count of cache hits float count
cache_misses_total The count of cache misses float count


  • Tags
Tag Description
host Host name
instance Instance endpoint
proto Transport protocol like udp, tcp, tcp-tls
rcode Upstream returned RCODE
to Upstream server
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
conn_cache_hits_total Counter of connection cache hits per upstream and protocol float count
conn_cache_misses_total Counter of connection cache misses per upstream and protocol float count
healthcheck_broken_total Counter of the number of complete failures of the health checks float count
healthcheck_failures_total Counter of the number of failed health checks float count
max_concurrent_rejects_total Counter of the number of queries rejected because the concurrent queries were at maximum float count
request_duration_seconds Histogram of the time each request took float s
requests_total Counter of requests made per upstream float count
responses_total Counter of responses received per upstream float count


  • Tags
Tag Description
host Host name
instance Instance endpoint
rcode Upstream returned RCODE
to Upstream server
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
request_duration_seconds Histogram of the time each request took float s
requests_total Counter of requests made per upstream float count
responses_total Counter of requests made per upstream float count


  • Tags
Tag Description
host Host name
instance Instance endpoint
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
entries The combined number of entries in hosts and Corefile float count
reload_timestamp_seconds The timestamp of the last reload of hosts file float sec


  • Tags
Tag Description
class The query class (usually IN)
host Host name
instance Instance endpoint
section Section label
server Server responsible for the request
template Template label
type The RR type requested (e.g. PTR
view View name
zone Zone name
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
failures_total Counter of go template failures float count
matches_total Counter of template regex matches float count
rr_failures_total Counter of mis-templated RRs float count


  • Tags
Tag Description
goversion Golang version
hash Is sha512
host Host name
instance Instance endpoint
name Handler name
plugin The name of the plugin that made the write to the client
proto Transport protocol like udp, tcp, tcp-tls
rcode Upstream returned RCODE
revision Gitcommit contains the commit where we built CoreDNS from
server Server responsible for the request
service_kind Service kind
status HTTPs status code
value The returned hash value
version CoreDNS version
view View name
zone Zone name used for the request/response
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
autopath_success_total Counter of requests that did auto path float count
build_info A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by version, revision, and Go version from which CoreDNS was built float bool
dns64_requests_translated_total Counter of DNS requests translated by dns64 float count
dns_do_requests_total Counter of DNS requests with DO bit set per zone float count
dns_https_responses_total Counter of DoH responses per server and http status code float count
dns_panics_total A metrics that counts the number of panics float count
dns_plugin_enabled A metric that indicates whether a plugin is enabled on per server and zone basis float bool
dns_request_duration_seconds Histogram of the time (in seconds) each request took per zone float s
dns_request_size_bytes Size of the EDNS0 UDP buffer in bytes (64K for TCP) per zone and protocol float B
dns_requests_total Counter of DNS requests made per zone, protocol and family float count
dns_response_size_bytes Size of the returned response in bytes float B
dns_responses_total Counter of response status codes float count
health_request_duration_seconds Histogram of the time (in seconds) each request took float s
health_request_failures_total The number of times the health checks failed float count
kubernetes_dns_programming_duration_seconds Histogram of the time (in seconds) it took to program a dns instance float s
local_localhost_requests_total Counter of localhost. domain requests float count
reload_failed_total Counter of the number of failed reload attempts float count
reload_version_info A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by hash, and value which type of hash generated float bool


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