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Datakit Tracing Data Structure


This document explains the data structures of mainstream Telemetry platforms and their mapping relationships with the Datakit platform data structure. Currently supported data structures: DataDog/Jaeger/OpenTelemetry/SkyWalking/Zipkin/PinPoint

Data transformation steps:

  1. External Tracing data ingestion, where data is received via multiple protocols and then deserialized.
  2. Deserialized objects are converted to Line Protocol (line protocol format).
  3. Span data operations include: sampling, filtering, adding specific tags, etc.

Datakit Point Protocol Data Structure

  • Tags
Tag Description
container_host Host name of container
endpoint Endpoint of resource
env Environment arguments
http_host HTTP host
http_method HTTP method
http_route HTTP route
http_status_code HTTP status code
http_url HTTP URL
operation Operation of resource
pid Process ID
project Project name
service Service name
source_type Source types [app/framework/cache/message_queue/custom/db/web/...]
span_type Span types
status Span status
  • Field
Metric Description Type Unit
create_time Guancedb storage create timestamp 1 int s
duration Span duration int us
message Raw data content string
parent_id Parent ID of span string
priority Priority rules string
resource Resource of service string
span_id Span ID string
start Span start timestamp int us
time Datakit received timestamp int ns
trace_id Trace ID string

The span_type indicates the relative position of the current Span within the Trace. The values are as follows:

  • entry: The current API is the entry point, i.e., the first call after entering the service.
  • local: The current API is between the entry and exit points.
  • exit: The current API is the last call in the trace on the service.
  • unknown: The relative position of the current API is unclear.

The priority represents the client-side sampling priority rules:

  • PRIORITY_USER_REJECT = -1 User chooses to reject reporting
  • PRIORITY_AUTO_REJECT = 0 Client sampler chooses to reject reporting
  • PRIORITY_AUTO_KEEP = 1 Client sampler chooses to report
  • PRIORITY_USER_KEEP = 2 User chooses to report

OpenTelemetry Tracing Data Structure

When Datakit collects data sent from the OpenTelemetry Exporter (OTLP), the simplified raw data serialized in JSON format is as follows:

        attributes:{key:"message.type"  value:{string_value:"message-name"}}
        attributes:{key:""  value:{string_value:"test-name"}}

The correspondence between resource_spans in OpenTelemetry and DKProto is as follows:

Field Name Data Type Unit Description Correspond To
trace_id [16]byte Trace ID DKProto.TraceID
span_id [8]byte Span ID DKProto.SpanID
parent_span_id [8]byte Parent Span ID DKProto.ParentID
name string Span Name DKProto.Operation
kind string Span Type DKProto.SpanType
start_time_unix_nano int64 Nanoseconds Span Start Time DKProto.Start
end_time_unix_nano int64 Nanoseconds Span End Time DKProto.Duration = end - start
status string Span Status DKProto.Status
name string Resource Name DKProto.Resource
resource.attributes map[string]string Resource Tags DKProto.tags.service, DKProto.tags.project, DKProto.tags.env, DKProto.tags.version, DKProto.tags.container_host, DKProto.tags.http_method, DKProto.tags.http_status_code
span.attributes map[string]string Span Tags DKProto.tags

OpenTelemetry has some unique fields that do not have corresponding fields in DKProto, so they are placed in the tags. These values are only displayed when non-zero, such as:

Field Data Type Unit Description Correspond
span.dropped_attributes_count int Number of dropped span attributes DKProto.tags.dropped_attributes_count
span.dropped_events_count int Number of dropped span events DKProto.tags.dropped_events_count
span.dropped_links_count int Number of dropped span links DKProto.tags.dropped_links_count
span.events_count int Number of associated span events DKProto.tags.events_count
span.links_count int Number of associated spans DKProto.tags.links_count

Jaeger Tracing Data Structure

Jaeger Thrift Protocol Batch Data Structure

Field Name Data Type Unit Description Corresponds To
Process struct pointer Process-related data structure DKProto.Service
SeqNo int64 pointer Sequence number No direct correspondence with DKProto
Spans array Span array structure See table below
Stats struct pointer Client statistics structure Does not directly correspond to DKProto

Jaeger Thrift Protocol Span Data Structure

Field Name Data Type Unit Description Corresponds To
TraceIdHigh int64 High bits of Trace ID combined with TraceIdLow to form Trace ID DKProto.TraceID
TraceIdLow int64 Low bits of Trace ID combined with TraceIdHigh to form Trace ID DKProto.TraceID
ParentSpanId int64 Parent Span ID DKProto.ParentID
SpanId int64 Span ID DKProto.SpanID
OperationName string Method name that generated this Span DKProto.Operation
Flags int32 Span Flags Does not directly correspond to DKProto
Logs array Span Logs Does not directly correspond to DKProto
References array Span References Does not directly correspond to DKProto
StartTime int64 Nanoseconds Span start time DKProto.Start
Duration int64 Nanoseconds Duration DKProto.Duration
Tags array Span Tags currently only take Span state fields DKProto.Status

SkyWalking Tracing Data Data Structure

Segment Object Generated By Protobuf Protocol V3

Field Name Data Type Unit Description Corresponds To
TraceId string Trace ID DKProto.TraceID
TraceSegmentId string Segment ID used together with Span ID to uniquely identify a Span DKProto.SpanID high bits
Service string Service name DKProto.Service
ServiceInstance string Logical relationship name of node Unused field
Spans array Tracing Span array See table below
IsSizeLimited bool Whether all Spans on the path are included Unused field

SkyWalking Span Object Data Structure in Segment Object

Field Name Data Type Unit Description Corresponds To
ComponentId int32 Numerical definition of third-party frameworks Unused field
Refs array Stores Parent Segment in cross-thread cross-process scenarios DKProto.ParentID high bits
ParentSpanId int32 Parent Span ID used together with Segment ID to uniquely identify a Parent Span DKProto.ParentID low bits
SpanId int32 Span ID used together with Segment ID to uniquely identify a Span DKProto.SpanID low bits
OperationName string Span Operation Name DKProto.Operation
Peer string Communication peer DKProto.Endpoint
IsError bool Span status field DKProto.Status
SpanType int32 Numerical definition of Span Type DKProto.SpanType
StartTime int64 Milliseconds Span start time DKProto.Start
EndTime int64 Milliseconds Span end time subtracted from StartTime represents duration DKProto.Duration
Logs array Span Logs Unused field
SkipAnalysis bool Skip backend analysis Unused field
SpanLayer int32 Numerical definition of Span technology stack Unused field
Tags array Span Tags Unused field

Zipkin Tracing Data Data Structure

Zipkin Thrift Protocol Span Data Structure V1

Field Name Data Type Unit Description Corresponds To
TraceIDHigh uint64 High bits of Trace ID No direct correspondence
TraceID uint64 Trace ID DKProto.TraceID
ID uint64 Span ID DKProto.SpanID
ParentID uint64 Parent Span ID DKProto.ParentID
Annotations array Get Service Name DKProto.Service
Name string Span Operation Name DKProto.Operation
BinaryAnnotations array Get Span status field DKProto.Status
Timestamp uint64 Microseconds Span start time DKProto.Start
Duration uint64 Microseconds Span duration DKProto.Duration
Debug bool Debug status field Unused field

Zipkin Span Data Structure V2

Field Name Data Type Unit Description Corresponds To
TraceID struct Trace ID DKProto.TraceID
ID uint64 Span ID DKProto.SpanID
ParentID uint64 Parent Span ID DKProto.ParentID
Name string Span Operation Name DKProto.Operation
Debug bool Debug status Unused field
Sampled bool Sampling status field Unused field
Err string Error Message Does not directly correspond to DKProto
Kind string Span Type DKProto.SpanType
Timestamp struct Microseconds Microsecond-level time structure representing Span start time DKProto.Start
Duration int64 Microseconds Span duration DKProto.Duration
Shared bool Shared status Unused field
LocalEndpoint struct Used to get Service Name DKProto.Service
RemoteEndpoint struct Communication peer DKProto.Endpoint
Annotations array Used to explain delay-related events Unused field
Tags map Used to get Span status DKProto.Status

  1. This field does not exist during Datakit collection; it is only appended after being stored in the database. 


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