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DDTrace Agent embedded in Datakit is used to receive, calculate and analyze DataDog Tracing protocol data.

DDTrace Documentation and Examples


The DataKit installation directory, under the data directory, has a pre-prepared dd-java-agent.jar(recommended). You can also download it directly from Maven download

Guance Cloud also Fork its own branch on the basis of Ddtrace-Java, adding more functions and probes. For more version details, please see Ddtrace Secondary Development Version Description


Collector Configuration

Go to the conf.d/ddtrace directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy ddtrace.conf.sample and name it ddtrace.conf. Examples are as follows:

  ## DDTrace Agent endpoints register by version respectively.
  ## Endpoints can be skipped listen by remove them from the list.
  endpoints = ["/v0.3/traces", "/v0.4/traces", "/v0.5/traces"]

  ## customer_tags will work as a whitelist to prevent tags send to data center.
  ## All . will replace to _ ,like this :
  ## "" to send to GuanCe center is "project_name"
  # customer_tags = ["sink_project", "custom_dd_tag"]

  ## Keep rare tracing resources list switch.
  ## If some resources are rare enough(not presend in 1 hour), those resource will always send
  ## to data center and do not consider samplers and filters.
  # keep_rare_resource = false

  ## By default every error presents in span will be send to data center and omit any filters or
  ## sampler. If you want to get rid of some error status, you can set the error status list here.
  # omit_err_status = ["404"]

  ## compatible otel: It is possible to compatible OTEL Trace with DDTrace trace.
  ## make span_id and parent_id to hex encoding.
  # compatible_otel=true

  ##  It is possible to compatible B3/B3Multi TraceID with DDTrace.
  # trace_id_64_bit_hex=true

  ## delete trace message
  # del_message = true

  ## max spans limit on each trace. default 100000 or set to -1 to remove this limit.
  # trace_max_spans = 100000

  ## max trace body(Content-Length) limit. default 32MiB or set to -1 to remove this limit.
  # max_trace_body_mb = 32

  ## Ignore tracing resources map like service:[resources...].
  ## The service name is the full service name in current application.
  ## The resource list is regular expressions uses to block resource names.
  ## If you want to block some resources universally under all services, you can set the
  ## service name as "*". Note: double quotes "" cannot be omitted.
  # [inputs.ddtrace.close_resource]
  #   service1 = ["resource1", "resource2", ...]
  #   service2 = ["resource1", "resource2", ...]
  #   "*" = ["close_resource_under_all_services"]
  #   ...

  ## Sampler config uses to set global sampling strategy.
  ## sampling_rate used to set global sampling rate.
  # [inputs.ddtrace.sampler]
  #   sampling_rate = 1.0

  # [inputs.ddtrace.tags]
  #   key1 = "value1"
  #   key2 = "value2"
  #   ...

  ## Threads config controls how many goroutines an agent cloud start to handle HTTP request.
  ## buffer is the size of jobs' buffering of worker channel.
  ## threads is the total number fo goroutines at running time.
  # [inputs.ddtrace.threads]
  #   buffer = 100
  #   threads = 8

  ## Storage config a local storage space in hard dirver to cache trace data.
  ## path is the local file path used to cache data.
  ## capacity is total space size(MB) used to store data.
  # []
  #   path = "./ddtrace_storage"
  #   capacity = 5120

Once configured, restart DataKit.

Can be turned on by ConfigMap Injection Collector Configuration or Config ENV_DATAKIT_INPUTS .

Can also be turned on by environment variables, (needs to be added as the default collector in ENV_DEFAULT_ENABLED_INPUTS):


    Agent endpoints

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: endpoints

    Example: ["/v0.3/traces", "/v0.4/traces", "/v0.5/traces"]


    Whitelist to tags

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: customer_tags

    Example: ["sink_project", "custom_dd_tag"]


    Keep rare tracing resources list switch

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: keep_rare_resource

    Default: false


    Compatible OTEL Trace with DDTrace trace

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: compatible_otel

    Default: false


    Compatible B3/B3Multi TraceID with DDTrace

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: trace_id_64_bit_hex

    Default: false


    Delete trace message

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: del_message

    Default: false


    Whitelist to error status

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: omit_err_status

    Example: ["404", "403", "400"]


    Ignore tracing resources that service (regular)

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: close_resource

    Example: {"service1":["resource1","other"],"service2":["resource2","other"]}


    Global sampling rate

    Type: Float

    input.conf: sampler

    Example: 0.3


    Total number of threads and buffer

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: threads

    Example: {"buffer":1000, "threads":100}


    Local cache file path and size (MB)

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: storage

    Example: {"storage":"./ddtrace_storage", "capacity": 5120}


    Customize tags. If there is a tag with the same name in the configuration file, it will be overwritten

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: tags

    Example: {"k1":"v1", "k2":"v2", "k3":"v3"}


    Max spans of single trace. Set to -1 to remove this limit

    Type: Int

    input.conf: env_input_ddtrace_max_spans

    Example: 1000

    Default: 100000


    Max body(in MiB) of single trace POST. Set to -1 to remove this limit

    Type: JSON

    input.conf: env_input_ddtrace_max_body_mb

    Example: 32

    Default: 10

Notes on Linking Multiple Line Tools

DDTrace currently supports the following propagation protocols: datadog/b3multi/tracecontext. There are two things to note:

  • When using tracecontext, the compatible_otel=true switch needs to be turned on in the configuration because the link ID is 128 bits.
  • When using b3multi, pay attention to the length of trace_id. If it is 64-bit hex encoding, the trace_id_64_bit_hex=true needs to be turned on in the configuration file.
  • For more propagation protocol and tool usage, please refer to: Multi-Link Concatenation

Add Pod and Node tags

When your service deployed on Kubernetes, we can add Pod/Node tags to Span, edit your Pod yaml, here is a Deployment yaml example:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-app
      app: my-app
  replicas: 3
        app: my-app
        service: my-service
        - name: my-app
          image: my-app:v0.0.1
            - name: POD_NAME    # <------
            - name: NODE_NAME
                  fieldPath: spec.nodeName
            - name: DD_SERVICE
                  fieldPath: metadata.labels['service']
            - name: DD_TAGS
              value: pod_name:$(POD_NAME),host:$(NODE_NAME)

Here we must define POD_NAME and NODE_NAME before reference them in dedicated environment keys of DDTrace:

After your Pod started, enter the Pod, we can check if environment applied:

$ env | grep DD_

Once environment set, the Pod/Node name will attached to related Span tags.

  • Don't modify the endpoints list here.
endpoints = ["/v0.3/traces", "/v0.4/traces", "/v0.5/traces"]
  • If you want to turn off sampling (that is, collect all data), the sampling rate field needs to be set as follows:
# [inputs.ddtrace.sampler]
# sampling_rate = 1.0

Don't just comment on the line sampling_rate = 1.0 , it must be commented out along with [inputs.ddtrace.sampler] , or the collector will assume that sampling_rate is set to 0.0, causing all data to be discarded.

HTTP Settings

If Trace data is sent across machines, you need to set HTTP settings for DataKit.

If you have ddtrace data sent to the DataKit, you can see it on DataKit's monitor:


DDtrace sends data to the /v0.4/traces interface

Turn on Disk Cache

If the amount of Trace data is large, in order to avoid causing a lot of resource overhead to the host, you can temporarily cache the Trace data to disk and delay processing:

  path = "/path/to/ddtrace-disk-storage"
  capacity = 5120

DDtrace SDK Configuration

After configuring the collector, you can also do some configuration on the DDtrace SDK side.

Environment Variables Setting

  • DD_TRACE_ENABLED: Enable global tracer (Partial language platform support)
  • DD_AGENT_HOST: DDtrace agent host address
  • DD_TRACE_AGENT_PORT: DDtrace agent host port
  • DD_SERVICE: Service name
  • DD_TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE: Set sampling rate
  • DD_VERSION: Application version (optional)
  • DD_TRACE_STARTUP_LOGS: DDtrace logger
  • DD_TRACE_DEBUG: DDtrace debug mode
  • DD_ENV: Application env values
  • DD_TAGS: Application

In addition to setting the project name, environment name, and version number when initialization is applied, you can also set them in the following two ways:

  • Inject environment variables from the command line
DD_TAGS="project:your_project_name,env=test,version=v1" ddtrace-run python
  • Configure custom tags directly in ddtrace. conf. This approach affects all data sends to the DataKit tracing service and should be considered carefully:
# tags is ddtrace configed key value pairs
  some_tag = "some_value"
  more_tag = "some_other_value"


Version-1.35.0 · Experimental

This information can be viewed in the Guance Cloud central infrastructure, and the presented data is helpful for troubleshooting issues related to startup commands and referenced third-party library versions. It also includes host information, service information, and the number of spans created and ended.

There may be significant differences in data due to different languages and versions.

DdTrace APM Telemetry

Collect service,host,process APM Telemetry message.

  • Tags
Tag Description
architecture Architecture
env Service ENV
hostname Host name
kernel_name Kernel name
kernel_release Kernel release
kernel_version Kernel version
language_name Language name
language_version Language version
name same as service name
os os
os_version os version
runtime_id RuntimeID
runtime_name Runtime name
runtime_patches Runtime patches
runtime_version Runtime_version
service Service
service_version Service version
tracer_version DdTrace version
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
app-client-configuration-change App client configuration change config string -
app-closing App close string -
app-dependencies-loaded App dependencies loaded string -
app-integrations-change App Integrations change string -
app-product-change App product change string -
app-started App Started config string -
spans_created Create span count float count
spans_finished Finish span count float count

Add a Business Tag to your Code

Starting from DataKit version 1.21.0, do not include All in Span.Mate are advanced to the first level label and only select following list labels:

Mete GuanCe tag doc
http.url http_url HTTP url
http.hostname http_hostname hostname
http.route http_route route
http.status_code http_status_code status code
http.method http_method method
http.client_ip http_client_ip client IP
sampling.priority sampling_priority sample
span.kind span_kind span kind
error error is error
dd.version dd_version agent version
error.message error_message error message
error.stack error_stack error stack
error.type error_type error type pid pid
error.msg error_message error message
project project project
version version version
env env env
host host host from dd.tags
pod_name pod_name pod_name from dd.tags
_dd.base_service _dd_base_service base service

In the link interface of the Guance Cloud, tags that are not in the list can also be filtered.

Restore whitelist functionality from DataKit version 1.22.0. If there are labels that must be extracted from the first level label list, they can be found in the customer_tags.

If the configured whitelist label is in the native message.meta, Will convert to replace . with _.



  • Tags
Tag Description
container_host Container hostname. Available in OpenTelemetry. Optional.
dk_fingerprint DataKit fingerprint is DataKit hostname
endpoint Endpoint info. Available in SkyWalking, Zipkin. Optional.
env Application environment info. Available in Jaeger. Optional.
host Hostname.
http_method HTTP request method name. Available in DDTrace, OpenTelemetry. Optional.
http_route HTTP route. Optional.
http_status_code HTTP response code. Available in DDTrace, OpenTelemetry. Optional.
http_url HTTP URL. Optional.
operation Span name
project Project name. Available in Jaeger. Optional.
service Service name. Optional.
source_type Tracing source type
span_type Span type
status Span status
version Application version info. Available in Jaeger. Optional.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
duration Duration of span int μs
message Origin content of span string -
parent_id Parent span ID of current span string -
resource Resource name produce current span string -
span_id Span id string -
start start time of span. int usec
trace_id Trace id string -

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