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Collection of Haproxy Metrics information.

Installation and Deployment

Version Requirements

  • HAProxy 2.0
  • HAProxy Enterprise 2.0r1
  • HAProxy ALOHA 11.5

1. Enable Haproxy Metrics

Adjust the Haproxy configuration file to add the following module configuration:

frontend prometheus
  bind *:8405
  mode http
  http-request use-service prometheus-exporter if { path /metrics }
  no log

Expose metrics information via prometheus-exporter, port 8405, path /metrics.

Restart the Haproxy service. Access port 8405 to obtain metrics information, as shown below:

# HELP haproxy_process_nbthread Number of started threads (global.nbthread)
# TYPE haproxy_process_nbthread gauge
haproxy_process_nbthread 8
# HELP haproxy_process_nbproc Number of started worker processes (historical, always 1)
# TYPE haproxy_process_nbproc gauge
haproxy_process_nbproc 1
# HELP haproxy_process_relative_process_id Relative worker process number (1)
# TYPE haproxy_process_relative_process_id gauge
haproxy_process_relative_process_id 1
# HELP haproxy_process_uptime_seconds How long ago this worker process was started (seconds)
# TYPE haproxy_process_uptime_seconds gauge
haproxy_process_uptime_seconds 1364

2. DataKit Collector Configuration

2.1 Install DataKit

2.2 Configure the Collector

Since Haproxy can directly expose a metrics URL, it can be collected using the prom collector.

Navigate to the DataKit installation directory under conf.d/prom, copy prom.conf.sample to haproxy.conf.

cp prom.conf.sample haproxy.conf

Adjust the content of haproxy.conf as follows:

  urls = ["http://localhost:8405/metrics"]

  source = "haproxy"

  ## Keep Exist Metric Name
  ## If the keep_exist_metric_name is true, keep the raw value for field names.
  keep_exist_metric_name = true

  interval = "10s"

Other configurations can be adjusted as needed

Parameter adjustment notes:

  • urls: The metrics URL for haproxy, fill in the URL exposed by the corresponding component
  • source: Alias for the collector, recommended to differentiate
  • keep_exist_metric_name: Keep the metric name
  • interval: Collection interval

3. Restart DataKit

Restart DataKit


Haproxy Metrics Set

Metrics Description Unit
haproxy_backend_bytes_in_total Total backend bytes in byte
haproxy_backend_bytes_out_total Total backend bytes out byte
haproxy_backend_client_aborts_total Total backend client aborts count
haproxy_backend_connect_time_average_seconds Average backend connection time in seconds seconds
haproxy_backend_connection_attempts_total Total backend connection attempts count
haproxy_backend_connection_errors_total Total backend connection errors count
haproxy_backend_connection_reuses_total Total backend connection reuses count
haproxy_backend_current_queue Current backend queue count
haproxy_backend_current_sessions Current backend sessions count
haproxy_backend_internal_errors_total Total backend internal errors count
haproxy_backend_loadbalanced_total Total backend load balanced count
haproxy_backend_max_queue Maximum backend queue count
haproxy_backend_max_sessions Maximum backend sessions count
haproxy_backend_requests_denied_total Total backend requests denied count
haproxy_backend_response_errors_total Total backend response errors count
haproxy_backend_responses_denied_total Total backend responses denied count
haproxy_backend_retry_warnings_total Total backend retry warnings count
haproxy_backend_server_aborts_total Total backend server aborts count
haproxy_backend_sessions_total Total backend sessions count
haproxy_frontend_bytes_in_total Total frontend bytes in byte
haproxy_frontend_bytes_out_total Total frontend bytes out byte
haproxy_frontend_connections_total Total frontend connections count
haproxy_frontend_current_sessions Current frontend sessions count
haproxy_frontend_denied_connections_total Total frontend denied connections count
haproxy_frontend_denied_sessions_total Total frontend denied sessions count
haproxy_frontend_intercepted_requests_total Total frontend intercepted requests count
haproxy_frontend_internal_errors_total Total frontend internal errors count
haproxy_frontend_limit_session_rate Frontend session rate limit count
haproxy_frontend_limit_sessions Frontend session limit count
haproxy_frontend_max_sessions Maximum frontend sessions count
haproxy_frontend_request_errors_total Total frontend request errors count
haproxy_frontend_requests_denied_total Total frontend requests denied count
haproxy_frontend_responses_denied_total Total frontend responses denied count
haproxy_frontend_sessions_total Total frontend sessions count
haproxy_server_bytes_in_total Total server bytes in byte
haproxy_server_bytes_out_total Total server bytes out byte
haproxy_server_response_errors_total Total server response errors count
haproxy_server_response_time_average_seconds Average server response time in seconds seconds
haproxy_server_responses_denied_total Total server responses denied count
haproxy_server_retry_warnings_total Total server retry warnings count
haproxy_server_safe_idle_connections_current Current safe idle server connections count
haproxy_server_server_aborts_total Total server aborts count
haproxy_server_sessions_total Total server sessions count
haproxy_server_used_connections_current Current used server connections count
haproxy_server_uweight Server unweighted count
haproxy_server_weight Server weight count

For more details on these metrics, refer to the official Haproxy documentation.


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