HBase Master
Collect HBase Master Metrics Information
1. HBase Master Configuration¶
1.1 Download jmx-exporter¶
Download URL: https://github.com/prometheus/jmx_exporter
1.2 Download JMX Script¶
Download URL: https://github.com/lrwh/jmx-exporter/blob/main/hbase.yaml
1.3 Adjust HBase Master Startup Parameters¶
Add the following parameters to the HBase Master startup parameters:
{JAVA_GC_ARGS} -javaagent:/opt/guance/jmx/jmx_exporter-1.0.1.jar=localhost:9406:/opt/guance/jmx/hbase.yaml
1.4 Restart HBase¶
2. DataKit Collector Configuration¶
2.1 Install DataKit¶
2.2 Configure Collector¶
The jmx-exporter can directly expose a metrics
URL, so you can use the Prometheus collector for collection.
Navigate to the conf.d/prom
directory under the DataKit installation directory, and copy prom.conf.sample
to master.conf
cp prom.conf.sample master.conf
Modify the content of master.conf
as follows:
urls = ["http://localhost:9406/metrics"]
source ="hbase-master"
component = "hbase-master"
interval = "10s"
Adjust other configurations as needed, parameter adjustment explanation:
- urls: The metrics URL exposed by
, fill in the corresponding component's metrics URL here. - source: Alias for the collector, it is recommended to distinguish them.
- keep_exist_metric_name: Keep metric names unchanged.
- interval: Collection interval.
- inputs.prom.tags: Add additional tags.
3. Restart DataKit¶
Hadoop Measurement Set¶
HBase Master metrics are located under the Hadoop Measurement set. Below is an introduction to the relevant metrics for HBase Master.
Metrics | Description | Unit |
hadoop_hbase_appendcount |
Count of append operations | count |
hadoop_hbase_appendsize_25th_percentile |
25th percentile value of append operation size | Byte |
hadoop_hbase_appendsize_75th_percentile |
75th percentile value of append operation size | Byte |
hadoop_hbase_appendsize_90th_percentile |
90th percentile value of append operation size | Byte |
hadoop_hbase_appendsize_95th_percentile |
95th percentile value of append operation size | Byte |
hadoop_hbase_appendsize_98th_percentile |
98th percentile value of append operation size | Byte |
hadoop_hbase_appendsize_99_9th_percentile |
99.9th percentile value of append operation size | Byte |
hadoop_hbase_appendsize_99th_percentile |
99th percentile value of append operation size | Byte |
hadoop_hbase_appendsize_max |
Maximum size of append operation | Byte |
hadoop_hbase_appendsize_mean |
Average size of append operation | Byte |
hadoop_hbase_appendsize_median |
Median size of append operation | Byte |
hadoop_hbase_appendsize_min |
Minimum size of append operation | Byte |
hadoop_hbase_appendsize_num_ops |
Number of append operations | count |
hadoop_hbase_assignfailedcount |
Count of failed assignments | count |
hadoop_hbase_assignsubmittedcount |
Count of submitted assignments | count |
hadoop_hbase_authenticationfailures |
Number of authentication failures | count |
hadoop_hbase_authenticationsuccesses |
Number of successful authentications | count |
hadoop_hbase_authorizationfailures |
Number of authorization failures | count |
hadoop_hbase_authorizationsuccesses |
Number of successful authorizations | count |
hadoop_hbase_averageload |
Average load | count |
hadoop_hbase_balancercluster_25th_percentile |
25th percentile value of cluster balancing operations | ms |
hadoop_hbase_balancercluster_75th_percentile |
75th percentile value of cluster balancing operations | ms |
hadoop_hbase_balancercluster_90th_percentile |
90th percentile value of cluster balancing operations | ms |
hadoop_hbase_balancercluster_95th_percentile |
95th percentile value of cluster balancing operations | ms |
hadoop_hbase_balancercluster_98th_percentile |
98th percentile value of cluster balancing operations | ms |
hadoop_hbase_balancercluster_99_9th_percentile |
99.9th percentile value of cluster balancing operations | ms |
hadoop_hbase_balancercluster_99th_percentile |
99th percentile value of cluster balancing operations | ms |
hadoop_hbase_balancercluster_max |
Maximum value of cluster balancing operations | ms |
hadoop_hbase_balancercluster_mean |
Average value of cluster balancing operations | ms |
hadoop_hbase_balancercluster_median |
Median value of cluster balancing operations | ms |
hadoop_hbase_balancercluster_min |
Minimum value of cluster balancing operations | ms |
hadoop_hbase_balancercluster_num_ops |
Number of cluster balancing operations | ms |
hadoop_hbase_closefailedcount |
Count of failed close operations | count |
hadoop_hbase_closesubmittedcount |
Count of submitted close operations | count |
hadoop_hbase_closetime_25th_percentile |
25th percentile value of close operation time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_closetime_75th_percentile |
75th percentile value of close operation time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_closetime_90th_percentile |
90th percentile value of close operation time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_closetime_95th_percentile |
95th percentile value of close operation time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_closetime_98th_percentile |
98th percentile value of close operation time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_closetime_99_9th_percentile |
99.9th percentile value of close operation time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_closetime_max |
Maximum time of close operation | ms |
hadoop_hbase_closetime_mean |
Average time of close operation | ms |
hadoop_hbase_closetime_median |
Median time of close operation | ms |
hadoop_hbase_closetime_min |
Minimum time of close operation | ms |
hadoop_hbase_closetime_num_ops |
Number of close operations | count |
hadoop_hbase_clusterrequests |
Number of cluster requests | count |
hadoop_hbase_deadserveropenregions |
Number of open regions on dead servers | count |
hadoop_hbase_droppedpuball |
Number of dropped PubAll | count |
hadoop_hbase_errorrollrequest |
Number of error roll request | count |
hadoop_hbase_exceptions |
Total number of exceptions | count |
hadoop_hbase_exceptions_callqueuetoobig |
Number of exceptions due to call queue being too large | count |
hadoop_hbase_exceptions_failedsanitycheckexception |
Number of failed sanity check exceptions | count |
hadoop_hbase_exceptions_multiresponsetoolarge |
Number of multi-response too large exceptions | count |
hadoop_hbase_exceptions_notservingregionexception |
Number of region not serving exceptions | count |
hadoop_hbase_exceptions_otherexceptions |
Number of other exceptions | count |
hadoop_hbase_exceptions_outoforderscannernextexception |
Number of out-of-order scanner next exceptions | count |
hadoop_hbase_exceptions_quotaexceeded |
Number of quota exceeded exceptions | count |
hadoop_hbase_exceptions_regionmovedexception |
Number of region moved exceptions | count |
hadoop_hbase_exceptions_regiontoobusyexception |
Number of region too busy exceptions | count |
hadoop_hbase_exceptions_requesttoobig |
Number of request too big exceptions | count |
hadoop_hbase_exceptions_rpcthrottling |
Number of RPC throttling exceptions | count |
hadoop_hbase_exceptions_scannerresetexception |
Number of scanner reset exceptions | count |
hadoop_hbase_exceptions_unknownscannerexception |
Number of unknown scanner exceptions | count |
hadoop_hbase_fschecksumfailurecount |
Count of file system checksum failures | count |
hadoop_hbase_fspreadtime_25th_percentile |
25th percentile value of file system propagation time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fspreadtime_75th_percentile |
75th percentile value of file system propagation time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fspreadtime_90th_percentile |
90th percentile value of file system propagation time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fspreadtime_95th_percentile |
95th percentile value of file system propagation time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fspreadtime_98th_percentile |
98th percentile value of file system propagation time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fspreadtime_99_9th_percentile |
99.9th percentile value of file system propagation time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fspreadtime_99th_percentile |
99th percentile value of file system propagation time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fspreadtime_max |
Maximum time of file system propagation | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fspreadtime_mean |
Average time of file system propagation | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fspreadtime_median |
Median time of file system propagation | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fspreadtime_min |
Minimum time of file system propagation | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fspreadtime_num_ops |
Number of file system propagation operations | count |
hadoop_hbase_fsreadtime_25th_percentile |
25th percentile value of file system read time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fsreadtime_75th_percentile |
75th percentile value of file system read time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fsreadtime_90th_percentile |
90th percentile value of file system read time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fsreadtime_95th_percentile |
95th percentile value of file system read time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fsreadtime_98th_percentile |
98th percentile value of file system read time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fsreadtime_99_9th_percentile |
99.9th percentile value of file system read time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fsreadtime_99th_percentile |
99th percentile value of file system read time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fsreadtime_max |
Maximum time of file system read | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fsreadtime_mean |
Average time of file system read | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fsreadtime_median |
Median time of file system read | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fsreadtime_min |
Minimum time of file system read | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fspreadtime_min |
Number of file system read operations | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fswritetime_25th_percentile |
25th percentile value of file system write time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fswritetime_75th_percentile |
75th percentile value of file system write time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fswritetime_90th_percentile |
90th percentile value of file system write time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fswritetime_95th_percentile |
95th percentile value of file system write time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fswritetime_98th_percentile |
98th percentile value of file system write time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fswritetime_99_9th_percentile |
99.9th percentile value of file system write time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fswritetime_99th_percentile |
99th percentile value of file system write time | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fswritetime_max |
Maximum time of file system write | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fswritetime_mean |
Average time of file system write | ms |
hadoop_hbase_fswritetime_median |
Median time of file system write | ms |
Note: There is a duplicate entry for hadoop_hbase_fspreadtime_min
which appears twice in the table. One entry should be corrected to hadoop_hbase_fsreadtime_min