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HBase Region

Collect HBase Region Metrics Information


1. HBase Region Configuration

1.1 Download jmx-exporter

Download link:

1.2 Download jmx Script

Download link:

1.3 Adjust HBase Region Startup Parameters

Add the following to the HBase Region startup parameters:

{JAVA_GC_ARGS} -javaagent:/opt/guance/jmx/jmx_exporter-1.0.1.jar=localhost:9407:/opt/guance/jmx/hbase.yaml

1.4 Restart HBase

2. DataKit Collector Configuration

2.1 Install DataKit

2.2 Configure Collector

Since jmx-exporter can directly expose a metrics URL, you can use the Prometheus collector for data collection.

Navigate to the conf.d/prom directory under the DataKit installation directory, and copy prom.conf.sample to region.conf.

cp prom.conf.sample region.conf

Adjust the content of region.conf as follows:

  urls = ["http://localhost:9407/metrics"]
  source ="hbase-region"
    component = "hbase-region" 
  interval = "10s"

Other configurations should be adjusted as needed, parameter adjustment instructions:

  • urls: The jmx-exporter metrics address, fill in the metrics URL exposed by the corresponding component.
  • source: Alias for the collector, it is recommended to differentiate.
  • keep_exist_metric_name: Keep metric names unchanged.
  • interval: Collection interval.
  • inputs.prom.tags: Add additional tags.

3. Restart DataKit

Restart DataKit


Hadoop Measurement Set

HBase Region metrics are located under the Hadoop Measurement set. This section mainly introduces the relevant metrics for HBase Region.

Metrics Description Unit
hadoop_hbase_regionCount Number of regions hosted by the region server count
hadoop_hbase_storeFileCount Number of store files on disk managed by the regionserver count
hadoop_hbase_storeFileSize Aggregate size of store files on disk byte
hadoop_hbase_hlogFileCount Number of unarchived pre-write logs count
hadoop_hbase_totalRequestCount Total number of received requests count
hadoop_hbase_readRequestCount Number of read requests received count
hadoop_hbase_writeRequestCount Number of write requests received count
hadoop_hbase_numOpenConnections Number of open connections at the RPC layer count
hadoop_hbase_numActiveHandler Number of RPC handlers actively servicing requests count
hadoop_hbase_numCallsInGeneralQueue Number of user requests currently queued count
hadoop_hbase_numCallsInReplicationQueue Number of replication operations currently queued count
hadoop_hbase_numCallsInPriorityQueue Number of priority (internal janitor) requests currently queued count
hadoop_hbase_flushQueueLength Current depth of the memstore flush queue count
hadoop_hbase_updatesBlockedTime Milliseconds updates have been blocked to flush the memstore ms
hadoop_hbase_compactionQueueLength Current depth of the compaction request queue count
hadoop_hbase_blockCacheHitCount Number of block cache hits count
hadoop_hbase_blockCacheMissCount Current depth of the memstore flush queue count
hadoop_hbase_blockCacheExpressHitPercent Percentage of time cached requests hit the cache count
hadoop_hbase_percentFilesLocal Percentage of stored file data that can be read from local DataNode count
hadoop_hbase_append_99th_percentile 99th percentile value of Append operation time ms
hadoop_hbase_delete_99th_percentile 99th percentile value of Delete operation time ms
hadoop_hbase_get_99th_percentile 99th percentile value of Get operation time ms
hadoop_hbase_checkandput_99th_percentile 99th percentile value of CheckAndPut operation time ms
hadoop_hbase_checkanddelete_99th_percentile 99th percentile value of CheckAndDelete operation time ms
hadoop_hbase_increment_99th_percentile 99th percentile value of Increment operation time ms
hadoop_hbase_hedgedreadwins Number of successful hedged read operations count
hadoop_hbase_hedgedreads Total number of hedged read operations count
hadoop_hbase_hedgedreadopsincurthread Number of hedged read operations in the current thread count
hadoop_hbase_l1cachehitratio L1 cache hit ratio %
hadoop_hbase_l1cachemissratio L1 cache miss ratio %
hadoop_hbase_l2cachehitratio L2 cache hit ratio %
hadoop_hbase_l2cachemissratio L2 cache miss ratio %
hadoop_hbase_logerror Number of logged errors count
hadoop_hbase_logfatal Number of logged fatal errors count
hadoop_hbase_loginfo Number of logged info-level messages count
hadoop_hbase_logwarn Number of logged warnings count
hadoop_hbase_majorcompactiontime_max Maximum time for compaction operations ms
hadoop_hbase_majorcompactiontime_mean Average time for compaction operations ms
hadoop_hbase_majorcompactiontime_median Median time for compaction operations ms
hadoop_hbase_majorcompactiontime_min Minimum time for compaction operations ms
hadoop_hbase_maxstorefileage Maximum age of store files count
hadoop_hbase_memheapcommittedm Amount of committed heap memory MB
hadoop_hbase_memheapmaxm Maximum amount of heap memory MB
hadoop_hbase_memheapusedm Amount of used heap memory MB
hadoop_hbase_memmaxm Maximum total memory MB
hadoop_hbase_memnonheapcommittedm Amount of committed non-heap memory MB
hadoop_hbase_memnonheapmaxm Maximum amount of non-heap memory MB
hadoop_hbase_memnonheapusedm Amount of used non-heap memory MB
hadoop_hbase_mobfilecachehitpercent Percentage of MOB file cache hits %
hadoop_hbase_mutationswithoutwalcount Number of mutations without write-ahead log (WAL) count
hadoop_hbase_averageregionsize Average size of regions MB
hadoop_hbase_avgstorefileage Average age of store files ms
hadoop_hbase_blockcachecount Total number of blocks in the block cache count
hadoop_hbase_blockcachecounthitpercent Percentage of block cache hits %
hadoop_hbase_blockcachedatahitcount Number of data block hits in the block cache count
hadoop_hbase_blockcacheevictioncount Number of block cache evictions count
hadoop_hbase_blockcachehitcount Number of block cache hits count
hadoop_hbase_blockcachemisscount Number of block cache misses count
hadoop_hbase_compactioninputfilecount_99th_percentile 99th percentile value of the number of input files for compaction operations count
hadoop_hbase_compactionoutputfilecount_99th_percentile 99th percentile value of the number of output files for compaction operations count
hadoop_hbase_compactiontime_99th_percentile 99th percentile value of compaction operation time ms
hadoop_hbase_flushedmemstorebytes Number of bytes flushed from MemStore byte
hadoop_hbase_flushedoutputbytes Number of bytes flushed as output byte
hadoop_hbase_flushmemstoresize_99th_percentile 99th percentile value of flushed MemStore size byte
hadoop_hbase_flushoutputsize_99th_percentile 99th percentile value of flushed output size byte
hadoop_hbase_flushtime_99th_percentile 99th percentile value of flush operation time ms
hadoop_hbase_get_25th_percentile 25th percentile value of Get operation time ms
hadoop_hbase_slowappendcount Number of slow Append operations count
hadoop_hbase_slowdeletecount Number of slow Delete operations count
hadoop_hbase_slowgetcount Number of slow Get operations count
hadoop_hbase_slowincrementcount Number of slow Increment operations count
hadoop_hbase_slowputcount Number of slow Put operations count
hadoop_hbase_snapshotavgtime Average time for snapshot operations ms
hadoop_hbase_snapshotnumops Total number of snapshot operations count
hadoop_hbase_source_logeditsread Number of log edits read by Source count
hadoop_hbase_source_shippedbytes Number of bytes shipped by Source byte
hadoop_hbase_source_shippedops Number of operations shipped by Source count
hadoop_hbase_splitreuestcount Number of split requests count
hadoop_hbase_splitsuccesscount Total number of successful splits count
hadoop_hbase_staticbloomsize Size of static bloom filter count
hadoop_hbase_staticindexsize Size of static index count
hadoop_hbase_storefileindexsize Size of store file index count
hadoop_hbase_storefilesize Size of store files count
hadoop_hbase_successfullogrolls Total number of successful log rolls count
hadoop_hbase_synctime_99th_percentile 99th percentile value of sync operation time ms
hadoop_hbase_tunerdonothingcounter Number of times the tuner did nothing count
hadoop_hbase_updatesblockedtime Time updates were blocked ms
hadoop_hbase_writereuestcount Total number of write requests count
hadoop_hbase_writtenbytes Total number of bytes written byte
hadoop_hbase_zerocopybytesread Number of bytes read with zero-copy byte


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