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The process collector can monitor various running processes in the system, acquire and analyze various metrics when the process is running, Including memory utilization rate, CPU time occupied, current state of the process, port of process monitoring, etc. According to various index information of process running, users can configure relevant alarms in Guance Cloud, so that users can know the state of the process, and maintain the failed process in time when the process fails.


Process collectors (whether objects or metrics) may consume a lot on macOS, causing CPU to soar, so you can turn them off manually. At present, the default collector still turns on the process object collector (it runs once every 5min by default).



  • The process collector does not collect process metrics by default. To collect metrics-related data, set open_metric to true in host_processes.conf. For example:
     open_metric = true

Collector Configuration

Go to the conf.d/host directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy host_processes.conf.sample and name it host_processes.conf. Examples are as follows:

  # Only collect these matched process' metrics. For process objects
  # these white list not applied. Process name support regexp.
  # process_name = [".*nginx.*", ".*mysql.*"]

  # Process minimal run time(default 10m)
  # If process running time less than the setting, we ignore it(both for metric and object)
  min_run_time = "10m"

  ## Enable process metric collecting
  open_metric = false

  ## Enable listen ports tag, default is false
  enable_listen_ports = false

  ## Enable open files field, default is false
  enable_open_files = false

  # Extra tags
  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...

Once configured, restart DataKit.

Can be turned on by ConfigMap Injection Collector Configuration or Config ENV_DATAKIT_INPUTS .

Can also be turned on by environment variables, (needs to be added as the default collector in ENV_DEFAULT_ENABLED_INPUTS):


    Enable process metric collecting

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: open_metric

    Default: false


    Whitelist of process

    Type: List

    input.conf: process_name

    Example: .*datakit.*,guance


    Process minimal run time

    Type: Duration

    input.conf: min_run_time

    Default: 10m


    Enable listen ports tag

    Type: Boolean

    input.conf: enable_listen_ports

    Default: false


    Customize tags. If there is a tag with the same name in the configuration file, it will be overwritten

    Type: Map

    input.conf: tags

    Example: tag1=value1,tag2=value2


For all of the following data collections, a global tag named host is appended by default (the tag value is the host name of the DataKit), or other tags can be specified in the configuration by [inputs.host_processes.tags]:

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...


Collect process metrics, including CPU/memory usage, etc.

  • Tags
Tag Description
container_id Container ID of the process, only supported Linux
host Host name
pid Process ID
process_name Process name
username Username
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
cpu_usage CPU usage, the percentage of CPU occupied by the process since it was started. This value will be more stable (different from the instantaneous percentage of top) float percent
cpu_usage_top CPU usage, the average CPU usage of the process within a collection cycle float percent
mem_used_percent Memory usage percentage float percent
open_files Number of open files (only supports Linux) int count
rss Resident Set Size (resident memory size) int B
threads Total number of threads int count



Collect data on process objects, including process names, process commands, etc.

  • Tags
Tag Description
container_id Container ID of the process, only supported Linux
host Host name
listen_ports The port the process is listening onW
name Name field, consisting of [host-name]_[pid]
process_name Process name
state Process status, currently not supported on Windows
username Username
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
cmdline Command line parameters for the process string -
cpu_usage CPU usage, the percentage of CPU occupied by the process since it was started. This value will be more stable (different from the instantaneous percentage of top) float percent
cpu_usage_top CPU usage, the average CPU usage of the process within a collection cycle float percent
mem_used_percent Memory usage percentage float percent
message Process details string -
open_files Number of open files (only supports Linux, and the enable_open_files option needs to be turned on) int count
pid Process ID int -
rss Resident Set Size (resident memory size) int B
start_time process start time int msec
started_duration Process startup time int sec
state_zombie Whether it is a zombie process bool -
threads Total number of threads int count
work_directory Working directory (Linux only) string -


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